Friday 27 April 2018

Short Peaceful Life

I don't know anything more but mainly known since long that, mouth can give peace to anyone by speaking good words from setting of alphabets.

Mostly when family head find peaceful words from someone he can try to give peace to other family members by his mind.

Matter is different when mind thought moving on negative side, and speaking positive.

Rang de Basanty film's short episode to be done iny life too....

Bad words from Mr Narayan, x peon of Rasna Pvt LTD. On phone to me for Force to resign him from his duty...

While till today, bad behavior of my closest family members..... inspiring me to going or moving faster for die....but trying to understand the words about PEACE...

And recently spoken words by friend about life as not good live in past...

Myself consider self with the character of said film Amir Khan, as in our own Small criteria of  social life......just live Short but making big change for civilization.... which helps so many people....

Live long in peaceful words are now not my consideration....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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