Tuesday 18 April 2017

Indian DPCO Act and costings

Though having best DPCO Act with government, Indian people suffering lots...

Recently Prime Minister's lime light note on pharmaceuticals generics division in public meeting....

Main suggestions points for changing Drug & pharmacy cost control organisation are...

° pharma company should not changed said gramages for costing matter if any other new research ingredients add furthermore in old one medicine for better perspective...

° if new medicines research by company, first need approval from DPCO for cost factors...

° need to remove trademarks registration and patent act for new research medicine product as people can get maximum benefits...

Maybe more suggestions and information are available but most effective are these... As per my best knowledge....

Owners or director of pharmaceutical company are very smart. They know how costing effective area on business....

How cost change from another same product ?

Previous one branded company made Azithromicyn tab in Erythromycin group as better drug if comparison made with Roxithromycin...

Company got trademarks patent for few years from Indian government and fixed rate ₹ 75/- for three tablets

Other company should not have any rights to make the same drug until the patent act years completed by first company...

Thus the new products start but on costing, consumers collapsed as no one competitor in marketplace for same drug...And company made his profit in million rupees....

Thanks to Prime Minister who understands people point of view while opening new hospital in Surat...

Furthermore, read the link of news agency....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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