Sunday 21 September 2014

Music & Human’s Nature with healing...

21st September 2014

Music & Human’s Nature with healing...

Since long time i am, not only myself, but you all people also are attaching with MUSIC and related concern with anyhow and even with strong or loose bonding, which i and even you all also known properly.

Recently myself made visited some kind of YOGASANA shibir and that time......the Film-music of JodhaAkabar’s song heard by all of us and feel good...the words are Khwaja ji.....what a good performance of HEALING with self yog-asan of SAWASANA...

When we are not in proper good condition to talk anybody and if we listen good or any kind of good music or as appropriate of our mind we can feel good as well better with/from MIND purpose and thaught purpose.....
This is not new but common but so much people forget this thing.

For different types of mood, the masters already created various types of music. In shastriya raga/sangit/music we can find the RAGA for the same.
Here i proposed the BHAJAN of sant shree khwaja moinudeen chisti. It is very good to mind as well as heart. My personal experience and as well the YOGA lady made the music from the same song's rhythm and gave healing to all people who are participated in the auditorium.

My subject is, you all people get the benefit of the MUSIC. From proper music, which is as suitable to mind, make your life proper as well as better to the other family as well as friends, colleague and all whom are related to you directly or indirectly.


Jigar Mehta

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