Saturday 15 September 2018

Saving government expenses, IDEA

For strong economy need few changes like.....

Target oriented work at all levels in government base project...

Each and every transaction of cash voucher need revanue stamp must either government or private sector....

MLAs have no expenses about neither even for phone bill not electric bill. Need to pay by their own pocket not from government budget even control their traveling expenses too by video conferences...

Need to make rules for only 12 casual leave and 12 previlage  leave which are not cumulative forward during whole service of  government employees...

RTI ACT  (right to information act) is good but  figure must be compiled by authorization and what ever figure given by same department, must be true, if not true seen, need cross examination on same by other sources of Prime ministry office and on wrongly liabilities seen, consider the all related employee for Court proceedure and make them suspension order until get Clean chit and that all rules effected to private agencies too because may be some time given survey is wrong....

This is important as Prime Minister it self spoken wrong figure on 15th August 2018 speech and Data came from RTI department only or related government lesioning department or agencies only....

If wrong figure spoken by PM, in democracy, may be gadget of India can do better work if publicly published same figure every month... from saved expenses government do better job....

For transportation need to develop more horse power engine for pickup at a stroke 40 to 50 tone weight by trucks and for that need to develop better roads which are presently not done properly and not in time by government Road and building department though Mr Gadkari told few good words to Indian people on one channel interview....
Presently got the point during watching mostly transportation by Indian railways through big Ken....and that is only inter state transportation but for inter district transportation need few changes required now after freedom of 70 years....

Need policy on dairy product cost and need policy decision on same as recently petrol and Diesel price hike gone in nation but no price change in milk products.... previously seen that without price change in crude oil automatic milk products price changed without any intimation!!!!

Welcome your ideas for better national growth....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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