Friday 2 September 2016

Athashree and Shreemad - Namkaran

subject :-  Athashree and Shreemad - Namkaran 

AthahaShree Mahabharata Katha

Shreemad Bhagwat Katha 

Shree Valmiki Ramayana 

Shreemad Ramcharit Manas SAMPURNA RAMAYANA


in Arya sanskrutee, the big poem's GRANTH started with different Words and that is Main difference maintain by the author...and that is why happen is really subject about discussion....

ATHA-SHREE mean the starting of any particular thing by the sthitpragna (constant) man, who is in level, that he could brief us in well mannered about particular Mahabharata made by shree Ved Vyasji...who himself written and maintain so many puranas and vedas ...


SHREE-MAD mean the wealthiness of particular subject or man and everything of about his or her or related matter in brief...Bhagwat katha and Geeta are related to shree krishna and other rushis who are related to shree krishna name and his life related matters in all past, present and future....

in other case we are familiar about the Ramayana and which is always pronounce like 



Even the name RAMA is in Three part 

first part is cleared by shree Jamadagni son shree Parshuram

second part done by shree Dasharath and kaushlya son shree Ram

third part done by Vasudevji and rohini son shree Balram

in all other manners, all Vedas and Upnishads having not this richness about the NAME as

 internal they have chapter duly named as PATH....

EVEN MORE all Granth has different internal chapter NAME ...
Athashree Mahabharat has Parva

Sampurna Ramayana has Kand

Shree mad Bhagwad Geeta has Adhyaya

WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE BELIEVERS AND AS ACCORDING TO MY BEST OF KNOWLEDGE OUR BODY AND OUR SOUL ARE VERY AUSPICIOUS....we have to maintain our self knowledge and then we could consider about UFO....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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