Tuesday 3 October 2017

Mobile & GOD's technology of EAR

We people are using Mobile everywhere and anywhere instead of

Calendar, Radio, Telephone
Note book, Encyclopedia, Games
Music, Photo, Video
Massages , Email, Documents file
Internet, Camera, Clock... Etc...

What an invention!!!!!!!!

Why God make us these much versatile by only one toy, we called it MOBILE???

Main is, why we people are making self  talkative and Busy everywhere?????

What is top authority of the universe wanted by this our talkative mode?????

My spiritual inner Sense is not only telling me but warn me on the same....

What is purpose of GOD or SETAN on the same question arising now....as we are making cloud of noise pollution and self busyness with blood pressure......

Previously one man speaking and so many people listening concept converted as alternative talking or speaking in EAR are new concept as one to one theory anywhere or everywhere, are little making surprise for me !!!!!!

May be God's old technology abolished by new era or aura of body !!!!!

Even So many bacteria are we put forward by own hand to another hand through mobile !!!!!!! 

We need good aura for good work...

Maybe my concept is hard to believe but somewhere matter's authentications are available....

God gives us good knowledge for better karma.....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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