Monday 30 June 2014

UNCLE's visit at river, temple, school...

30th June 2014
Today I made a visit at our Sabarmati's river front side bridge,duly named Nehru bridge...
lovely place it is as after so long time my visit to the said place and there I meat one person whose name even face is very unknown to me... who has little clean moustache and long hair on his chin/shave.
we made just little talking conversation, meanwhile, I knew that he has business of cloths shirts and he is a sales personnel... anyway he is good looking but I think he has such bad idea about me as my hand has video camera and I am shooting such sight of the river front from the bridge, any bad work should not be done by me over there, henceforth he specially stop his two sitter and talk to me.... 
I will put such seen on Google but things are very immproper with me.... first I do not know what to do with the same guy but as according starting conversation my speech is going on smooth track... and I, my self forgot to wish him RAMZAN MUBARAK...!!!....
yes of-course his looks prompt me to say so many words.... but I tell him that as the same bridge's vibration defiantly Indian rupees get solid vibration in international market level....
mean while one faquir child asked me about money ... I asked him that are you doing any thing he replied me in negative, same factor apply for myself, henceforth avoid to give him any thing but I, my self asked him money for my self and in all of a sudden the whole persons who are standing over there, surprised for the same as the man who holding video camera, coming over motorcycle and asked about money and job ...!....
the person is agree with me and put his mobile in his pant pocket.... then myself change the route side and take some other picture of river....
then myself going at Samartheshwar Temple, sited at Lawgarden, and even can say the other side that I want to give rest to my bike...which feeling is very hot from silencer as I make very noise from acceeltor and make hot pick up regarding my anger on Mr. Piruz Khambhata...
yesterday I made SURSHTEE VIRUDDH NU KRUTYA with wife, I told the same thing different way to my daughter that in 2009 when I had done the things my self made potty at pagluchhaniya and now a days happen again in life ....ENTRY AND EXIT ....I do not know what happen next in my life....
my anger is certainly very confirm for Mr. piruz khambata as he is the only person knows everything since starting.... and give me a break indirectly from his such words NAKAMO from JOB....
I can say very confidently that dynamo, Kris angle, daren brown and such other magician are my close friends ... but my life is getting different answers...
in this way and my wife, my mother, my in-laws are give me statement about my self as I AM A MAD PERSON....
if person telling truth people tells other about him that the person is MAD...
my constant making new friends, cause is one of the same...
my title NEGETIVE WORDS POSTIVE EFFECT is belong to the same...
any way today my daughter's school visit yet pending... which may be cleared at 5.45 pm....may me I will meet my daughter's friends as well as some other pupils also who know me as UNCLE
today my visit at bridge, temple and school...



I am not a professional writer or any columnist or else, but I tried to maintain my thought in my mother toungh and now a days I directly writing on the same blog as since starting of my carrier myself always done such corresponds in various company. yesterday I made two blog but all of a sudden the same was posted by different style, ie. not in proper condition as the same blog website is new for me. today morning I again seat for the same and made try to doing better for self, and god give me help. though in such way the laptop is doing his part perfectly but I am on my way....

my previous two blog on subject

1     Negative to Positive Word Effect
2     Friendship and Social Media

     yet I am not satisfy from the same as my all matters are not in the same as according to my mind. there are two things...
     one is my poor knowledge of English and now my second thing is very improper as my mind have not sufficient words and it's meaning for writing in very high profile style...
     but I am trying my level best and so only doing the same to making skill on other language.

I really not made friends previously and when starting to make friendship got such different style post just today which is as following:

even is better from that....



Sunday 29 June 2014

Friendship and Social Media...

since last long time I can feel that we can making friends on any social sights and even day to day such people increased the figure about the same as friend or follower.

I am happy... Friendship should be rise but after some time I fac...
e that as on social sights no one friends or follower not making any single plus keys to your post...!!!....even not good morning, good evening, good noon, good night nothing else....

but just go ahead with your work.... who cares....

for what reason I post such photo or video.....

If you are not reachable to your friends then why adding more and more people in your portal....

Now make a question in your mind.... are your work doing perfect, exact, complete, accurate to the people....

whatever your massage is accepted by the people....

who are your friends... as well think that if your friend is not reachable to you but are you reaching at his or her positions.....

you have to take care about your relations....rather in the world all viewer of internate are my friends....on other portal....

my moral is if once you decide to confirm your friend on any social web sight.... try to approach to his or her Mindy projects rather so much windows are given by the Google it self for lonely person

Word Effect - negetive to positive...

when i was worked in rasna pvt. ltd. Ahmedabad, ie 2006 to 2009 my mind really got an extra ordinary pressure as well exousted due to work, financially and social relation pressure and my mouth speak such harsh and stupid words in home as... well as such colleague and other
same moment my WIFE told me the same things about the word "NO".....
and now a days ie in 2014 I got clear picture for the same WORD as well as gain the meaningful strength, I feel that same way we can get selfishness, shrewdness', etc and the same things makes you different person comparing to other as the guy is smart, he has perfect knowledge about the subject, etc....

still I define my honesty in my present face as well as soul.....though such anger is as it is for such person at such time moments.....