Sunday 29 December 2019

PM’s nation controlling as family head’s matter

…we know that what is prime minister and president work….but if thinking on .. contribution as pioneer base… Need to focus past years full finished and furnished success steps…as well as as per probabilities up coming new works or projects…

We know that… Laws of both things or catagories …but getting better national reward or growing growth… Need reaching in micro interior area of states, district, cities, villages by leaders and party people as maintaiing product or reputation which is previously maintain by their subordinates and other leaders…’s on going process…

Fruits gaining from Mkt and people buy them by money but need to make similar prices for all states and villagers economical…ways are unique…but need to find and therefore they are there…

Trademark and copyright and patent act…are for such products for few years then again process need more money for few more years maintain but reputation is really very high subject when whole rulling party of national government following one man and asking vote on his karma or speeches…

That’s Ethical ways for trading and others investment in product and projects…if are available only when other subordinates support till villagers side areas….

Jay gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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