Friday 27 July 2018

DAM on river Brahaputra or Tsangpo

Since long Indian media showing Doclam border matter for TRP ranking in viewers...


Not showing actual matter about rivers projects from which India can get and give benefits to Indian civilian people....

That is DAM projects on Tsangpo river....we know as Brahmaputra river...

We all know that Assam, Arunachal, Meghalay, Sikkim and many more north east states are developing and need more energy at all level....

We can get maximum energy from said river as we all know that though China made three to four dam on river still so many cusec water wasted in rainy season... even flood faced by Indian civilian as well as Bangladeshies too.....

Here photos are telling so many things .... see carefully....

Indian government need to empower  project about DAM on river to maintain very good discipline civilian services on energy level at northeast states......

Think wise for people...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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