Monday 11 August 2014

UFO regarding interested person alabhya darshan 20130621130314

11th August 2014

Generally I am not foolish man but such matter happen in my life, hence people called me infect known me like a mad person and believe that I have the physiological disorder duly name BY POLER dis order. Mostly my wife telling to everyone as since long. I can not earning as per her recommendation, though I knew well but mostly such happen with me in life from whom or from that I can not earn as accordingly.....I am not blaming my wife. even since long I am silently rising with myself along with those matter which we called the spiritualness.
My try to do such things better to everyone who cares us but in that case they people also convinced by my nearest relation suspected statements like mother also as "Jigar has by polar disorder" and I have not an answer in any way. after these much time first time I am uploading the videoclip from which I can understand the word work. the same Is taken in June 2013 at London while I am surfing map at England on google map. I am writing these in August 2014. I could telling so much things but not telling every thing which is important.

my wife just came and give me the medicine for the said matter BY POLAR Dis Order....she said thank you.

any way, the video is on about the different type of spot seen in the sky through map surfing, which is suppressible to me very much. than after my life changed and till time I have not a job. non one passing me in the interview, just because of my truthiness, regarding answers

my path is now clear and doing better from the worst condition with GOD's help. I do not want to tell you or written more for the same. you just see the video. Brazilian and Egyptian tradition mostly can seen by me. if any doubt or if my part has any wrong pleas tell me so I can change my thought in proper way with your guideline...

Jigar Mehta

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