Monday 30 April 2018


Gujarati proverb
Vaikunth nanu Vesh zaza

Basically the word "Vaikunth"is belonging to lord vishnu's home where he lives with his wife...

Vaikunth is sanskrut word

It's whole definition is with individual alphabet are likely as

Vai meaning is
Covered gorgeousness

Kunth meaning is
Steady Bounded but moveable asset in special shape...

Covered or bounded gorgeousness, richness or poshness in between small time limit of special places with shape....

On this Mr Stefan Hawkins given rules in physics...

I personally like Entropy....

Here given story picture about the eye given by lord vishnu to lord shiva while in shortage of one lotus in puja...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 27 April 2018

Short Peaceful Life

I don't know anything more but mainly known since long that, mouth can give peace to anyone by speaking good words from setting of alphabets.

Mostly when family head find peaceful words from someone he can try to give peace to other family members by his mind.

Matter is different when mind thought moving on negative side, and speaking positive.

Rang de Basanty film's short episode to be done iny life too....

Bad words from Mr Narayan, x peon of Rasna Pvt LTD. On phone to me for Force to resign him from his duty...

While till today, bad behavior of my closest family members..... inspiring me to going or moving faster for die....but trying to understand the words about PEACE...

And recently spoken words by friend about life as not good live in past...

Myself consider self with the character of said film Amir Khan, as in our own Small criteria of  social life......just live Short but making big change for civilization.... which helps so many people....

Live long in peaceful words are now not my consideration....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 25 April 2018

U spelling is YOU

Why, what, where, when, which.....

Starts with 5 time WH and finished with other alphabet and Vowels

Other main is HOW....

God as made questions words by Vowels
A, E, I, O
Not used only U in any questions words....

And even made "HOW" is just using only one time O in middle and replace the alphabet W and H,

Meaning is,  making main heavy weighted alphabet....

And getting​ surprise us better????

U spelling is YOU.... isn't strange????

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday 23 April 2018


Pupil asked to teacher and teacher asked to pupil, Questions arise both side for not only STUDY, satisfaction getting both side but good teacher learning more for giving better and best for new generation....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 20 April 2018

Awkward Anger

In any how matter, mind can't manage good possible positive response in continuation of regular life.

Anger is visible to every one, when wrongly some one says different things to our personal members who close to us in any relationship.

Though matter is in humorous mode, ourselves if control our mind in  peace, we can get biggest victory on others and if not others can get victory on us.

Few matter are unknown to me and few expression done by my face or body or myself....

Awkward... isn't it?

We have to train up our children for awkward moments of life...

One incident happened in  friend's son of my mother's told her heroin at the age of 65. I got anger on him.... really awkward moments cleared by me....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 14 April 2018

Few Matters

Matter 1

If we want to give real shradhanjaly to shri Bhimrao Ambedkar, make Indian constitutional rules toughest for all types of criminal as well civilian people which includes politicians.

We have to make judges panel for new toughest Indian legislative level.

Matter 2

"Zero" is a Miracle, who making account balance sheet but decimal are using in latest nano technology of country and world's science....

Matter 3

Nothing new but Indian people are spiritually covered by kshetra-kshetrgna hence there are so many good Gods and goddesses. Bhagvad Geeta has chapter regarding same.

Even every time good soul developed by the super magician (GODs or Goddess) for specific special purpose for energy.

Purush sukt and shree sukt has so many brief description. Purush sukt has shlok about ten fingers and shree sukt has shlok about a lady's full hand.

Nothing is useless in human body as well in the world and universe. We know the ENTROPY matter.

Even sanskrut language has so many names for human or animal potty.... special word is VISHTA... Rushee counted 12 types of body's potty in ved puran.....

Later on discussion will be done....
on sukt ....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 13 April 2018

Human Face confirmation !!!

One face, who hiding self by other and have power, can making so much entropy.

Need to govern face's mind in positive mode rather people suffer lots of things in even one word if spoken by same face.

World spiritual sense must not denied my written words.

When you confirm that in your mind like " This person spoken these words to me...." You must have proper knowledge about himself, if you don't have, please make a sense of FORGIVENESS....

Matrix.... Hollywood movie is good...not only for fighting but at discussion Level of spiritual sense about Indian God who have thousands name....

My self has good experience...

Presently Facebook suffering from DATA leak problem...

Save Water... don't make leakage from tap....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 6 April 2018

Blessings Ashirwad

Better we understand the both words proper...

Saying good word for saving something what ever in his....


As per sanskrut Meaning is....
The head of person is saying something good to another person...

Blessings ... English word
..        ..........   ........
..........     ......  .....  ....

To whom we are giving blessings???



Kahi pe nigahey ...Kahi pe nishana ...

Little heavy matter for understanding spiritual sense.

Every men, women and children changing face by feelings and body resist outside virus by blood immunity, isn't so???

How we can blessings by what subject... personally I feel that this is important question....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 5 April 2018

NEWS channel feeding

Breaking NEWS

In India, no one north side private news channel knowing better criteria of South India matter.

Same for South side private news channel not knowing better criteria of north side matter.

But they are earning lot things from small station or agencies....and making scope for private advertisement

Only DoorDarshan news of India is best for any proper news. But they have little boundaries for broadcast all news. That's they people are not developing news story or said  documentary.

We all maybe know that only 24 hours working capacity is not enough for earning, that must be understand by government's employee.

All initial past news needs little important of taking care in present. We can not loose them but making development of story maybe giving earning Flow to government's news department...

More over, people are not in aware of even regional news channel name, mostly while traveling interstate....

India has not any international standards news channel like BBC, Fox news, NHK world, CNN, etc....


Useless, if top most leaders give or doing talk on all meaningless media corresponds every time, isn't so?

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

News Channel

Breaking NEWS

In India, no one north side private news channel knowing better criteria of South India matter.

Same for South side private news channel not knowing better criteria of north side matter.

But they are earning lot things from small station or agencies....and making scope for private advertisement

Only DoorDarshan news of India is best for any proper news. But they have little boundaries for broadcast all news. That's they people are not developing news story or said  documentary.

We all maybe know that only 24 hours working capacity is not enough for earning, that must be understand by government's employee.

All initial past news needs little important of taking care in present. We can not loose them but making development of story maybe giving earning Flow to government's news department...

More over, people are not in aware of even regional news channel name, mostly while traveling interstate....

India has not any international standards news channel like BBC, Fox news, NHK world, CNN, etc....


Useless, if top most leaders give or doing talk on all meaningless media corresponds every time, isn't so?

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 3 April 2018

क्षमता - साक्षातकार

I admired to posting yhis blog in regional Gujarati language as since long personally I involved in what's app media and so many post came there in gujarati language....this like most so making Blog...

ગમેતેમ કરીને તે ઓફિસે પહોંચ્યો. આજ તેનો ઇન્ટરવ્યુ હતો.

મનોમન નકકી કર્યું હતું કે જો નોકરી મળી જાય તો બીજે રહેવા જતું રહેવું છે.મમ્મી,પપ્પા ની રોજબરોજની નાની વાતો જેવી કે રૂમમાંથી બહાર નીકળું તો પંખો કેમ બંધ નથી કરતો,નાહીને બહાર નીકળું તો રૂમાલ સૂકવી દે.,ચાદર સરખી કરી દે ,નળ બંધ કરી દે વિગેરે વિગેરે..થી કંટાળી ગયો છું.

ઓફિસના દરવાજા પર કોઈ હતું નહીં.અને બાજુમાં પાણી પાઈપમાં થી બહાર નીકળતું હતું તેને સરખું કર્યું.કારણકે પપ્પાની ટકોર યાદ આવી.
પેસેજની લાઈટ સવારે દસ વાગે પણ ચાલુ હતી
કોઈ રિસેપશનિસ્ટ પણ ન હતી. તેણે  લાઈટ બંધ કરી કારણકે મમ્મી ની ટકોર યાદ આવી.
બોર્ડ માર્યું હતું કે બીજા માળે ઇન્ટરવ્યુ છે.
સીડી ની લાઈટ પણ બંધ કરી.એક ખુરશી આડી પડી હતી તે સરખી કરી.

પહેલા માળે બીજા કેંડીડેટ પણ હતા જે ફટાફટ અંદર જઈને તરત જ બહાર આવતા હતા.પૂછતા કહેતા કે કઁઇ પૂછતા નથી.

તેનો વારો આવ્યો એટલે અંદર ગયો અને ફાઇલ બતાવી.ફાઇલ જોયા પછી તરત જ મેનેજરે પૂછ્યું ક્યારથી જોઈન્ટ કરશો.તેને નવાઈ લાગી કે કશું પૂછયા વગર કઈક મજાક તો નથી કરતા ને.

બોસ સમજી ગયા કહ્યું હા ભાઈ એપ્રિલ ફૂલ નથી હકીકત છે.આજના ઇન્ટરવ્યૂ મા કોઈને કંઈ પૂછ્યું નથી બસ CCTV મા તમારો Attitude જોયો છે.બધા કેંડીડેટ આવે છે પણ કોઈને નળ બંધ કરવાનું કે લાઈટ બંધ કરવાનું સૂઝતું નથી એક તમે તેમાં પાસ થયા છો.ધન્ય છે તમારા માબાપ ને કે જેને તમને આવા સંસ્કારો કે શિસ્ત ના પાઠ ભણાવ્યા છે.જે વ્યક્તિ પાસે  Self Discipline હોતી નથી તે ગમે તેટલો હોશિયાર હોય મેનેજમેન્ટ મા અને જિંદગીની દોડમાં નિષફળ જાય છે.

મનોમન તેણે  નક્કી કર્યું કે ઘેર જઈને તરત જ મમ્મી,પપ્પા ની માફી માંગી લઈશ અને કહીશ કે તમારી નાનીનાની ટકોર આજે મને જિંદગીના પાઠ ભણાવી ગઈ જેની આગળ મારી ડિગ્રીની પણ કોઈ કિંમત નથી.

જીવનમાં શિસ્ત અને હકારાત્મક  અભિગમ કેળવીએ અને રાખીએ.

Take Positively even small remarks of our parents...

Reference from social media

Sunday 1 April 2018

Agenda's matter

Political agenda on religious base are very poor decisions for present all top leaders... really...

Better we do best work for civilian people...By Making better policies for good government's administration...

If private company getting benefits by country, why not country getting from world ...

Today's Comedy... little in gujarati language
Chandra ni kala jordar....

*આભ જેવી*
*જીંદગી હોય,*
*ચંદ્ર જેવો*
*દોસ્ત ના હોય ને*
*આખી જીંદગી*
*અમાસ જ છે...*

meaning is that....
Moon has 14day's art....
Better is ...we like sun....
Little angry or hot but not giving indirect lights but directly lights... like purely nacked true knowledge....

When I was child parent told me that see the CHANDAMAMA (moon uncle)

After marriage I feel that my wife's face is like Chandra....(MOON)

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya