Friday 7 December 2018

Holy & Diwalee

Holy and diwalee are well known religious festival of Hinduism. Both are mostly coming after every six month, both has big but similar different enlightenment period history scale...

One is maintain home's light, and from all home of society's all small lamps, maintain big huge image of sky's stars. if you see the place from higher roof....we called Diwalee...

Other maintain by fire situation at one place out of home or at common plot of society, and due to big place, you can see the SUN kind mode of fire while watching from higher roof of place...we called Holy...

So many stories are behind that but the word BEYOND is giving me different enlightenment period story for said process...

New year type diwalee festival maintain by world all religious as approximately seventy 70 times in a year by different countries different place ....

But the HOLY maintain by INDIA only, in and as well cultured human mankind....

That is different things that people understand different myth of same about fire or Agni.....

Few Africans old tribes doing different style for fire that is also different and discussed another time...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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