Saturday 29 September 2018

Currency symbol

30th September 2018

Udaya Kumar conceptualized the design for Rupee symbol for Indian currency. The symbol is designed using the Devanagari letter र ‘Ra’ and Roman capital letter ‘R’. The letters are derived from the word Rupiah in Hindi and Rupees in English, so the symbol is meaningful to both Indians and international users. The symbol also uses the Shiro Rekha, the horizontal top line which is unique to Indian Devanagari script. The two horizontal lines form an "equals" sign, which also evokes the tri-color Indian flag. Ambika Soni approved the new rupee symbol on July 15, 2010. Udaya Kumar was awarded prize money of ₹250,000 for his efforts.

I personally believe that this is one of the most odd mistake of this universe, done in India for it's currency level...

Really very high thinking about pravdhan, savdhan, grunan, adhigrunan of "R" factor in all kind people and animals...

But considering with economy or any kind transaction of currency symbol is presently very hard to get growth in international market with symbolism ...

But India is growing up so fast as per IMF, Nilsson, etc finance company watching the growth....

That's my personal view about symbol...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

द्वारं किमेकं? नरकस्य नारी |

द्वारं किमेकं?
नरकस्य  नारी |
Where or what is the the door ?
Female, for male

30th September 2018
Really need more fruitful explanation in this case as recently Indian supreme Court made little bad decision on such topic.....That is after marriage Male or female making relationships to other are valid...

I strongly denied same sentence...

The judge need to explain few points if he has...

See, one male for one and only female is most wisest theory....

But one for all and all for one is maybe harmful to society in Indian culture....

Every individual human need the source for his own special energy bank that he saved his energy but every time all are different is little odd ...isn't so???

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Stupid policy decision

See the foolish policy decision of Indian government and RBI...

No one blind person decided the currency in India by his own self knowledge what ever learn by him or her in school of blind man association....

Mostly they assume and presume by hand and size of currency notes

But recently foolish government and RBI not made major difference in currency size and very hard to justify for blind man as which note has how much volume....

I had given attached photo in blog but even any commons man see the foolish decision....

Mostly made same height and length in currency notes are really bad for blind man or blind woman.... even blind children....

See the examples of RS five and ten
See the examples of  RS 200 & 500
See the examples of currency photo attached herewith...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 15 September 2018

Saving government expenses, IDEA

For strong economy need few changes like.....

Target oriented work at all levels in government base project...

Each and every transaction of cash voucher need revanue stamp must either government or private sector....

MLAs have no expenses about neither even for phone bill not electric bill. Need to pay by their own pocket not from government budget even control their traveling expenses too by video conferences...

Need to make rules for only 12 casual leave and 12 previlage  leave which are not cumulative forward during whole service of  government employees...

RTI ACT  (right to information act) is good but  figure must be compiled by authorization and what ever figure given by same department, must be true, if not true seen, need cross examination on same by other sources of Prime ministry office and on wrongly liabilities seen, consider the all related employee for Court proceedure and make them suspension order until get Clean chit and that all rules effected to private agencies too because may be some time given survey is wrong....

This is important as Prime Minister it self spoken wrong figure on 15th August 2018 speech and Data came from RTI department only or related government lesioning department or agencies only....

If wrong figure spoken by PM, in democracy, may be gadget of India can do better work if publicly published same figure every month... from saved expenses government do better job....

For transportation need to develop more horse power engine for pickup at a stroke 40 to 50 tone weight by trucks and for that need to develop better roads which are presently not done properly and not in time by government Road and building department though Mr Gadkari told few good words to Indian people on one channel interview....
Presently got the point during watching mostly transportation by Indian railways through big Ken....and that is only inter state transportation but for inter district transportation need few changes required now after freedom of 70 years....

Need policy on dairy product cost and need policy decision on same as recently petrol and Diesel price hike gone in nation but no price change in milk products.... previously seen that without price change in crude oil automatic milk products price changed without any intimation!!!!

Welcome your ideas for better national growth....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 14 September 2018


Previously one STREET dog bits one pet dog whose owner is our relatives. Got inspiration from same and made poem as under

At night, dogs are barking
They have sense of eyes and nose
Little more ears too
But barking base is unique
They define aura, smell and eyes
Nothing to write more
But telling true episode
So many baby dog Lost
Few front of me in society
Just like malesiyan flight in sky
Mystry about lost dog still puzzle
Mostly street dogs dislike pet dog
Barking against pet dog
Few even bite to eat pet
While pet got everything from owner
Pet dog has no questions about self
But one unknown street dog
If came in other portion or area
So many scary faces happened by dogs
Children feel like they have horrible face
Children getting scary feeling
Between dogs crowd
Street dog has few questions
For animals and humans
Who you are and whom you are?
Even dog has questions
Who I am and whom I am?
But answer is common as question
In spiritual level
Me Kono E
Whose five (elements) I am?
Little hard to believe and explain
But true is unique
understand By people
On new sun rise day
One day maybe....

Not only dog but dedicated to all animals who are always not shouting like human but done better job for special specific aayaam means period...

Guru dattatrya photo shows importancy of four dogs, one cow, one tree and River. Dogs consider as four Veda and I consider dogs as pure chhand, with special mind...

Jay Guru Dev Dutt

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 11 September 2018


Poem on   "LEAF"

Once Green and wet..
Today brown and dry..
Nothing to discuss,
between period,
Suffering so much..
Sun shining .. More..
Sucks all Haritdravya..
Not having capacity for
any medicine ark now..
But having good stylist
capacity of Self demolition
Wind can crushed smoothly
with even the earth's
small and sharp hurdles..
Now reached the royal Target..
All air particles passed
Through my small holes..
My capabilities and capacity
Improve for changes...
I can make hot air to cool air
Through my small holes..
Nature design my grill..

Dedicated to so many companies and their people, who have logo of leafs...
Very phenomenon for seeds and Groot..

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday 10 September 2018

Non Branded Survivalist

Well.... today I want to go focus on non branded matter....we can see in photos too...

Not proper shop, but lady teaching boy that, how to sale or how making better presentation for products...

Now I consider same as
Non branded survivalist person and his or her future thoughts for human mankind....

Branded question is very commonly touching heart,

Non Branded question is so much rarely upcoming in this world but when touching heart, you will like to give reply that answer till end....

Even if you are not right person for the same job but you try till end for giving satisfaction what ever at front side ....

Sometimes non Branded is very strong and fruitful if your research is on right track...

Little different but true things are very unfortunately uncommon and when coming on face, the information about matter if not liable but curious mind constantly finding answer, maybe not on your time but other person can help you by your spiritual sense like clouds of your thoughts could be helpful to all human mankind and save all kind important things in Long time but for that required things should be given by you in Time to other by any way .... For compiling matter....

Higher think isn't best sometimes, but better to do work help me with good soulmate is once harmful to my hand whatever in it, it's hurts .... I feel completely, denied to do job at store and went back to home for sleeping in same not helping me but whatever will come in nation, will be definitely helps to all person in nationality modes....

Once my senior told regional language that

लखेलू  बोले

Means briefing if properly that,
What ever you writing or savings data, any time will helping another for betterment in positive mode only....

Whatever it is
Either branded or non branded...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 9 September 2018

CT zone

Hollywood  film without song
Bollywood film with song
And time slot or time period or
Moving by or from stopped time to future and
Trying to make better than past
Or making changes in past like film approachable things of Persian prince or prince of Persia

Very hard to believe but understanding about another faze's time travel process...

Matter about speed of time travel from one to another faze's by Theater or Cinema zone means

CT Zone

Hard to explain and understand matter but but..... true are truth....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Heera mean diamond

Heera mean diamond

ह  ईर  अ  = heera practically made from solid hard carbon serial and very hard to break up the same....

Diamond is the word from old Latin English but if you define to make sandhi as per sanskrut....

ड़ाय  ईम  अंड

Means two, second, dwitiya

ईम अंड
Means the baby who will make birth on Earth by mother

And capacity of him or her  that is belongs to all range of sajeeva, not only human but animals too till born months time period

Little hard to explain and understand same matters but true sense....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday 3 September 2018

Beej Mantra एँ

Beej Mantra " एँ "

...एँ .....
Jain muni
Padmaprabhachandrasagar Muniji
Recently made mahashatavdhan session between 7000 people, really appreciate his memory power, he is just only 15 year old and not studied after 8th standard, India TV news channel broadcasted the program on television, I admire myself for writing about few things.

If you Looking in past, shreemad rajchandra, guru of Mahatma Gandhi made same shatavdhan in 18th century...

Shatavdhan meaning
More then 100 things to be memories at a stroke, after reading or watching matter showing you front of people....

I personally interested in the poster behind the 15th years child, which shows the power of beej mantra and that mentioned above....

Few beej mantra are you can see in photos....

Mantras has three parts

If you mentioned FUT after mantra that is pulling

If you mentioned SWAAHA after mantra that is streeling

If you mentioned NAMAHA after mantra that is napusakling

But beej mantra has unique is pertaining Matters with level MAA....

When human children born, first come first ever he or she cried and we can hear same voice .... Familiar..... starting with same alphabet mentioned here above in starting.....

In Vedas so many brief description given but I just put only 0.0000000000000001% of myself.....

Children first know only her mother's lap, hand, feeling in ideally modes....

It's comes from natural power of Bonding.... same is happening when you get a chance to make concentration on the said beej mantra, your surrounding all natural power giving help you to remember all things according and you can share your thoughts or things with people's spirit and spiritual sense....

Sanskrut word Ai is basically attached with meaning of Aishwarya....

When baby born called as A
Vishnu name is "A" kar
and it's Aishwarya started by not crying but the words "Aim or Ain"....

Few beej mantra mentioned in photos with the 15 years Muni

It is a beej mantra...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 1 September 2018


ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय।
मृत्योर्मामृतम् गमय।
ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति: ॥

अल्लाहु अकबर-अल्लाहु अकबर..
अश्हदुअल्ला इलाह इल्ल्अल्लाह..
अश्हदुअन्न मुहम्मदुर्रसूलुल्लाह..
 हय्या अ़लस्-सलात..
हय्या अ़लल-फ़लाह..
अस्सलातु ख़ैरूम्-मिनन्नौम..
अल्लाहु अकबर-अल्लाहु अकबर..!!

*ઈશ્વર આપણા આશ્રય તથા આપણું સામર્થ્ય છે, સંકટને સમયે તે હાજરાહજૂર મદદગાર છે.*
ગીતશાસ્‍ત્ર 46:1

Amen...... Amen.....

खुदावंन्द येशु मसीह के नाम मे आप को सुबहा का सलाम...