Monday 18 December 2017

Maturity of leaders!!!!

What ever exit polls come, but important are those seat, where mostly OLD party personnel's shuffle in new born party... people are not forget valuable work done by old people in so called time....need better improvement right on time...

If Mr. Modi got care from Mr Pranab Mukharjee by words, president of India, he could also speak better words for opposition's top leaders, if good things or work happen... only professional politics should not be made in son of Gujarat...

we called maturity...

Abolish reservation,
Abolish cast factor,
Just do work....
for national growth...
Temples or mosques are giving sympathy but in end, work saying it's attitude on such longitude and latitude ... Hopping new betterment news in new leadership...

Finally in Himachal and Gujarat, BJP win on Vikas model and Congress got few more seats on such disgressful point levels ....


Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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