Monday 24 December 2018

Differences of ram and Krushna

If someone asked what is the difference between RAM and Krishna?
Main basic difference belongs to their death
Ram had Samadhi & Krushna was killed by his own cousin brother
Other differences is,
Ram never laugh & Krushna never cry
Me and my father's memory
That's sanatan SATYA,

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 22 December 2018

Vaju and Aashka

Vaju and Aashka

In spirituality sense, both has specific special powerful reason for doing such Acton.

For getting fast speed for atikraman needs water as speed with air body needs cool effect for saving body from fire and if want more information....See Dr strange Holly wood movie.

In other words for doing better work or as per Vedas mythology, getting such things from God fire AGNI needs water components for cooling effects, as per my personal ideology, there are no any religiously demand for getting

In Islamic region most people washing hands and legs by water before namaz and that's called VAJU...

In Hindu region after praying gods people doing aartee by fire lamps for specific god.  The specifics styles of taking aartee by hand is called as AASHKA.

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 19 December 2018


लोन माफी छोटे किसान की जरुरत। जमींदार के  पास कमी नही होती।
जिसका खेत , उसीकी बगैर मजदूर खेती, उसी को लोन माफी मुनासिब।
भारत को लोग पढ़ा लिखा देश समझते हे तो जुठ की बुनियाद पे वोट देना और मांगना बंद होना ही चाहिए।
अँधेरे मे खाना कभी कभी अच्छा, लेकिन देश दिन में चले वही अच्छा।

खेत या कृषि पेदाश मे लॉन्ग टर्म मुनाफा तभी होगा जब केंद्र और राज्य सरकार एक चित्त सोचेगी वर्ना विपक्ष का CM लोन मांगता रहेगा और रूलिंग PM देश उन्नति की बात करेगा। हुआ है
थोड़ी गहरी सांसो से कई बार अच्छा लगता है।
सोचो गहरी सोच से होने वाला कार्य कितना मुनाफा दे सकता है।
जन्म दिन और मृत्यु दिन भले किसी बड़े व्यक्ति के हो पर अब्दुल कलाम जी को सदर नमन जिन्होंने कहा है अगर अच्छा लगाना चाहते हो तो कम करो।
विचार और आचरण संदिग्ध परिस्थितियों में अलग न हो तो शक्तिमान असाधारण रूप से परिपक्वता हासिल कर सकते है।
मगर व्याप्त रूप से मगज के विचार सराहना कभी काबिले तारीफ हो सकता है लेकिन ज़िंदा रहना चाहिए, वही मौजूद जरूरत है।
कूछ भी करो, सांसे चालू रखो।
शारीरिक कचरा अपने आप मिलेगा।
संजय और धृतराष्ट्र...
अग़र शब्द समजो तो गीता की जरुरत कृष्ण अर्जुन के विभिन्न नामो के साथ नहीं रहेगी।
कुछ बड़ी बात है ...
महत्तम चैतन्य ऊर्जा पूल के दोनो ओर ,
आनंद ही आनंद, शर्दी के साथ मुह भी खुल्ला, स्त्राव की गतिभी बहोत थी, बदबूदार खुशबु गायब थी।
Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya

Efforts at fort

People choosing new government cause they are willing to achieve better services from government. if old government has no funds, or running party's working systems not saving funds, how will the new one will give peace to nation's people without finance?
Cupboard needs few papers...

Maybe BSNL has not record of his own billing matter history & main thing is that still they are not producing same billing formats and doing various changes according, like Indian people changing government, as need short term gain always in only farmers and fertilizers chapter

During Chandrasekhar ministry, happened with gold matter for controlling rupees international standard. These twice duration, if as previously, this time also government not fulfill the reserve stock in RBI again, then Mr Raghu Rajan statement maybe confirmed right...that degradation or down credit of RBI...

Life is precious and medical transcription is not may be prescription of doctor and if drug and pharmacology inspector not checked the on line salable medicine than who will give right answer of about the medicine's working capabilities of time duration as well qualities controlling and doses like it is BID, TID, QID?...

It's time to make self perfect on thing that posters are not biggest brand but self recognize level, as public servant is the biggest any social media...

Sleeping with Small head, large body's substance excluding bone. Maybe there are not seen eyes but feel that warm air came out from mouth. Shrinking chick due to coldness.

Maybe not necessarily represent smaller lighter Ray in darkness shining at a time but ......
Yes but....
If shining, no one can stopped it possible bad or good effect....
Related to contact parameters...

A child's words...
At raatranee banglow, ramdev nagar, stetlite...
Company based at white house, punchwati circle, c g roead ahmedabad
Put my left hand on boy's  Head who has not cleared his babree

Blessings are good for all
Blessings to any one is better
By doing work blessings to all as humanly is the best for Every moment forever..
Believe that bawa has no need of cream like Vaseline but what about mixers in vyom....
Happy moment on Thursday...
Jay guru dev dutt...

What ever happened in life but the camel's company is still available and I gladly respond whatever knowledge received by special supremo.
I never seen god but the TATVAARTH is better than all kinds respond.
We can say
Negative to Positive
Words effect
Now waiting for

Jay Jishnu

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 16 December 2018

शनै: शनै: (होले होले / धीरे धीरे)

शनै: शनै:
धीरे धीरे

शनि की वक्र दृष्टि तभी अच्छी हे,
जब यम और यमी भिन्न हो।
भेद अंतर तभी सूर्य को केन्द्र से खबर रहे।
शनि तो उद्यमी पिता का वक्र दृष्टि वाला पुत्र हे जो हमेशा पिता के कचरा के प्रबंधन में रहा है।
कचरे के सात्विक तत्वार्थ के अर्क के औचित्य संभालने की लगन में मग्न हे।
सूर्य, सवर्णा, यम, यमी एक साथ,
शनि अकेला फिरभी उसे  तो संस्कार वर्धित मूल्य का अधिगृणन कराना हे।
सूर्य शनि की युति अलग निदान कराती है।
वेद सूक्त मे सिर्फ यम यमी की बात सर्वोत्तम?
शनि का नामोलेख नही।
साडा साती की अगत्य अष्ट प्रकृति पाने से पहले या धारण करते पहले है ही है।
सूर्य, सवर्णा, यम, यमी सब तेजोमय ऊर्जा वाले जाने के बाद स्थानीय गमन वृत्ति की परिसीमा शनि तय करता है।
वक्रद्रष्टय शनि केलवणी से पर हे।
ओजस के बाद काली मेष, आपके संस्कार की छोटी चिंगारी की धूपसली, जो आपके नेतृत्व मे है, वह आपको ही नहीं पर समग्र समाज को आने वाली विपद से बचाती हे।
हाथ का स्पर्श भले अलग हो पर साणसि से पकड़ी हुई मौजूद स्टील तपेली सतत वहनीय ऊर्जा का साभान कराती हे।
तपेली भले चूले से उतरे पर
सहज साँज़ा चुला प्रदीप्त रहे।

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 14 December 2018

Universal language

Knowledge is about sarvatrik language...

All animals and birds language are calling as sarvatrik language...

We can speak so many language on different levels, But animals and birds are not...

Nature has specific word language and that's written in our vedas and As per sanskrut it all has good meaning....

Wind noise.

Water noise
Khal khal khal khal

Fire noise
Bhad Bhad bhad bhad

Earth noise
While walking or striking by an object ....

Sky noise
Which we calling as PALSAAR
NASA recorded few noise as brief description...

I would like to inform you that we have capital of our own body as property given by nature, but we are making races behind money.....

Here produced hot photo telling code like....
Yellow fire
Blue water
Green earth
Brown tree
Red main elements of body
Gray is about mixer of things happen in black and white....

Sometimes I laughing on other odd sentence but like to interest in growing India country's economy at worldwide

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 7 December 2018

Meanings of जय श्री कृष्ण

Interesting sentence
Meanings of जय श्री कृष्ण

Meaning of ज is things are 100% surly there ....

Meaning of य is whatever there are must be with positivity and we can able to pray for our better position....

Shree श्री meaning is about the lady or Maa from which you can define things as per casht or ling (wooden material) like that is tree or fruit or leaf or Groot or seed....

Meaning of कृ related with fertility or fertilizer process or production...

Meaning of ष related with absolutely unbreakable, unstoppable, unfinished things from whatever you getting every time...and half things available in both meaning as in man and women and combination or jointly it is ONE as half and half.....

Meaning of  ण related with individuals man and woman yoni and shishna symbol...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Holy & Diwalee

Holy and diwalee are well known religious festival of Hinduism. Both are mostly coming after every six month, both has big but similar different enlightenment period history scale...

One is maintain home's light, and from all home of society's all small lamps, maintain big huge image of sky's stars. if you see the place from higher roof....we called Diwalee...

Other maintain by fire situation at one place out of home or at common plot of society, and due to big place, you can see the SUN kind mode of fire while watching from higher roof of place...we called Holy...

So many stories are behind that but the word BEYOND is giving me different enlightenment period story for said process...

New year type diwalee festival maintain by world all religious as approximately seventy 70 times in a year by different countries different place ....

But the HOLY maintain by INDIA only, in and as well cultured human mankind....

That is different things that people understand different myth of same about fire or Agni.....

Few Africans old tribes doing different style for fire that is also different and discussed another time...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 6 December 2018

MIND - Main Internal Negotiable Demand

Professionally, if you have experience, you need money according that in job or business for savings.
Spirituality telling different things if you have experience, you need to spreading or sharing liable person.
You can save culture.
Save your good positive energy thought by writing on paper or book. After reading maybe helpful to anyone, that's time would be unknown to us but goal must be oriented for mankind...
Spiritualities are like children game like telephone, one sentence spoken by first child in other ear and passing whispery one by one and after ten passed the eleventh child speaking loudly, what he heard, if correct then the first one gaining right to speak another sentence.
Mind it... God gives us best storage system like body and it's inner part...
Main Internal Negotiable Demand
Take maximum positive energy...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya