Friday 5 June 2015

Maggi - do not make passed away - get DEFTH

5th June 2015

My maggi is still live? .... may be ....     .....  /......

As according to my best of knowledge the matter about the ATTA is merged with the same noodles...

The maggi matter is started before one year and those same days the matter about the ATTA is also started as the lower quality's ATTA sent in the ANGANWADI'S CHILDREN and the same happen by government's bad storage capacity. 

So much pupils future merge with the same HISTORY. 

May be the same wheat which were already not in good position, purchased by the dealer in very low rate and after making in ATTA form supplied to the NESTLE COMPANY AND THE SAME ATTA used by the production unit for making NOODLES and happen the same big HISTORY... 

This is my i know in such case of making of ATTA, the company's unit use to dissolve such special chemical powder for stabilizing the same as well as making good nutrition level for long time packing...

This is very common matter when we making a maggi in our home and if we forgot to clean up the aluminium handi the cooked maggi's color is changed and not seen as per the packet color... my mean to say that we seen some blackish color of'nt so?

My personal matter may be not discussed with other but when the things touched with the whole society, my mind even my hand and even my mouth is not agree to make silence. The same matter discussed with my brother also yesterday and today i write it and establishing my thoughts to you on the same blog. 

May be i am wrong, but the whole market strategy of sales and purchase such goods from government in cheap rate and after that for getting more benefit purpose doing or making wrong ethics, is very bad. 

Jigar Mehta

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