Wednesday 1 November 2017



As per abcd alphabet order....

More work on the word MORE are as understand like

13+15+18+05 = 51= 6
M.    O.   R.   E. 

More work on the word LESS are as understand like

12+05+19+19 = 55 = 10
L.     E.    S.   S.    

What ever more are LESS and what ever less are MORE....

Making positive response for everything are hard but truth is that we are very much far from right theory of god.

God's are technically very sounds for ourselves behavioral approach. God knows our minus points, which are counted as plus in his book....

Hard and heavy language for understanding, but truth is true....

We all need enlighten area for self and forgot the simple lamp which are near to all of us....

Hopping we can make or handle our minds positive thoughts.....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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