Thursday 17 July 2014

Aum Namaha Shivaya - Panchakshar Stotra meaning

17th July 2014

  • Aum Namaha Shivaya - Panchakshar Stotra meaning

well friends

as we all know that the SHRAVAN month is coming and all people who are the follower of lord SHIVA doing good KARMA with related subject as according as per their strength...

aum namaha shivaya

is the dhoon which is in sanskrut and maintaining five words and each word has special meaning may be so much people know the things but this is done seperatily why by me  do not know but uploading the same on blogersight first time and the reason is unknown...


is the symbole and we are saying Pranavakshara


mean it is the thing or object or type or style which is nothing


mean it is sanskrut pronunciation and it mean our self's big enough structure


mean which is smiley face or our self which containing "E" kaar swaroop with "Sh"


mean which is covered by something


which mean specific structure, which can justify by us


which mean in doing prayer / YAJAN like sadhak....

that is Aum NaMaha Shivaya...

well this is the panchakshara stotra as five words mean our body which containining five soul
akaash (SKY)
vayu (AIR)
agni (Fire)
toyam (WATER)
pruthvee (EARTH)

when we listen the stotra it contain ARUNACHAL which has special meaning with the same...

Arunachal Pradesh is the state of Indian region and it besides of ASAMA stare Near Bangla country

Arunachal has the spririt of spiritual sense as there is a big mountain accordingly join with the HIMALAYA. Maharshi RAMAN is belongs to the same side...


mean it is the "A" kaar based unit for which you can say the GOD Name. in Vishnu sahastra the same is specified in depthly.


mean energy / urja


mean it is the thing or object or type or style which is nothing


it is the word mean constant...

well the Indian mythology is very big... and even myself is very small for maintaining all words meaning in proper as the language problem...

but the SHRAVAN month is coming and we have to do good karma all time rather any religious month coming or not that is the main part of life...

  • jigar Mehta

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