Sunday 11 February 2018

Children's labour income of channel

Sony set channel episode for children dancing competition....

For children, So many competition held in India but when performance at on television, we called as children labour work......

If you can see the episode....all children are doing good in fact better but after all that is considered as children labour work....

What ever amount.....known as prize will be given by the authorization of channel to the children....but same are known as children labour work.....

In all kind lights of sunshine... children suffering from injury too and channel authorized person not giving them compensations....Even not insured life of children....

Personally I seen three four episode of Supper Dancers.... Two children suffering from injury while doing heavy dancing actions.... For winning competition, the teacher, coach giving hard training and while training children suffering from injury....I seen episode....

Government has no objection on same and even sensor board also take granted for short one peace clothes.... Wear / wearing by participated personal...!!!!!!!

Hard but naked truth is.... Indeed
India is ................................
Please fill in blank by your own mind thoughts....
Hard to write on Indian culture....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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