Wednesday 25 July 2018

India's loan to other countries on nominal gain

Do not estimate person or country on base of LOAN .... means how much distributed by same but assume or presume same on his gain as how much will received by same factor...

India announced Lines of Credit of US$10 billion for development projects and a grant assistance of $600 million at the last India-Africa summit in 2015 to spread over 5 years. A number of development partnership projects are ongoing or completed in various African countries either as Grant-in Aid projects or under concessional loans ....

Recently indian pm given loan to rawanda country too....

India commits $340 million soft loans to Nepal

India extends $4.5 billion loan to Bangladesh.....

May the reason belongs to civilian or political or economic purpose....


japan given loan to india for bullet train...


still so many hurdles are there and even more neither land cleared nor energy level for same project....

Who will receive gain by what efforts or who will responsible for not done clear job....

Same country's people will ask question on one day and if there are no answer ....who will suffer.... is big question...

If in private company's employees need appraisal for increment then why not government employees need work summary report for country's civilian people...

Each VOTE has value.....
then think for cast factor....

The current Repo Rate as fixed by theRBI is 6.25% p.a. As per the bi-monthly monetary policy statement, RBI has increased the repo rate (key lendingrate) by 25 basis points. ... The reverse repo rate has also increased to 6% and the Marginal Standing FacilityRate(MSF) and the Bank Rate has increased to 6.50%.

Even since long fixed deposit persentage rato rate also down....think wise for indian people....

That is why political personnel needs target oriented work in his term....isn't so?????

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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