Tuesday 30 January 2018

Seat Weight in water

When duryodhan's mother gandharee, giving him vajra's strength, he covered himself's reproductive body's part by leafs...

Then he hiding himself in water and after the challenge for war by Krushna and pandavas.....he came out from water and .....According bheem broken his seat....

While seating in water you feel your body's lite weight, just like flow, minimum body's weight could be feel by you, what ever weight you have it comes nominals on seat while seating in water... isn't it????

In ® Vidya these all things have much importancy if you understand better the mythology of Mahabharata's culture....

There are so many death body's are at kurukshetra.... hence, Gandhari given shrap to krushna and finally Yadavsthali made...we all know...

Thanks to Mr Seshan and Mr Shetty .... Both are good uncle...

Few more things are not writing by me...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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