Sunday 19 August 2018

Chhatra devo bhava

Presentation should be perfect and Target oriented.

Crowded people has no face and no ears, hence what kind executive decision has value in people.

Two faze in India...

Mr singh done worked without party promotion speech...
Mr modi doing work with part promotion speech...

Indian government needs to do few urgent kind of work like, controling on all MLA's and leaders expenses budget matter as really sources are available in phone, travel, accommodation etc....

See the Karnataka government phone bill amount is 235 crores!

In Kerala, state government need more fund for effected flood people...

How government will provide?

What things happen on phone?

Rather next election has so many questions as well as election commission may be feeling guilty for all kind of election expenses in Indian region for all Indian....

Indian need to develop educated smart work with shave, not without shave....

Think Wise.... next generation of India needs minimum debt on his or her or it Head in future, may be starting now....

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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