Monday 29 May 2017

TRYING for language

Laa tal biss ul

Respected word from French,

(LAA) Param TATVA layer or the top place (TAL) biss (20) meaning is your self mind is zero meaning unknown from all things, whatever are there...are hidden (L)

Quran Chptr 2-42 (Pt-1,Stg-1)(L-73) -درس قرآن

Laa talbisuul – (do not confound). This word has been derived from labasa, which means “to mix up a thing with any other, so that, it may become difficult to distinguish among them i.e. to expose the false as true or to coat the lie as such that it appears like really true.

Taktumuu –
Ta kta muu

Sanskrut, villagers Gujarati

The cut outed special part, Whatever constant flowing any how, are me

Taktamuu (do not conceal). This word has come out from the word katama. Meaning of katama is to conceal. There are two ways to change the Commands of God Almighty, which are as under:

•        Changing the meaning or the word itself.

•        Concealing the truth.

ITI sham....(Sanskrut)

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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