Thursday 9 August 2018

I Love My Daughter

Government says
Beti bachavo Beti padhao...
Save daughter, learn daughter...

Respect ladies...puran says here under couple name politely...

Ram seeta
Radha Krushna
Atree ansuya
Shankar parvati

I agree with same but i personally invented that in majority, famous only men's names are in historical story like Ramayana, Mahabharata, ...

Even in vayu puran only male names are as VANSHAJ read by us,

why not ladies names ????....

Mostly even in Devi Bhagwat too....
Only males version are described not ladies....

What roll of daughter's father and father's daughter are very shortly breif, in few cases like ....

Drupad's daughter Draupadee and even she faced five husband with Krushna decision and he called her SAKHEE....

Kunta  faced four lord and all given her son why not else gift????

I don't think that's fare...

Even durga came from all dev's special lights .... Really this is not good but happened since long ....
In recent days too we believed that respect ladies but I personally feeling that sometimes something missing about your said words written top of the article....

I believe that Pracheen and Arwacheen matters are different but what part of father's Daughter and daughter's father are still not specified by even Vyasji....

In parvati matter only looking as cool cold father like Himalayas are not Worthy.....daksh denied his daughter's husband to invite at his yagna because of such not accepted behavior of a genuine MALE....

What is important....

Having daughter is not enough, but having daughter and your earning source taken by natural super power and then thinking better for all are really sometimes feelings very odd to me....

I am doing Dutt  Bawni regular but feeling odd in my life...for specially for those who are thinking good for my self and my daughter and mother...

Few people in life are like ....

They know that their important things or life laying with me, and feel like, I don't care, but you care for it,
In that case I suffered a lot....
suffer a lot...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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