Saturday 18 May 2019

Taking care of Miss guided news report is patriotism

Humble request to you for taking care from Miss guided news line of such channels… either television or YouTube…
All channels are need TRP or subscribers.
Henceforth they all taking little statement of mostly few leaders, made debates on it for half an hour or hour and mean while avoiding to show you actual news what ever else done whole day in country.
They neither focusing on other departments of government nor social common news. Only leaders speech are not helping us for better growth thoughts…
Sometime India and Indian people need to focus on such different priority too… as like rules are there…
  • Don’t smoke
  • Don’t spoil place after eating paan masala
  • Don’t drink alcohol
  • Park your vehicle at perfect place
  • Stop vehicles at long traffic signal
This is only few and as I came to know that this month police made first chaalaan on spitting by CC TV camera and this done made rules means after 4-5 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So many things are there for making news watch but…….
Anyway…good is great…
Making India strong by policies but that should be running as per appropriate time as well as policies…
If people need to wait and watch…
that would be not right…
Spreading JANJAGRUTY is essentially now a days in India…
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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