Sunday 9 April 2017

India - Debt or Loan

India - Debt or Loan

On each Indian head has approximate​ 25000 ₹ debt .... As per record...We are giving loan to other countries.... !!!!!!

India giving loan to Bangladesh ₹ 32000 crores, helped to Afghanistan's atal block for parliament building and for Salma Dame at Iran place. India also helped south Africa on financial level...

What is the main purpose while we are not finishing world bank loan and giving loan or help to other countries....!!!!!

Even we don't know still as what or how much benefit of old currency demonization...

What is Indian political leaders standard strategy for slow down the borrower level of Indian people's head on country's debt or loan standard...????

Indian People need better future for their next generation's sons and daughters....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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