Sunday 10 December 2017

Random article

Since long I personally observed that bad speech are like duplicate ornaments of leaders and leadership, isn't so????

So many examples are here for India's Top leaders bad speech....

India's past is with Glory and not found bad words in speech of any old Congress man...

Now the Media has proof of all present leaders bad and haarsh word spoken fluent in so called time for election......

Make your target sure for people.... from which you can say that after achieve I am free for good karma....

Well talking about alphabet and words symbol....

Bha "भ" like bheeshma related with Agni...
ष्म is like shaman what ever is completely perfectly, fully cleared, that's removing from said person or object...

Kru "कृ" like Krushna related with dhatu, matel, 

"Shna" meaning is not writing, later on will discuss....

Bhishmama has Shar and he is with dhanush bow and arrow..... target oriented... just like shoot the target don't come back....

Krushna has sudarshan chakra....matalik compounds with round movement and after attacked .... cleared The target and come back in HAND....

Bhishma is only a stage where each person are reach there and that's death, on old age, but some how not getting.....

Krushna is always on going process some how always young and born with new thoughts....

Black god has nothing more valuable things but he has only pure enlighten IND.... hundred percent pure person energy in his soul....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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