Saturday 24 December 2016

Merry Christmas

Shadow not help us in life!!!!!!!
Just getting scare?????
Even no one kind of lights gives you, your proper / exact shadow image....

Children are believed that whatever elders are telling but one educated clever person getting benefits from both...
IE. lights and shadows...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 23 December 2016

Demonitization and Speaking Power

Thanks for demonization of currency...
Weather opposed matter if opposite party thinking on that how could now Indian currency got strength in international markets, are important. As black money done its job good but After that, people need price reduction at all levels. We are still interested in purchasing, but at lower cost of products. Recently so many statements came, do not focused on rupees growths of international standards. Henceforth, request to all MLA of India that makes your argument for country, weather make noise for personal comments and bad intentions for votes...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya 

Saturday 17 December 2016

Khadee's clothes

Few day back myself made visit of Khadee Bhandar and observed price and fashion...getting surprises...!!!!!

450 RS cost of common shirts (starting)
700 RS cost of common zabbha
800 RS cost of common kotee
500 RS cost of common payajama

If you want to wear a full dress of Khadee need 2000/- RS net for same....

Now thinking on per day salary of non government sector employee ....about 300 RS per per minimum wages act...

When he or she spend about 7days salary then only suitable for purchase Khadee's clothes...

If any politicians wear heavy suite... Media marketing making heavy discussion but not focusing on the daily expensive mode of clothes...!!!!

Matter about Khadee...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya