Monday 15 May 2017


5 words starting from "W" are important.

One of Word end with "W" and started with "H" is also more it's middle is "O"..... which is maintained your curiosity constant....

See the structure

1   What

2   Why

3   When

4   Where

5   Which

6.  Whom

7.  Who

Just using only one time the last alphabets and try to make wording from those are...

"AT Y EN R IC"...

And the special meaningful SENTENCE is

.....ANTI CRY.....


HoW ( h:8, o:15, w:22) specific message...

You can make yourself awakening, thinking & asking questions to those who related with full or partial with yourself or who are knowledgeable......

Other senses are, making yourself safe from crying....

Do not reborn your self-esteem, getting MOKSHA paths.....

Sometimes, Even more, answers are there just need to make questions for our satisfaction....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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