Sunday 29 June 2014

Word Effect - negetive to positive...

when i was worked in rasna pvt. ltd. Ahmedabad, ie 2006 to 2009 my mind really got an extra ordinary pressure as well exousted due to work, financially and social relation pressure and my mouth speak such harsh and stupid words in home as... well as such colleague and other
same moment my WIFE told me the same things about the word "NO".....
and now a days ie in 2014 I got clear picture for the same WORD as well as gain the meaningful strength, I feel that same way we can get selfishness, shrewdness', etc and the same things makes you different person comparing to other as the guy is smart, he has perfect knowledge about the subject, etc....

still I define my honesty in my present face as well as soul.....though such anger is as it is for such person at such time moments.....

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