Saturday 29 April 2017

Gazette of India

The Gazzetta of India are not seen in newspaper or in social media, since long but authentication must need about new currency running in marketplace. We can get it by RTI only, but better, government published in social media or newspaper....

Few points as material for printing in gazette of India are as under...

What Matter are in mostly about Gazzetta are....

What are in old matter

What will be in new Matter

What kind of necessary requirements for   changed in old matter

What are new changes or products

What benefits could be gained by new  changes

No matters are about disputing, if we are  making changes, discuss as reason...

Why government not making these, I don't know, but that is really need to published gazette in newspaper that I know....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 27 April 2017

Proof of government liasoning work

Government released a note For new coins about ₹5 & ₹10 on social media and may be released gadgets but not showing in today's newspaper....See the link

Maybe they're not any rule changes in postal department or relative matter as only RPAD (registered postal address) is authorised as proof of / for government liasoning work.

In important matter sometimes courier receipt may be denied, because in interior area of India, ONLY RPAD is reaching no other else courier company....

Previous also not published gadzet in newspaper about changes of 100/-₹ notes difference. Matter about numerical figure change, small to big size.....

Now thinking is important that why, what, when, where, which and how we are getting benifit of our communication proof with government liasoning work....

Email still not considered as proof in government​ liasoning work...
Email locker available!!!!!

What, when, where, which why strategy are need, in government liasoning works for proof level, HOW can we implement all, Are now big question, isn't so???

HOW We can implement?

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Prakash Punj = IND

In Sanskrut language IND meaning is Prakash Punj..... Subject or object with full of lights...

Light is an object, hence you define that, and related people wanted to do any Process, Other wise in darkness, you can't see anything....

Only pawanputra Hanumanji eaten sun, in story...

Sun was not eaten  by setan, rakshasi or rakshas, asoor....

Children have must knowledge about only related things, without mature / amateur level not permitted for speaking harmful words to anyone....

Dutt Bawni lesson is good for me....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

IND / Prakash Punj

प्रकाश एक वस्तु है, इसलिए आप यह निर्धारित करते हैं कि और संबंधित लोग कोई भी प्रक्रिया करना चाहते हैं, अन्यथा अंधेरे में, आप कुछ भी नहीं देख सकते हैं ....
केवल हनुमानजी ने सूरज खाया, rakshasi or rakshas ne नहीं,
बच्चों को केवल संबंधित चीजों के बारे में ज्ञान होना चाहिए, परिपक्व / शौकिया स्तर के बिना किसी को हानिकारक शब्द बोलने की अनुमति नहीं है ....
दत्त बावनी मेरे लिए अच्छा है ....

In Sanskrut "IND" mean "Prakash Punj"...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 23 April 2017


pupil asked to teacher and teacher asked to pupil, matter about the variation in subject related knowledge....
Then liable person getting Nirwana Path...
Somany things could benefited in the same...Just curiosity development need....

Missile = Prakshepastra (Hindi) just like " / "

Actually meaning 

"Weapon Turned Somehow"

Manace = manana = believe

Believe that the weapon turned somehow....

Be positive...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 20 April 2017

DPCO act for generic & profit of company

How the DPCO Act working for generics division....

Example wise little understanding...
Weight and Price taken for just only understanding

Paracetamol 500 gm  one tablet price is ₹ 1/- each fixed as per DPCO Act

Ibuprofen 500 gm one tablet price is ₹ 1/- each fixed as per DPCO Act

Diclofenac sodium 25 gm tablet price 1.25 ₹ each as per DPCO Act with combination of paracetamol

We know that paracetamol and ibuprofen combination And as well availability of paracetamol and diclofenac sodium combination... As mentioned in generic division rules of DPCO Act....
Costing is very economical...

If combination made.... As per fixed measure of DPCO Act cost is in particular manner, no issues.

That is fixed by government rules
but when made different companies different combinations.....!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, how the company changing cost of drug and tried to earnings more are as under, which are not mentioned in DPCO Act but authenticity is approved by drug rules of government!!!!!!!!!!

Why different combinations not denied by government?
Why other side not covered in The DPCO Act?

If any company making combination of
Paracetamol with ibuprofen and ACITOMINOFEN  acitominofen.... Cost will grace and touching ₹ 5/- each tablet (matter discuss for example ONLY)

Thus we fail to maintain cost as per DPCO act and suffering lots as Indian people....

Company making the combination which are not mentioned in DPCO Act hence getting benefit and earn lot from people and make happiness for inspector, commissioner too as good recovery of patients... Doctor prescription is helpful to medical representative for incentive also....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya...

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Bhamro / Beetle

I am thinking on beetle today...
Maybe 7175 blue car sold by related people
Though I see bluish surrounding sometimes
Though I see coffeeish surrounding sometimes
Though I have spectacles, cheapest kind...
I suffered lots from my parent's harsh words
I feel bad wrong behavioural approach from wife
I feel shame from my daughter too...
My friend bee, lizard, dog, cat, cow, buffalo, spider
Ant, got, butter fly, dove, sparrow, humans and many more are there and I think for
       ONLY Beetle?
Depth of thought is ...
    Why I am not knowing a friend ...
Bhamro aavyo ne Bhamro Gyo...

Jigar Mehta /Jaigishya

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Indian DPCO Act and costings

Though having best DPCO Act with government, Indian people suffering lots...

Recently Prime Minister's lime light note on pharmaceuticals generics division in public meeting....

Main suggestions points for changing Drug & pharmacy cost control organisation are...

° pharma company should not changed said gramages for costing matter if any other new research ingredients add furthermore in old one medicine for better perspective...

° if new medicines research by company, first need approval from DPCO for cost factors...

° need to remove trademarks registration and patent act for new research medicine product as people can get maximum benefits...

Maybe more suggestions and information are available but most effective are these... As per my best knowledge....

Owners or director of pharmaceutical company are very smart. They know how costing effective area on business....

How cost change from another same product ?

Previous one branded company made Azithromicyn tab in Erythromycin group as better drug if comparison made with Roxithromycin...

Company got trademarks patent for few years from Indian government and fixed rate ₹ 75/- for three tablets

Other company should not have any rights to make the same drug until the patent act years completed by first company...

Thus the new products start but on costing, consumers collapsed as no one competitor in marketplace for same drug...And company made his profit in million rupees....

Thanks to Prime Minister who understands people point of view while opening new hospital in Surat...

Furthermore, read the link of news agency....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 14 April 2017

Satyameva Jayate !?i

Indian government must used the monument picture, we can say the as national emblem of India as hologram in currency notes, instead of Gandhiji's hologram, for stopping​ manipulation in market... Previously in 20 rupees note has the same....

सत्यमेव जयते नानृतं सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयानः ।

येनाक्रमन्त्यृषयो ह्याप्तकामा यत्र तत् सत्यस्य परमं निधानम्

satyameva jayate.....

We are in need For change not only notes even change the coin policy also. 80% iron about 20% chromium used by RBI in Present policies in coin of 1₹ and 2₹ which are really bad....

There are policies and even suprim court rules for not put religion photos in government offices... Later on will discuss....

We can made small postage size plastic holographic notes for stopping violation in coin transaction.... With specific policies for small currency level....

Since long we faced that after arriving new 2000/- ₹ note immediately duplication start by corrupted people's people in nation...

Thinkers can Think better plans...

.Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya...

Thursday 13 April 2017

Seeta - A Lady, Guru

Seeta - A Lady, Guru

Born from Earth and even not died but gone in Earth...Just like seeds....

A story is famous that Ravana take Seeta in Pushpak vimana ( plane ) ... Jatayu fight with Ravana and defeat but meanwhile​ Seeta put down her all GOLDEN ornaments received by her from Anasuya Devi ( wife of Atree rushi) on rooshamuka mountain, in presences of monkey man Hanuman, sugriv, bajarangbalee, jambvan..Etc...For just only recognise things for RAM .... 

I think that behind sure spiritual story....

Gold colour is yellow,
Sun colour is yellow,
Guru colour is yellow,

Who can gives us knowledge

Any kind of knowledge we can get from same and we could say that the same LIGHT given me PATH for better LIFE....

The Sanskrut sloka:

Karyeshu dasi, Karaneshu manthri;
Bhojeshu mata, Shayaneshu rambha;
Kshamayeshu dharithri, Roopeshu lakshmi;
Satkarma yukta, Kuladharma pathni.

These all matter has very much depth senses. Rare person can get that...

Religion meaning is very auspicious and suspicious

Vayaviya Samhita...Vayupuran...

First come first From Selected people

Find husband and wife then make born of child on earth as in pure five elements....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 9 April 2017

India - Debt or Loan

India - Debt or Loan

On each Indian head has approximate​ 25000 ₹ debt .... As per record...We are giving loan to other countries.... !!!!!!

India giving loan to Bangladesh ₹ 32000 crores, helped to Afghanistan's atal block for parliament building and for Salma Dame at Iran place. India also helped south Africa on financial level...

What is the main purpose while we are not finishing world bank loan and giving loan or help to other countries....!!!!!

Even we don't know still as what or how much benefit of old currency demonization...

What is Indian political leaders standard strategy for slow down the borrower level of Indian people's head on country's debt or loan standard...????

Indian People need better future for their next generation's sons and daughters....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya