Friday 4 January 2019

"ष" संश्लेषण sanshleshhan

Uchchaishrava, bhurishrava
Pururava, Uvach,

Few sanskrut name
श्लेष पुरूष
श्लेषा स्त्री
आश्लेषा स्त्री
आश्लेष पुरूष

These all belongs to the Sanskrit word
ष shha
and here giving name is helping to  understand the meaning of pronunciation of said Sanskrit alphabet ...

संश्लेषण मतलब
एक रासायनिक क्रिया,
जिसमें सरल संरचना वाले पदार्थों का संयोग कराकर 
अधिक जटिल संरचना वाले यौगिक का निर्माण किया जाता है । 

When children born at that moment maybe on their body no kind of such elements of spot or kind of things available which we can say symbol of body but on such condition or in such condition there are definitely some few spots available in children's body whatever they are born or to be born in condition and even after more after born after so many years auspicious and suspiciously few spots automatically generated by nature and that is base Mod of sansleshan.
Basically sansleshan is comes from Sanskrit language and most of trees or plants making Prakash sansleshan I don't know what we can say in English but that is specific name in Sanskrit even Hindi and even Gujarati same is Prakash sanshleshan from that way they are making Harit dravya from we can see the green plants or grass or trees main basic function from the tree getting its green colour it's manes Harit dravya.

God made changes in my daughter, wife and even in my self too, by making different spots on different body parts.

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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