Tuesday 19 February 2019

Vyuhas and ang sandhi


Let's start with the meaning of vyuha , it is a arrangement of the army divisions to attain a specific objective at the end of the day’s war. Every day the commander in chief of each army will arrange the army in a specific formation, so that his army can attain the objectives of that specific day. Depending on the the objective, risks, threats, opportunities, the choice of “Vyuha” was made.

Now you may wonder, How can such a huge army re-structure itself in the middle of the war? How can so many soldiers change positions, tactics and decide what to do when a key personnel dies or the attacking army changes it’s formation?

It needs to be noted that the army is composed of soldiers from various kingdoms. Each general from a Kingdom is well equipped with the decorum, code of conduct and technical details of a “Vyuha”. But ordinary soldiers, cavalry and infantry men don’t know those things and they would have to be ordered to move and re-structure themselves.This was done through the code of big drums, Trumphets, Sankhs and other horns which would instruct the army what to do.

Following are the different Vyuhas used in the Kurukshetra war

Krauncha Vyuha (Heron formation).

military formation on a pattern supposed to resemble a heron with outstretched beak and spreading wings. Krauncha vyuha, a very offensive formation, was generally attempted to induce fear in the opponent army. Pandava army was arranged in this vyuha on the second day of the Mahabharata war. Drupada was at the head and Kuntibhoja was placed at the eye. The army of the satyaki formed neck of the Kauncha bird. Bhima and Dhristadhymna formed both the wings of the Vyuha. The sons of Draupadi and Satyaki were to guard the wings.

Garuda Vyuha (Eagle formation)

The Heron Formation (Krauncha Vyuha) was usually met with Garuda or eagle Formation’Eagle is a Natural Enemy of Heron.Note the Swoop of the Garuda, nullifying and swamping the posture of the Heron. In its form, the Garuda Vyuha resembles the Krauncha vyuha, On the second day Bhishma arranged his army in Garuda vyuha to counter the Krauncha vyuha of the Pandavas. Bhishma himself got posittioned at its beak. Drona and Kritavarna were the eyes. Kripa and Ashvatthama were at the head. The Trigartas the Jayadratha with their armies made the neck. Duryodhana, his brothers, Vinda and Anuvinda made the body of the formation whereas King of Kashala, Brihadbala formed the tail of the formation

Mandala Vyuha (Galaxy formation )

It was a defensive circular formation very difficult to penetrate. The Commander-in-chief, situated at the centre of hte formation, usually leads the army and is surrounded by several small groups of armymen, each grup lead by a Maharathi. On the seventh day of the war Bhishma made Mandala Vyuha.The Pandavas countered it by Vajra Vyuha.

Vajra Vyuha ( Diamond or Thunderbolt Formation)

Pandavas chose Vajra Vyuha to counter Mandala Vyuha formation on the 7th day. This formation was also used by the Pandavas on the first day of the war. In this formation, all maha-rathis are situated at the centre of the squared formation and are surrounded by infantry from all sides. Drishtadhyumna lead the formation and was followed by the five Pandavas on the 7th day. And it was Bhima who lead the formation on the first day.

Pattern of vajra vyuha by pandavas on 1st day

Makara Vyuha (Crocodile formation)

On the fifth day of the war, Bhishma chose to arrange his army in Makarvyuha. Arjuna, Yudhisthira and Dhristadhyumna decided for the Hawk formation of their Army. All the warriors of both sides were assigned to specific places in the formations with special responsibilities.

Ardha Chandra Vyuha (Half crescent formation )

Arjuna arranged this formation in consultation with commander of Pandava army Dhristadhyumna on the 12th day of the war. his arrangement. At the right end was the powerful Bhima. Abimanyu was at left end. Ghatotkacha and Kokaya brothers were at the left rear. Satyaki, and five sons of Draupadi were at the rear centre.Yudhisthira was placed at the centre of the formation. The armies of Drupada and Virata led from the front guarding Yudhistira. Neel and Dhristadhymna were placed next to them with Dhristaketu and Shikandi following at the rear end. At the tip was Arjuna at his Chariot with Krishna. Observe the above pic

Shakata Vyuha (Box or Cart formation)

Shakata vyuha is an array in which the army is draw up in a narrow and compact order and its rear expanding in extended columns like the back of an Indian cart. Drona used this formation on the 11th day for the Kauravas

Sarvatomukhi Dand Vyuha

This was the formation used by Bhishma on the 1st day of the Kurukshetra war. The head of the cormation had 6 Maharathis arranged in a circular form and the rear end is shaped like a rod (Dand) to keep resourcing the head.

Suchimukha Vyuha (Needle formation)

The Suchimukha Vyuha was not used as a stand alone vyuha in the Kurukshetra war. But on the 14th day of the war, Drona created a complex triple layered formation called Chakrashatak Vyuha . First was the Chakravyuha where he was standing guard himself. That Vyuha opened in to the second Sakatavyuha the charge of which was in the hands of Duramarshana, the brave brother of Duryodhana. At the third tier was the Soochimukha Vyuha (shaped like the mouth of a needle) with Karna, Bhurishrava, Ashvatthama, Salya, Vrishasena, Kripa to guard it and Jayadratha was at the very end of the Vyuha.

Chakra Vyuha (Wheel or Discuss Formation)

Chakra means “spinning wheel” and “vyuha” means formation. Hence, chakravyuha means the puzzled arrangement of soldiers that keeps moving in the form of a spinning wheel. Rotation of soldiers is very similar to helix of a screw commonly seen in watches. The Chakravyuha, is a multi-tier defensive formation that looks like a disc and this is most deadliest military formation

The Chakravyuha keeps on moving in a spherical order and can easily lead the component away in captivity as well. Formation of Chakravyuha is never visible from the ground. But anyone from above can easily decipher the movement.

Usually, there were seven layers, level 7 being the innermost layer consisting of strongest soldiers. Soldiers of the inner level were technically and physically stronger than the soldiers of the immediate outer level.

Now let's see how warrior will be trapped in it ,observe the below pic carefully

Firstly it needs to be noted that the formation is not visible from the ground, simply because each of the layers of the maze are not in fact a single row of soldiers, but a huge batallion of army which has a depth of tens or hundreds of soldiers, and the path between between 2 layers is also multifold wide through which a batallion could pass through. So from ground, it would simply seem to be a big passage on either side of which the enimies' army are busy fighting. Only the inner row is facing the warrior or army that passes through the maze. The outer layer is busy facing the next outer passage.

Open the above image and see it carefully .So irrespective of what one does, the Chakravyuha is designed to engulf the enemy, and either kill him as he goes through the maze, or spare his life, but weaken him until he's taken captive along the route. This makes it one of the deadliest formations.

Padma Vyuha (Blooming Lotus Formation)

Picture source pinterest.

The Padma Vyuha is often confused with the Chakravyuha, and many writers use these terms interchangeable. There is considerable difference between these 2 formations though there are quite some similarities as well. SImilar to Chakra-Vyuha, this is a multi-tired defensive formation inteh form of a blooming lotus when viewed from above. Again only a handful of warriors knew the tehncique of breaching this formation.

Sarvatobhadra Vyuha (Safe from all sides) and Nakshatramandal Vyuha (constellation formation)

On the ninth day Bhishma went for a Vyuha called Sarvatobhadra Vyuha which meant safe from all sides. Bhishma was in the front, Guarded by Kripa, Kritaverma, Shakuni, Jayadratha, Kamboja and sons of Dhritarastra. Trigartas were also there. The Pandavas formed a Vyuha called Nakshatramandal vyuha in shape of a constellation. The Pandavas and sons of Draupadi were leading from the front. Shikhandi Chekitan and Ghatotkacha were holding important positions to defend. Abhimanyu, Kekaya brothers and Drupada were guarding the rear.

Asura Vyuha (Demon formation) and Deva Vyuha (Divine formation)

This formation is used to confuse the opponent. On the tenth day the Kauravas army chose, Asura Vyuha and the Pandavas countered it by arranging their army in Deva Vyuha. In the lead was Shikandhi with Bhima and Arjuna to protect his sides. Behind him were Abhimanyu and the children of Draupadi. Satyaki and Dhristadhyuma were with them. Virata and Drupada had two charge of the rest of the army. Kekayu brothers, Dhristaketu and Gatotkacha were in their ranks. The Pandavas had the single pointed aim to kill Bhishma and were successful in that.

Kurma Vyuha (Turtle formation) and Trishula Vyuha (Trident formation)

The Kurmavyuha was formed by Bhishma on the 8th day of the war. The Pandavas countered it with the Trishula vyuha.

Oormi Vyuha (Ocean formation) and Sringataka Vyuha (Horned formation)

Formation will be just like big waves in the sea , particular trained groups can only do this .

On the afternoon of the 8th day, Bhishma changed his formation to Oormi Vyuha. In this formation, the army is arranged on either side like the waves of the sea. Arjuna chose Sringataka Vyuha to counter-attack this formation. I am really thank full to this links Vyuhas - The Strategic formations,The invincible Chakravyuha

Apart from this vyuhas there are some more vyuhas like trishula vyuha,mala vyuha, chandrakala vyuha ,sringataka vyuha if ur intersted to know this vyuhas also let me know in the comment section

Don't forget to follow me if u wanted to know what's the invoking mantra of brahmastra, hope u all enjoyed reading

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Mahabharata: How did the formations of Vyuha's look like in the kurukshetra war?


What are the different vyuhas in  Mahabharata?


What were the different vyuhas or war strategies used in the Mahabharata war?


How many shlokas are in the Mahabharata?


How many Kings were ruling in Bharatvarsa at the time of Mahabharata War?



Daniyal Akram, I know about Mahabharata

Answered Aug 30, 2016

Vyūha means - 'to arrange troops in a battle array'.

In the Upanishads the word vyuha occurs once, it appears in śloka 16 of the Isha Upanishad :-

पूषन्नेकर्षे यम सूर्य प्राजापत्य व्यूह रश्मिन्समूह |

तेजो यत्ते रूपं कल्याणतमं तत्ते पश्यामि योऽसावसौ पुरुषः सोऽहमस्मि ||

"O Sun, sole traveler of the Heavens, controller of all, Surya, son of Prajapati; remove thy rays and gather up the burning light. I behold thy glorious form; I am he, the Purusha within thee."

Types of Vyuhas used in Mahabharata :-

Krauncha Vyuha

Pandava army was arranged in this vyuha on the second day. Drupada was at the head and Kuntibhoja was placed at the eye. The army of the satyaki formed neck of the Kauncha bird. Bhima and Dhristadhymna formed both the wings of the Vyuha. The sons of Draupadi and Satyaki were to guard the wings. The formation of the army phalanxes in this manner was very formidable.

Bhishma also decided to arrange his army in Krauncha Vyuha. Bhurishrava and Salya were to guard the wings. Somdatta, Ashwatthama, Kripa and Kritavarma were positioned at different important place in the formation.

Garuda Vyuha

On the second day Bhishma arranged his army in Garuda vyuha. Bhishma was its beak. Drona and Kritavarna were the eyes. Kripa and Ashvatthama were at the head. The Trigartas the Jayadratha with their armies made the neck. Duryodhana, his brothers, Vinda and Anuvinda made the body. King of Kashala, Brihadbala formed the tail.

Ardha Chakra Vyuha

Arjuna observed this arrangement. He arranged the Pandavas army in consultation with Dhristadhymna, made the Ardha-chandra vyuha. cresent form. At the right end was Bhima, Along the ups were placed the army of Drupada and Virata. Neel, Dhristaketu, Dhristadhymna and Shikandi were placed next to them. Yudhisthira was at the centre. Satyaki, and five sons of Draupadi. Abimanyu were at left end, Ghatatkacha and Kokaya brother was there too. At the tip was Arjuna at his Chariot with Krishna.

Makara Vyuha

On the fifth day of the war, Bhishma chose to arrange his army in Makarvyuha. Arjuna, Yudhisthira and Dhristadhyumna decided for the Hawk formation of their Army. All the warriors of both sides were assigned to specific places in the formations with special responsibilities.

One the sixth day it was the Pandavas who preferred the Makara Vyuha . The Kauravas chose Krauncha Vyuha. It is said that on this day Bhima was coming in and out of the Vyuha of the kauravas, killing soldier at will, swinging his terrible mace.

Mandala Vyuha

On the seventh day of the war Bhishma made Mandala Vyuha. It was circular formation very difficult to penetrate. The Pandavas countered it by Vajra Vyuha. On the dawn of the eighth day of the war, it was Oormi Vyuha for Kauravas, meaning ocean. It was the formation in which their army was arranged. It spread on the either side like waves of the sea. Arjuna chose

Sringataka Vyuha .

Sarvatobhadra Vyuha

On the ninth day Bhishma went for a Vyuha called Sarvatobhadra Vyuha which meant safe from all sides. Bhishma was in the front, Guarded by Kripa, Kritaverma, Shakuni, Jayadratha, Kamboja and sons of Dhritarastra. Trigartas were also there. The Pandavas formed a Vyuha in shape of a constellation. The Pandavas and sons of Draupadi were leading from the front. Shikhandi Chekitan and Ghatotkacha were holding important positions to defend. Abhimanyu, Kekaya brothers and Drupada were guarding the rear.

On the tenth day the Kauravas army chose, Asura Vyuha and the Pandavas countered it by arranging their army in Deva Home the lead was Shikandhi with Bhima and Arjuna to protect his sides. Behind him were Abhimanyu and the children of Draupadi. Satyaki and Dhristadhyuma were with them. Virata and Drupada had two charge of the rest of the army. Kekayu brothers, Dhristaketu and Gatotkacha were in their ranks. The Pandavas had the single pointed aim to kill Bhishma and were successful in that.

On the twelfth day of the war, the Kauravas chose Garuda Vyuha and the Pandavas countered it by going for the Ardha-Chandra Vyuha.


The thirteenth day of the war came. Drona arranged his army in Chakra Vyuha (wheel) formation. Duryodhana was at the centre and other warriors were in different layers. Jayadratha was there guarding the gate of the Vyuha with his army. In a chakravyuha warriors formed concentric circles (the circles of proportion of the circles of death)and the enemy had to penetrate all the circles to reach the core to defeat his opponent and then come out.

It is said that the chakravyuha had six concentric circles under the six Maharathis (Karna, Drona, Ashvatthama, Dushashana, Shalya, Kripacharya) with Duryodhana at the center and Jayadratha guarding the gate. Abhimanyu had already penetrated the chakravyuha. Mean while at the gate of the Vyuha, Bhima, Yudhisthira, Shikhandi, Drupad, Dhristadhymna, Virata, Nakula etc. were making determined effort to break into the vyuha but without any success. Jayadratha had obtained a boon from lord Shiva that enabled him to defy all the Pandavas when Arjuna and Krishna were not there.

The fourteenth day of the war came. Arjun had already taken an oath to kill Jayadrata. Drona made a triple layered Vyuha . First was the Chakravyuha where he was standing guard himself. That Vyuha opened in to the second Sakatavyuha the charge of which was in the hands of Duramarshana, the brave brother of Duryodhana. At the third tier was the Soochimukha Vyuha (shaped like the mouth of a needle) with Karna, Bhurishrava, Ashvatthama, Salya, Vrishasena, Kripa to guard it and Jayadratha was at the very end of the Vyuha. And the rest is History...

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At various times during battle, the supreme commander of either army ordered special formations ("vyuhas").  Each formation had a specific purpose; some were defensive while others  were offensive. Each formation had its specific strengths and  weaknesses. The Mahābhārata lists the following:

Krauncha vyuha (heron formation)

Makara vyuha (crocodile formation)

Kurma vyuha (tortoise or turtle formation)

Trishula vyuha (trident formation)

Chakra vyuha (wheel or discus formation)

Kamala vyuha or Padma vyuha (lotus formation)

Garud vyuha (eagle formation)

Oormi vyuha (ocean formation)

Mandala vyuha (galaxy formation)

Vajra vyuha (diamond or thunderbolt formation)

Shakata vyuha (box or cart formation)

Asura vyuha (demon formation)

Deva vyuha (divine formation)

Soochi vyuha (needle formation)

Sringataka vyuha (horned formation)

Chandrakala vyuha (crescent or curved blade formation)

Mala vyuha (garland formation)

I was not clear what the formations actually indicate. They may be  arrangements of bear resemblance to animals, or they may be names given  to battle strategies

संस्कृत भारत की कई लिपियों में लिखी जाती रही है, लेकिन आधुनिक युग में देवनागरी लिपि के साथ इसका विशेष संबंध है। देवनागरी लिपि वास्तव में संस्कृत के लिये ही बनी है, इसलिये इसमें हर एक चिह्न के लिये एक और केवल एक ही ध्वनि है। देवनागरी में १३ स्वर और ३३ व्यंजन हैं। 


व्यंजन संधि

व्यंजन का व्यंजन से अथवा किसी स्वर से मेल होने पर जो परिवर्तन होता है उसे व्यंजन संधि कहते हैं। जैसे-शरत् + चंद्र = शरच्चंद्र। उज्जवल

(क) किसी वर्ग के पहले वर्ण क्, च्, ट्, त्, प् का मेल किसी वर्ग के तीसरे अथवा चौथे वर्ण या य्, र्, ल्, व्, ह या किसी स्वर से हो जाए तो क् को ग् च् को ज्, ट् को ड् और प् को ब् हो जाता है। जैसे -

क् + ग = ग्ग दिक् + गज = दिग्गज। क् + ई = गी वाक + ईश = वागीश
च् + अ = ज् अच् + अंत = अजंत ट् + आ = डा षट् + आनन = षडानन
प + ज + ब्ज अप् + ज = अब्ज

(ख) यदि किसी वर्ग के पहले वर्ण (क्, च्, ट्, त्, प्) का मेल न् या म् वर्ण से हो तो उसके स्थान पर उसी वर्ग का पाँचवाँ वर्ण हो जाता है। जैसे -

क् + म = ं वाक + मय = वाङ्मय च् + न = ं अच् + नाश = अंनाश
ट् + म = ण् षट् + मास = षण्मास त् + न = न् उत् + नयन = उन्नयन
प् + म् = म् अप् + मय = अम्मय

(ग) त् का मेल ग, घ, द, ध, ब, भ, य, र, व या किसी स्वर से हो जाए तो द् हो जाता है। जैसे -

त् + भ = द्भ सत् + भावना = सद्भावना त् + ई = दी जगत् + ईश = जगदीश
त् + भ = द्भ भगवत् + भक्ति = भगवद्भक्ति त् + र = द्र तत् + रूप = तद्रूप
त् + ध = द्ध सत् + धर्म = सद्धर्म

(घ) त् से परे च् या छ् होने पर च, ज् या झ् होने पर ज्, ट् या ठ् होने पर ट्, ड् या ढ् होने पर ड् और ल होने पर ल् हो जाता है। जैसे -

त् + च = च्च उत् + चारण = उच्चारण त् + ज = ज्ज सत् + जन = सज्जन
त् + झ = ज्झ उत् + झटिका = उज्झटिका त् + ट = ट्ट तत् + टीका = तट्टीका
त् + ड = ड्ड उत् + डयन = उड्डयन त् + ल = ल्ल उत् + लास = उल्लास

(ङ) त् का मेल यदि श् से हो तो त् को च् और श् का छ् बन जाता है। जैसे -

त् + श् = च्छ उत् + श्वास = उच्छ्वास त् + श = च्छ उत् + शिष्ट = उच्छिष्ट
त् + श = च्छ सत् + शास्त्र = सच्छास्त्र

(च) त् का मेल यदि ह् से हो तो त् का द् और ह् का ध् हो जाता है। जैसे -

त् + ह = द्ध उत् + हार = उद्धार त् + ह = द्ध उत् + हरण = उद्धरण
त् + ह = द्ध तत् + हित = तद्धित

(छ) स्वर के बाद यदि छ् वर्ण आ जाए तो छ् से पहले च् वर्ण बढ़ा दिया जाता है। जैसे -

अ + छ = अच्छ स्व + छंद = स्वच्छंद आ + छ = आच्छ आ + छादन = आच्छादन
इ + छ = इच्छ संधि + छेद = संधिच्छेद उ + छ = उच्छ अनु + छेद = अनुच्छेद

(ज) यदि म् के बाद क् से म् तक कोई व्यंजन हो तो म् अनुस्वार में बदल जाता है। जैसे -

म् + च् = ं किम् + चित = किंचित म् + क = ं किम् + कर = किंकर
म् + क = ं सम् + कल्प = संकल्प म् + च = ं सम् + चय = संचय
म् + त = ं सम् + तोष = संतोष म् + ब = ं सम् + बंध = संबंध
म् + प = ं सम् + पूर्ण = संपूर्ण

(झ) म् के बाद म का द्वित्व हो जाता है। जैसे -

म् + म = म्म सम् + मति = सम्मति म् + म = म्म सम् + मान = सम्मान

(ञ) म् के बाद य्, र्, ल्, व्, श्, ष्, स्, ह् में से कोई व्यंजन होने पर म् का अनुस्वार हो जाता है। जैसे -

म् + य = ं सम् + योग = संयोग म् + र = ं सम् + रक्षण = संरक्षण
म् + व = ं सम् + विधान = संविधान म् + व = ं सम् + वाद = संवाद
म् + श = ं सम् + शय = संशय म् + ल = ं सम् + लग्न = संलग्न
म् + स = ं सम् + सार = संसार

(ट) ऋ, र्, ष् से परे न् का ण् हो जाता है। परन्तु चवर्ग, टवर्ग, तवर्ग, श और स का व्यवधान हो जाने पर न् का ण् नहीं होता। जैसे -

र् + न = ण परि + नाम = परिणाम र् + म = ण प्र + मान = प्रमाण

(ठ) स् से पहले अ, आ से भिन्न कोई स्वर आ जाए तो स् को ष हो जाता है। जैसे -

भ् + स् = ष अभि + सेक = अभिषेक नि + सिद्ध = निषिद्ध वि + सम + विषम

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