Friday 3 November 2017

Awkward Article

Ramayana and Mahabharata, both has fighting, war, in the end but ornaments and some matter are differ in the both war ...

big question still....

Ram fights against rawan without throne

Throne meaning in sanskrut is mughat

In Mahabharata, mostly all fights with throne....

Throne made with the material of gold or silver... Or we can use the sanskrut word kind of IND meaning is enlighten knowledge...just like pot lamp... mostly yellow......

Enlighten lights with specific color....

We know that by help of shree Krushna, pandava won the all levels.... Krushna is black and his throne color is golden ie yellow....

We can say it, that is special sign of self like HORA...

My matter is that, could we say that, RAM has no IND????

No, .....

But better we say that he has his own mind power.... during the battle. He got help of monkeys and vibhishana, brother of rawana, who has throne .... Bow and arrow are given to ram by atree rushee.... As well ladies ornaments given to seeta by ansuya Devi...

While rawana's kidneping, seeta through all ornaments at rushmuka mountain, and all ornaments are saved by sugriva and Hanuman dada...

After recognize ornaments things which belongs to golden yellow color, ram got seeta back from rawana's LANKA, which was made from golden Lanka.....

Very deeply depth is unique, my English poor knowledge stopping me for writing such good spiritual things....

Every god has own light and from that he can save the person.... On such time the same should be different shows by thought and mind power...

Garbha samhita mentioned all things, if you read all, you can understand better ....

Black head man always win because the fire of body is not constant with once stopped mind ie nirvikar mann though,  it's good mind, cause we all humans, animals, birds are connected spiritually each other in either bad or good mode....

This is very awkward article but I'm positive for discussion...

My daddy told me there's no change for sign of eating and water the whole world...aamin....

Here present my mother's photo...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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