Friday 9 September 2016

NET Free Call Harmful or NOT

9th September 2016

Mobile is very handy gadgets for human now a days...

There are so many benefit but very harmful when connect with INTERNET...for all age of persons...

Latest matter, we can say CRIME is done in Surat City, while some political party arranged gathering in big ground and police or even private detective agencies are not in aware of the same issue ... in pree organised crime... done by BAD people who are WELKNOWN for society....


Yes... the same word is good with side effect...
whenever we are making or using NET call ...There are not any source for tracking or detecting or what we can say that nobody made call tapping of us in other instrument ....though your number is in special monitoring by agencies or ON government scales..

YES confirmed right....
any government has not facilities of NET call tapping in south Asia's countries...even with CBI or police department....

Now Thinkers must Think on the same kind of BAD AND GOOD Things....
Where we are stand in these fast life...

2+0+1+6 total are 9
9/9/9 = 27  and 2+7 = 9

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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