Monday 27 November 2017

Procurement : India's finance & policies

Why ONLY Indian's are surprised when economy getting down internationally at national election time...

Since long happened every time in India


This time we can avoid same as Moody and IMF given better grade to our country for any type business proposal and promotions due to government's new financial policies and steps for getting high standards in international currency as well market levels....

I don't want to imbalanced my country's economy internationally at any stages of election as well any results of election in international market...

responsibility could be fair any time for better economic prospect. We must get together for strongest position of Indian currency in international market...

India needs better procurement policies for lower budgeted Indian's families....if come soon, blessings automatically work for new Indian's generation.... weather any political party ruled in nation....

healthy and prosperous babies could deserve same ... Isn't so???!!!!!

Australia has special department for same, hereby I am given the link for information....

India must have to develop same type better promotion for needed better growth

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 25 November 2017

India Need Strong Opposition Party

Present days mostly all leaders are speaking for elections compain and are on old matter or on personal comment mode, but better and important is speaking for new development and making sharpen government policies for good administration for civilian people...

What ever come after election as vipaksh....

Opposition party should be strong in any how country as well State levels for better administration.....

We are not entitled and entertaining any mili juli sarkar and Mila jula vipaksh....

In private organization in absence of first line personnel behind the progress second line personnel are responsible for growth....we don't forget the same things in life for better procurement for strongest nation building process....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 21 November 2017

PashuPashPati's pashupatastra Stotra

21st November 2017

Whenever something NEW coming... people must talking about OLD... discussion is important, but find to need positive response from new is better ever...for prosperous world's humanity... matter should not be with cut & pest...

For killing Tripurasur, Lord shiva made a roll for himself as PashuPashPati.....

At so called time he made cart from all world's animals ....
Made pash(helping in riding) for all animals with skill of good handling all in one cart....
Hence famous as pashupashpatinath.... His temple is at Nepal country...
and then killing the asur Tripurasur....

Here presenting Lord shiva's pashupashpatinath stotra in sanskrut can read as Hindi too...

पाशुपतास्त्र स्तोत्र
पाशुपातास्त्र मंत्र के पाठ मात्र से समस्त क्लेशो की शांति हो जाती है.....


ॐ नमो भगवते महापाशुपतायातुलबलवीर्यपराक्रमाय त्रिपन्चनयनाय नानारुपाय नानाप्रहरणोद्यताय सर्वांगडरक्ताय भिन्नांजनचयप्रख्याय श्मशान वेतालप्रियाय सर्वविघ्ननिकृन्तन रताय सर्वसिध्दिप्रदाय भक्तानुकम्पिने असंख्यवक्त्रभुजपादाय तस्मिन् सिध्दाय वेतालवित्रासिने शाकिनीक्षोभ जनकाय व्याधिनिग्रहकारिणे पापभन्जनाय सूर्यसोमाग्नित्राय विष्णु कवचाय खडगवज्रहस्ताय यमदण्डवरुणपाशाय रूद्रशूलाय ज्वलज्जिह्राय सर्वरोगविद्रावणाय ग्रहनिग्रहकारिणे दुष्टनागक्षय कारिणे ।
ॐ कृष्णपिंग्डलाय फट । हूंकारास्त्राय फट । वज्र हस्ताय फट । शक्तये फट । दण्डाय फट । यमाय फट । खडगाय फट । नैऋताय फट । वरुणाय फट । वज्राय फट । पाशाय फट । ध्वजाय फट । अंकुशाय फट । गदायै फट । कुबेराय फट । त्रिशूलाय फट । मुदगराय फट । चक्राय फट । पद्माय फट । नागास्त्राय फट । ईशानाय फट । खेटकास्त्राय फट । मुण्डाय फट । मुण्डास्त्राय फट । काड्कालास्त्राय फट । पिच्छिकास्त्राय फट । क्षुरिकास्त्राय फट । ब्रह्मास्त्राय फट । शक्त्यस्त्राय फट । गणास्त्राय फट । सिध्दास्त्राय फट । पिलिपिच्छास्त्राय फट । गंधर्वास्त्राय फट । पूर्वास्त्रायै फट । दक्षिणास्त्राय फट । वामास्त्राय फट । पश्चिमास्त्राय फट । मंत्रास्त्राय फट । शाकिन्यास्त्राय फट । योगिन्यस्त्राय फट ।दण्डास्त्राय फट। महादण्डास्त्राय फट। नमोअस्त्राय फट। शिवास्त्राय फट। ईशानास्त्राय फट। पुरुषास्त्राय फट। अघोरास्त्राय फट। सद्योजातास्त्राय फट। हृदयास्त्राय फट। महास्त्राय फट। गरुडास्त्राय फट। राक्षसास्त्राय फट। दानवास्त्राय फट। क्षौ नरसिन्हास्त्राय फट। त्वष्ट्रास्त्राय फट। सर्वास्त्राय फट। नः फट। वः फट। पः फट। फः फट। मः फट। श्रीः फट। पेः फट। भूः फट। भुवः फट। स्वः फट। महः फट। जनः फट। तपः फट। सत्यं फट। सर्वलोक फट। सर्वपाताल फट। सर्वतत्व फट। सर्वप्राण फट। सर्वनाड़ी फट। सर्वकारण फट। सर्वदेव फट। ह्रीं फट। श्रीं फट। डूं फट। स्त्रुं फट। स्वां फट। लां फट। वैराग्याय फट। मायास्त्राय फट। कामास्त्राय फट। क्षेत्रपालास्त्राय फट। हुंकरास्त्राय फट। भास्करास्त्राय फट। चंद्रास्त्राय फट। विघ्नेश्वरास्त्राय फट। गौः गां फट। स्त्रों स्त्रौं फट। हौं हों फट। भ्रामय भ्रामय फट। संतापय संतापय फट। छादय छादय फट। उन्मूलय उन्मूलय फट। त्रासय त्रासय फट। संजीवय संजीवय फट। विद्रावय विद्रावय फट। सर्वदुरितं नाशय नाशय फट।

Reference taken for stotra from Google's Portal.... Yatharth Gyan, Mr Dev...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 9 November 2017

WORDS shabda

We are HUMAN ..... if understand the whole word.... Nothing to say more.... Only human can understand what is friend's ship..... Otherwise feelings bound us with love only...

We are HUMAN ...not god like Krushna....who knows that what person said what WORDS at which time and where....

"HOW" is different things....!!!!!!????

Krushna knows levels of speech power of all person (vanivilas) while draupadee chirharan.... hence karna face death in war of Mahabharata by Arjuna, by Sam, dam, dand, bhed(these all are sanskrut words)...though he done his level best friendship with duryodhana....not forget his karma... Just forgot his studies lesson like mantras what ever he learnt from his guru parshuram.....

Moral of things are
Do not forget your lesson in life, whatever learned by you from your said teachers at different stages of life....

Poem in Hindi language about WORDS...
Reference unknown...

शब्द शब्द बहू अंतरा, शब्द के हाथ न पावं ।
एक शब्द करे औषधि, एक शब्द करे घाव ।।

शब्द सम्भाले बोलियेे, शब्द खीँचते ध्यान ।
शब्द मन घायल करे, शब्द बढाते मान ।।

शब्द मुँह से छूट गया, शब्द न वापस आय ।
शब्द जो हो प्यार भरा, शब्द ही मन मेँ समाएँ ।।

शब्द मेँ है भाव रंग का, शब्द है मान महान ।
शब्द जीवन रुप है, शब्द ही दुनिया जहान ।।

शब्द ही कटुता रोप देँ, शब्द ही बैर हटाएं ।
शब्द जोङ देँ टूटे मन, शब्द ही प्यार बढाएं ।।

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Tips for big political party leaders

Party promotional activity should not be different from getting growth for nation. Ideas and commanding words should be powerful for crowd.....

One leading out sighted party, had & has not one line language since long. Mostly all leaders are speaking different matter. Need to make line up one language for all kind party matter....

Me and my mother are not VIP, but we feel that some how, from special locality.... I know my self value....though focused things different... values should be understand by young political leaders...

Need to balance private and government officials salary scale for removing poor line in India....

Minimum wages act of Indian Constitution are showing Indian's poor level economy in majority.

Need action...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 3 November 2017

Awkward Article

Ramayana and Mahabharata, both has fighting, war, in the end but ornaments and some matter are differ in the both war ...

big question still....

Ram fights against rawan without throne

Throne meaning in sanskrut is mughat

In Mahabharata, mostly all fights with throne....

Throne made with the material of gold or silver... Or we can use the sanskrut word kind of IND meaning is enlighten knowledge...just like pot lamp... mostly yellow......

Enlighten lights with specific color....

We know that by help of shree Krushna, pandava won the all levels.... Krushna is black and his throne color is golden ie yellow....

We can say it, that is special sign of self like HORA...

My matter is that, could we say that, RAM has no IND????

No, .....

But better we say that he has his own mind power.... during the battle. He got help of monkeys and vibhishana, brother of rawana, who has throne .... Bow and arrow are given to ram by atree rushee.... As well ladies ornaments given to seeta by ansuya Devi...

While rawana's kidneping, seeta through all ornaments at rushmuka mountain, and all ornaments are saved by sugriva and Hanuman dada...

After recognize ornaments things which belongs to golden yellow color, ram got seeta back from rawana's LANKA, which was made from golden Lanka.....

Very deeply depth is unique, my English poor knowledge stopping me for writing such good spiritual things....

Every god has own light and from that he can save the person.... On such time the same should be different shows by thought and mind power...

Garbha samhita mentioned all things, if you read all, you can understand better ....

Black head man always win because the fire of body is not constant with once stopped mind ie nirvikar mann though,  it's good mind, cause we all humans, animals, birds are connected spiritually each other in either bad or good mode....

This is very awkward article but I'm positive for discussion...

My daddy told me there's no change for sign of eating and water the whole world...aamin....

Here present my mother's photo...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 1 November 2017



As per abcd alphabet order....

More work on the word MORE are as understand like

13+15+18+05 = 51= 6
M.    O.   R.   E. 

More work on the word LESS are as understand like

12+05+19+19 = 55 = 10
L.     E.    S.   S.    

What ever more are LESS and what ever less are MORE....

Making positive response for everything are hard but truth is that we are very much far from right theory of god.

God's are technically very sounds for ourselves behavioral approach. God knows our minus points, which are counted as plus in his book....

Hard and heavy language for understanding, but truth is true....

We all need enlighten area for self and forgot the simple lamp which are near to all of us....

Hopping we can make or handle our minds positive thoughts.....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya