Tuesday 14 May 2019

Indian Media and government

Need to think on Media working capabilities…
Only political, politicians, politics news are not enough for encouraging new educated India for TRP rank
Few other national matter, economic, finance, documentary on different subjects are more important now for opening eyes of Indian.
Even more I think about nowadays for after coming new government, what are new steps to be taken from them for reducing expenses at all levels, that includes petrol, consumer costing, durable price etc.
Even thinking on what kind steps to be taken care of energy level too….
As per information and record of India and past government working capabilities and capacity, mostly three years are good for each time then after from two years they spending one and half for finding candidate for new election though working done by MLAs or not. Using media personalities too for taking vote.
Media also showing only political news. Instead of other government department focus priority base growth level…
Other six month for making higher expenses on election promotion materials.
Even foreign countries companies investment also done in prior three years only as currency stability is most important to invest Money… for profit level…
Base line still depends on religious and religion or cast factor in India for political votes matter…for making government….
Personaly I strongly believe that India needs promotion in thought level…not on cast factor but on merit base qualifications…
Few things taken from other media application for the Knowledgable thinking….

An American American NRI, who is also the CEO of an American company, has * * RE-DESIGN * to the Indian Map *, to explain to its American employees, that according to the * only * population * in every region of India ( STATE WISE) * The population of the world is almost identical to that country.

That NRI has written the name of that country in the map of India (ie, the population of Uttar Pradesh is equal to the Brazilian population) that country’s name.At the same time, he explained to his employees that it means that the control of India’s power means that the Prime Minister of India is handling the population of many countries at one time...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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