Sunday 22 December 2019

Tatkshan has Manyu means anger of child

See if you pay
Of rogue tea leaves,

What was put in some milk turned red with shame or Anger

Yes and but …
both are there…

.. When black is unknown from such controlled contact.. till that time black but on second moments, Gray than specific colour grip up by black…just need to test by exams of Rang, Rup, Ras….than decision will be appropriate by either shame or anger…

… Name abhimanyu… name’s one means is little anger too… Basically manyu it self means anger but child’s anger…

Draupadi once asked udhishthir by same word when dyut done…

She used same “Manyu”
word, shlok is there so when if you have no anger on time of big or every time wrong work front of you… You need to decide weather yo live or dead…

Krushna himself once got anger on Arjun though he had pledge not take weapon but against bhishm he did better…anger is beautiful sometimes..

….. Kalee Devi also got feels shame, after put leg on his husband

…. I can understand why Krushna pickup chakra in Mahabharata against bhishm… Sometimes we can not see wrong for other too… always Smiley face is not answer for everything…
That’s the time to decide on self decision…
And that is only

तत्क्षण… Manyu means anger of child is to be considered but if someone elder and you counted as child, than also anger could be considered practical way in society recently days….

See all persons activities are unique… and others are counting how it is after act…

big question for my self is unique and myself constantly got anger on one person, but symontus way I really unknown his own actually conditions of practical world…

तत्क्षण is always unique and if strikes positive in life of your own, you will get miracle life somehow…

Jay gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta /Jaigishya

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