Thursday 30 May 2019

Indian political parties and time management

5th time CM Mr N Pattnayak
Twice CM and twice PM Mr N Modee
Think wise needed,
why small party not spreading it's point of view nation wide if compared with BJP
Sometime innerwear was bigger than outer top
Called as Ahmedabad is bigger than Gujarat
Think wise for national growth,
when I was paying my electric bill or phone bill or else payment, at any time payment machine, there is different status showing, at same moment, if compared with the office interiors computer internet level...
we are live on same earth?
Yet not decided by me that what to think for government negative approach about price hike of milk and petrol...
But that is confirm that anyhow this time if opposition leaders are getting clutches in government's legal matter... Indian National Congress will be hard to stand in big party...
A big old party's thinking flow is hard to accept on corruption base...!!!
Few big political parties are growing better like YSRC, TMC, ... But a genuine leaders commands are on priority base factor for all conditions are rare....
Party needs face or genuine big respected, responsible leaders commands for betterment... for all kind progress...
Little surprised for me!
Where, when, we are standing in Asia?
By who or whom our whole Indian currency market watching constantly?
why such things happen with us with what reason?
How we are planning and making growth of Indian economy?
Same PM's oath tomorrow
See the Link
A jobless person (me) think for national growth is acceptable as good sign of willing to achieve prosperous days for India...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday 27 May 2019

Big orientation of small news DD Kisaan

We need to make growth ONLY in India nation wide ??!!!!
We must remember that one feet instrument giving big size picture of any one & Mike is small but voice is loud
as same as internet connection is good communicator for Media but smaller news headline can make big change in the world

when I was paying my electric bill or phone bill or else payment, at any time payment machine, there is different status showing, at same moment, if compared with the office interiors computer internet level...we are live... regards to your family... happy moments...

27th May 2015 passed away but
new 24 hour channel is opened and running successful for all farmers, done by Indian government.....good for world....... Happy moment to all...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 24 May 2019

R3 mall to mother's home 8 khushmann

.R3 mall... like a horizontal pyramid to 8 khushmann via rasana mitra Varun...
Raso vai Saha...
desert to home with glucoma
No ... With Wise sense...
Who are you?
It self as Big question...
Answer not given by I or me
Answer is given by ... MEM
Basically truth is different
Mother's son Jaigishya!!!!!!!!!
Feelings vibes with spoken alphabets of children...
Noises, voices, different
Animals eyes are looking to me
& eating self different things....
Feel by poty's examination...
Water has unique solubility mode with fire...
Jigar changed by PAK word "well done"?
No... but Anger is maybe for PAK...
Pure thought is different for PAK anger
A vaan is not waiting for aarjin
Allah bless us but rasul is like shash...
Started unknownly but ending by tears ONLY... waiting for daughter's smiling...
Even more I confirmed that
It's not on time...
But but but but but
Yes... In sanskrut it's means
Vichitra.... Fantastic...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 22 May 2019

आर्य शब्दसमझ हिंदु

सिंधु मतलब समुद्र
वैश्विक भाषा मे स को कहि कहि पर ह कहाहि है।
शब्द "हिन्दू" किसीभी धर्म या जाती पर निर्भर नही है।
वह सिर्फ मानवीय मानवता के संदेश को बढ़ाता है।
जिसे समझनेकी जरूरत सभी को है।
और द के साथ मुह से हवा जुड़ने से ध बनता है।
अब हिन्दू की सन्धि देखो संस्कृत मातृका रूपसे
ह + इंद + उ
ह मुलक्षर सिर्फ मुह से हवा निकलने के कारण उच्चारण कर सकते है। जैसे आत्मा मृत्यु समय निकलती है।
इंद मतलब सूर्य का तेज। या किसी भी जीव का बीज।
उ ओमकार की उ मात्रा से और ब्रह्मा के द के बाद विशिष्ठ शब्द उदर के साथ जुड़ा है।
और वही हिन्दू है
आसम प्रदेश में खास तौर पर
ह का स
स का ह 
कहते है।
जय गुरुदेव दत्त। छात्र देवो भवः।
जिगर मेहता जैगीष्य
कुछ कड़ी मित्र निओ की तरफ से mewe एप्पलीकेशन के तहत
हिंदू शब्द की उत्पत्ति…
अक्सर हम हिन्दू लोगों को बरगलाने के लिए हमें यह सिखाया जाता है कि “हिन्दू” शब्द हमें मुस्लिमों या फिर कहा जाए तो अरब वासियों ने दिया है…!
दरअसल ऐसी बातें करने के पीछे कुछ स्वार्थी तत्वों का मकसद यह रहा होगा कि हिन्दू अपने लिए “हिन्दू” शब्द सुनकर खुद में ही अपमानित महसूस करें और, हिन्दुओं में आत्मविश्वास नहीं आ पाए फिर हिन्दुओं को खुद पर गर्व करने या दुश्मनों के विरोध की क्षमता जाती रहेगी !
और, बहुत दुखद है कि समुचित ज्ञान के अभाव में बहुत सारे हिन्दू भी उसकी ऐसी बिना सर-पैर कि बातों को सच मान बैठे हैं और, खुद को हिन्दू कहलाना पसंद नहीं करते हैं जबकि, सच्चाई इसके बिल्कुल ही उलट है…!
हिन्दू शब्द हमारे लिए अपमान का नहीं बल्कि गौरव की बात है और, हमारे प्राचीन ग्रंथों एक बार नहीं बल्कि, बार-बार “हिन्दू शब्द” गौरव के साथ प्रयोग हुआ हुआ है….!
वेदों और पुराणों में हिन्दू शब्द का सीधे -सीधे उल्लेख इसीलिए नहीं पाया जाता है कि वे बेहद प्राचीन ग्रन्थ हैं और, उस समय हिन्दू सनातन धर्म के अलावा और कोई भी धर्म नहीं था जिस कारण उन ग्रंथों में सीधे -सीधे हिन्दू शब्द का उपयोग बेमानी था..!
साथ ही वेद पुराण जैसे ग्रन्थ मानव कल्याण के लिए हैं हिन्दू-मुस्लिम-ईसाई जैसे क्षुद्र सोच उस समय नहीं थे इसीलिए उन ग्रंथों में हिन्दू शब्द पर ज्यादा दवाब नहीं दिया है लेकिन प्रसंगवश हिन्दू और हिन्दुस्थान शब्द का उल्लेख वेदों में भी है..!
☻ ऋग्वेद में एक ऋषि का नाम “सैन्धव” था जो बाद में “हैन्दाव/ हिन्दव” नाम से प्रचलित हुए जो बाद में अपभ्रंश होकर “”हिन्दू”” बन गया..!
☻ साथ ही ऋग्वेद के ही ब्रहस्पति अग्यम में हिन्दू शब्द इस प्रकार आया है…
हिमालयं समारभ्य यावत इन्दुसरोवरं ।
तं देवनिर्मितं देशं हिन्दुस्थानं प्रचक्षते ।।
( अर्थात… हिमालय से इंदु सरोवर तक देव निर्मित देश को हिन्दुस्थान कहते हैं )
☻ सिर्फ वेद ही नहीं बल्कि मेरु तंत्र ( शैव ग्रन्थ ) में हिन्दू शब्द का उल्लेख इस प्रकार किया गया है…
‘हीनं च दूष्यत्येव हिन्दुरित्युच्चते प्रिये’
( अर्थात… जो अज्ञानता और हीनता का त्याग करे उसे हिन्दू कहते हैं )
☻ इतना ही नहीं लगभग यही मंत्र यही मन्त्र शब्द कल्पद्रुम में भी दोहराई गयी है…
‘हीनं दूषयति इति हिन्दू ‘
( अर्थात… जो अज्ञानता और हीनता का त्याग करे उसे हिन्दू कहते हैं )
☻ पारिजात हरण में “हिन्दू” को कुछ इस प्रकार कहा गया है |
हिनस्ति तपसा पापां दैहिकां दुष्टम ¡
हेतिभिः शत्रुवर्गं च स हिंदुरभिधियते ।।
☻ माधव दिग्विजय में हिन्दू शब्द इस प्रकार उल्लेखित है…
ओंकारमंत्रमूलाढ्य पुनर्जन्म दृढाशयः ।
गोभक्तो भारतगुरू र्हिन्दुर्हिंसनदूषकः ॥
( अर्थात… वो जो ओमकार को ईश्वरीय ध्वनि माने… कर्मो पर विश्वास करे, गौ पालक रहे तथा बुराइयों को दूर रखे वो हिन्दू है )
☻ और तो और हमारे ऋग्वेद (८:२:४१) में ‘विवहिंदु’ नाम के राजा का वर्णन है जिसने 46000 गाएँ दान में दी थी विवहिंदु बहुत पराक्रमी और दानीराजा था और, ऋग वेद मंडल 8 में भी उसका वर्णन है|
## सिर्फ इतना ही नहीं हमारे धार्मिक ग्रंथों के अलावा भी अनेक जगह पर हिन्दू शब्द उल्लेखित है…
** (656 -661 ) इस्लाम के चतुर्थ खलीफ़ा अली बिन अबी तालिब लिखते हैं कि वह भूमि जहां पुस्तकें सर्वप्रथम लिखी गईं, और जहां से विवेक तथा ज्ञान की‌ नदियां प्रवाहित हुईं, वह भूमि हिन्दुस्तान है। ( स्रोत : ‘हिन्दू मुस्लिम कल्चरल अवार्ड ‘- सैयद मोहमुद. बाम्बे 1949.)
** नौवीं सदी के मुस्लिम इतिहासकार अल जहीज़ लिखते हैं…
“हिन्दू ज्योतिष शास्त्र में, गणित, औषधि विज्ञान, तथा विभिन्न विज्ञानों में श्रेष्ठ हैं। मूर्ति कला, चित्रकला और वास्तुकला का उऩ्होंने पूर्णता तक विकास किया है। उनके पास कविताओं, दर्शन, साहित्य और नीति विज्ञान के संग्रह हैं। भारत से हमने कलीलाह वा दिम्नाह नामक पुस्तक प्राप्त की है।
इन लोगों में निर्णायक शक्ति है, ये बहादुर हैं। उनमें शुचिता, एवं शुद्धता के सद्गुण हैं। मनन वहीं से शुरु हुआ है।
☻ इस तरह हम देखते हैं कि इस्लाम के जन्म से हजारों-लाखों साल पूर्व से हिन्दू शब्द प्रचलन में था और, हिन्दू तथा हिन्दुस्थान शब्द पूरी दुनिया में आदर सूचक एवं सम्मानीय शब्द था…!
साथ ही इन प्रमाणों से बिल्कुल ही स्पष्ट है कि हिन्दू शब्द ना सिर्फ हमारे प्राचीन ग्रंथों में उल्लेखित है बल्कि हिन्दू धर्म और संस्कृति हर क्षेत्र में उन्नत था साथ ही, हमारे पूर्वज काफी बहादुर थे और उनमे निर्णायक शक्ति थी जिस कारण विधर्मियों की हिन्दू और हमारे हिंदुस्तान के नाम से ही फट जाती थी जिस कारण उन्होंने ये अरब वाली कहानी फैला रखी है…!

Sunday 19 May 2019

Unfortunately, g 31

Unfortunately, I am not...

My friends mate me
During talking conversation laughing
But the weirdest thing appeared
Unfortunately I am not...

My relatives mate me
During talking conversation laughing
But the weirdest thing appeared
Unfortunately I am not...

My mother, wife mate me
During talking conversation laughing
But the weirdest thing appeared
Unfortunately I am not...

My neighbors mate me
During talking conversation laughing
But the weirdest thing appeared
Unfortunately I am not...

My teachers mate me
During talking conversation laughing
But the weirdest thing appeared
Unfortunately I am not...

My brothers, sisters, nephew mate me
During talking conversation laughing
But the weirdest thing appeared
Unfortunately I am not...

All of sudden...
One day I mate my own
During talking conversation 
So many things done...
For national growth...

But the weirdest thing appeared
This time...
I am can not able to say...
I am not...

For her auspicious presence ...
Special sentence spoken by me 
during my own childhood 
guly buly language...
I recognized all things

Which made happy 
my parents and grandparents...

But in present tense
My daughter's smiling
Is so far from me...
During talking with wife and
On topic of her students life 
Important conversation...
No laughing done...
But the weirdest thing appeared
Unfortunately I am not!!!!!!!!!!!!!?¿?¿

Unfortunately I am crying...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 18 May 2019

Taking care of Miss guided news report is patriotism

Humble request to you for taking care from Miss guided news line of such channels… either television or YouTube…
All channels are need TRP or subscribers.
Henceforth they all taking little statement of mostly few leaders, made debates on it for half an hour or hour and mean while avoiding to show you actual news what ever else done whole day in country.
They neither focusing on other departments of government nor social common news. Only leaders speech are not helping us for better growth thoughts…
Sometime India and Indian people need to focus on such different priority too… as like rules are there…
  • Don’t smoke
  • Don’t spoil place after eating paan masala
  • Don’t drink alcohol
  • Park your vehicle at perfect place
  • Stop vehicles at long traffic signal
This is only few and as I came to know that this month police made first chaalaan on spitting by CC TV camera and this done made rules means after 4-5 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So many things are there for making news watch but…….
Anyway…good is great…
Making India strong by policies but that should be running as per appropriate time as well as policies…
If people need to wait and watch…
that would be not right…
Spreading JANJAGRUTY is essentially now a days in India…
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 17 May 2019

Based on wrong RTI profit lose level

Wrong RTI of government is harmful
Example for the city Ahmedabad...

People having two wheeler are               
   38,00,000 as par year 2018 record

People having car are.                                   
   57,000 as per year 2017 record

Autorickshaw in city are.                             
   6,00,000 minimum as per 2017 record

Ola and Uber taxi as per planning are .         
   20,000 latest 2018 news

AMTS & BRTS users are as per 20%           
   6,00,000 latest report 2018

Cycle users (pupils and labourp)               
   10,00,000 as per SSC exam standard

Total of vehicles are                                     
Ahmedabad total population are.               

Yet new born baby and house wife not included...!!!!??????????

These ratio are touching more than or almost same with city's population....
Means all record are produce front of government are wrong....
AMTS BRTS are still not getting net worth... corporation making lose in same
And yet we are welcoming METRO railways???????

Indian government need to rethink on level of it's RTI project whom they are giving project and are they giving right RTI????
Indian government doing work on future public figure, need to maintain and fix present profits And loses criteria in advance on based off right RTI level and hence need right survey for national growth...

Indian government need to maintain or prepare or need to set exact ratio of modifications as well as maintain the economic power in each city or give or produce or getting perfact information about people and transportation services figure....
Yet only figure of quantity giving not profit lose level...
Project work and then after probable profit are so far from these details... don't you think so????

Here I am giving few chart from Google reference....

Jigar Mehta /Jaigishy

Thursday 16 May 2019

જીગર ની દીકરી દ્વિજા

ક્ષમતા નો હ્રાસ ન સમજો.
વધારી ક્ષમતા મગજની તો,
હૃદયની શીરા ધમની ખુલી.
જુઓ, શ્વાસોચ્છવાસની ગતિ
દસે દિશા માં વહેતી થઈ.
નાભિ કમળ જ બ્રહ્મ કમળ
વાયકા ખોટી ઠેરવી.
મારી ગતિ દ્રુત માંથઈ
સર્વજ્ઞ તજી "દ્ર" જ્ઞાન માં સમાઈ.
સ્વર વ્યન્જનના ઘણા રૂપ છોડી
ત્રણ ચાર અક્ષર ભેગા મળી
માતૃકા શબ્દ "જીગર" તરફ વળી.
ગૌર અગ્નિ અંગી જીગીષા
વૈભવી 8 ખુશમન માં સ્થિર રહી.
નામ સઁલગ્ન બાબતે દીકરી અમારી
"દ્વિજા" .....

Jigar Mehta /Jaigishy

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Indian Media and government

Need to think on Media working capabilities…
Only political, politicians, politics news are not enough for encouraging new educated India for TRP rank
Few other national matter, economic, finance, documentary on different subjects are more important now for opening eyes of Indian.
Even more I think about nowadays for after coming new government, what are new steps to be taken from them for reducing expenses at all levels, that includes petrol, consumer costing, durable price etc.
Even thinking on what kind steps to be taken care of energy level too….
As per information and record of India and past government working capabilities and capacity, mostly three years are good for each time then after from two years they spending one and half for finding candidate for new election though working done by MLAs or not. Using media personalities too for taking vote.
Media also showing only political news. Instead of other government department focus priority base growth level…
Other six month for making higher expenses on election promotion materials.
Even foreign countries companies investment also done in prior three years only as currency stability is most important to invest Money… for profit level…
Base line still depends on religious and religion or cast factor in India for political votes matter…for making government….
Personaly I strongly believe that India needs promotion in thought level…not on cast factor but on merit base qualifications…
Few things taken from other media application for the Knowledgable thinking….

An American American NRI, who is also the CEO of an American company, has * * RE-DESIGN * to the Indian Map *, to explain to its American employees, that according to the * only * population * in every region of India ( STATE WISE) * The population of the world is almost identical to that country.

That NRI has written the name of that country in the map of India (ie, the population of Uttar Pradesh is equal to the Brazilian population) that country’s name.At the same time, he explained to his employees that it means that the control of India’s power means that the Prime Minister of India is handling the population of many countries at one time...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

कृ धातु और EN से अंग्रेजी भूतकृदंत व्याकरण

कृ धातु शब्द है। जिसे खेत खलिहान के साथ जोड़ा है।

जिसमें  त्य प्रत्यय जुड़ने से कृत्य कृदंत का रूप शब्द बन जाता है।

कुछ शब्द



कृदंत व्याकरण का प्रकार है।

दन्त की ३२ गिनती अवश्य कुछ कहती है।

अंग्रेजी में EN प्रत्यय लगने से भूतकृदंत होता है।

EN मतलब 514।
As per numeric of abcd

जिसे गुजरात मे जोगणी माँ कहते है।

जो मतलब पंचमहाभूत अवस्था नही पर कुछ पर जो साथ जुडी अवस्था है।

जो सर्वग्न है उसके लिये खास शब्द चीन का ड्रेगन मतलब  द्र ए ग्न है।

Ancient एलियन वालो आसमान औरभी है।

बाद में बीड़ी सिगरेट दारु अच्छी नही लगती।

चाय अच्छी लगती थी, है।

मिसिसिपी नदी, अपने डेल्टा प्रदेश के साथ।

Jigar mehta / jaigishya

Travel details of family members

My grandfather know that How to drive cycle and scooter and used both.My father know same thing though having four wheeler car BUT driven only scooter and cycle.
I have knowledge about driving of all three types availabilities and using cycle presently as saving finance & petrol...

Travel information about family
Grandfather and grandmother
Bus, auto riksha, train, car, luxury bus
Bus, autorickshaw, train, car, ropeway luxury bus
Bus, autorickshaw, train, car, ropeway, aeroplane, taxi, luxury bus
Myself and daughter
Bus, autorickshaw, train, car, three padle cycle riksha, helicopter, aeroplane, boat, ropeway, taxi, luxury bus Volvo...
These all are as
"with slapping chicks are pink"
Not mentioned here wife and self but mentioned here self and daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wife and me are planning to travel in other people's hearts...
Forever, endeavors....
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 11 May 2019

Nuclear energy in sky and satellite blasting

Four country’s top class mission, blast satelite in sky. Maybe fuel tank is full with nuclear energy…
Ureniyom Alpha, beta, game Ray’s touch is harmful to body in presence of sun light and it is big bad process from relieving them.
India, China, USA, still not mention such focused things on same as satelite fuel is full with ureniyom or not
What India needs?
Jay Mataji/Vande mataram/Jay Hind
Cause if satelite fuel tank disclose the uranium iso tops while blasting in space, may be harmful to everyone & all four countries are not yet given report on alpha beta gama Ray’s, as how much percentage damage on earth by same….
I know the notes are yet half compile by myself, but similarly government also not showing exact future path of safe life…
We all know nuclear energy is very much harmful and recently after eight years Fukushima plants solution came….by report….if any thing done in sky related nuclear energy, who will respond on same????
BIG QUESTION isn’t so????
Few reference...
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs) have been the main power source for US space work since 1961. The high decay heat of Plutonium-238 (0.56 W/g) enables its use as an electricity source in the RTGs of spacecraft, satellites and navigation beacons.
Voyager 1 has three radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) mounted on a boom. Each MHW-RTG contains 24 pressed plutonium-238 oxide spheres. The RTGs generated about 470 W of electric power at the time of launch, with the remainder being dissipated as waste heat.
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 10 May 2019

Self elemination

Who by Whom? 
I can't justify?  
How? is not question.
Question is why?
What reason?
Which place?
Where? Is unknown.
But confirmed, 
I was slipping deeply.
Over writing alphabets!!!!!
Cleared read by all!!!!
Self eleminating self!!!
From other? Yes.

Little odd, but true.
Body's black spot gone.
Head's black Hairs gone.
Mussels are good but
getting stratching mode.
Getting loose skins.
Minor growth in other
Body's 12 types dusts gone.
Finally awake from body.
God encoding me.
Again mixed up with nature.
But not in five elements.
No internet.
Just inner net.
World's greenery covering me.
There's no colour.
Weight is like TRASRENU,
Third part of dust's one particle.
Soul touch cosmology.
No night, no slipping
Only lights...
Darkness eleminet body.

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 9 May 2019

Jap Naam Yagna

When I was child, my grand parent done jap naam yagna…. mostly my Indira baa done with Tulsi mala and Hariprasad dada done with rudraksh mala.
They learned me that, whatever jaap you do, don’t tell anyone…do it whisperly. Even more life time must pick up the only one mantra whatever you do…
Life coming so far even my Daddy, dada, baa died. But some how I started dutt bawni paath.
I feel good. But later on I know some point regarding the Japan naam yagna method politely… that’s
  1. Lady using Tulsi mala
  2. Gentleman using rudraksh mala
  3. Mala’s Pearls Counting fixed as according, 108 with the meru Pearl.
  4. Even more using gomukhi is better than others as no one can see that how much is pending or how much done and your Jap naam yagna maintain your punya in a bag safely…
  5. In Hinduism, we are taking all good natural points which ever surrounding us by rotation of pearls out to in…
  6. In Islam, we are moving out our negativity by rotation of pearls from in to out …
  7. Chose specific finger for rotation of pearls it is giving you better spiritual level…or as according purush sukt dashangul shlok…
  8. Even the fixed pearls number 108 has special science also attached… like vise 27 nakshatra x 4 = 108…
  9. You can consider that your hands fingers directly or indirectly attached with cosmology…in sanskrut we can say SARG Vidya…
  10. In Islam, prayer beads are referred to as Misbaha (Arabic: مسبحة mas’baha ), Tasbih or Sibha and contain 99 normal-sized beads, (corresponding to the Names of God in Islam) and two smaller or mini beads separating every 33 beads. Sometimes only 33 beads are used, in which case one would cycle through them three times.
  11. In Islam there are 99 names if God’s… henceforth using 33 manka or pearls…
  12. Here I produce few photos of related matter for reference
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

ब्रह्मदंड or wooden stick

आजका शब्द "ब्रह्मदंड", wooden stick stand for hand's for tapa mudra by rudraksh mala
जब वजन न हो और फिरभी बहोतो से सामना हो तो काष्ठ का बनाया हुआ ब्रह्मदंड सहारा होता ही है। किसी भी वृक्ष से लिया हुआ।जब कामधेनु या नंदिनी के कारण मित्रावरुण या विश्वरथने या गाधी ने वशिष्ठ के आश्रम पर आक्रमण किया तो काष्ठ का बना हुआ ब्रह्मदंड ही काम आया था, जिससे सभी की रक्षा हुई थी।
So many people familiar with English word CAST... means specific religious people following specific religion...Even so many religious person or people having मिथ्याभिमान for said CAST factor...
Cast is sanskrut word and using for trees wooden material or product... example give\nn here in picture...Mostly ancient rushi using same for doing तप by hand and mala in such yoga's sitting situation, hand is little far from body with rudraksh mala and is called dhyanasthaasan...or Japan naam that condition rushi's hand is using stand position from the same brahmdand which is joints point with earth ...
That case, hand's position is almost little parallel with earth smaller place......rushi praying the wooden material BrahmDand or stick for blessings...
...The wooden dand or stick saving rushi from such weapon...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 7 May 2019

હં અઅઅઅઅઅઅ

"હ" મન થી "અ" રહી ગઇ.
"આવજો" કોને કહું?
કોઈ નથી!!!!!
ખ્વાબે ગઝલ'
વાત્સલ્ય પુષ્પ તું.
તુલનાત્મકતા નથી.
માવતર ગમે તે હોય
અવિરત અપમાન ના હોય.
ગાધી ભલે વિશ્વામિત્ર હોય
ગાંધી ના હોય,
પણ વસિષ્ઠ માટેની છાપ
હીનોક્તિ જ કહેવાઈ.
રાવણ ની લઘુશંકા બાદ જ
કબંધ, ખર દૂષણ, મારીચ ગયા.
તોય લક્ષ્મણ ને રાવણ ભણાવતા હતા.
અંતિમ સત્ય મૃત્યુ સાચું જ.
પણ જ્ઞાન ગગન નું પણ ભૂલવું નહિ
સપ્તઋષિ ગર મગજે તો જીવન ઝળકે જ.
હજી સવાલ કે એક જ વસ્તુ "પાણી",
૬૭ નામ સંસ્કૃત ભાષા માં!!!!!
તોય મહત્તમ પ્રચલિત water?
ઘર, ઓરડો અરે માત્ર લાદી
મકાન માંજ માં ના ખોળે
વિશ્વ મુઠ્ઠી મહીં જન્મતાવહેંત
ભાષા? નથી જરૂર બાળકને
માવતર પણ આંખો થી ઘણું
સમજાવી જાણે છે બ્રહ્માંડ માં.
પછી થી લોકો કહે છે
જીજીવિષા થકી
અલ્લાહ ને કહે આંખ માં રે.

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday 6 May 2019

Gangnam style for urine

Few words in sanskrut language
लघुशंका प्रवर्तते रावण काल समाप्त।
विष्टिकरणे कृष्णस्य दीर्घशंका समाप्त।
अविरत कालचक्रे त्रिभेटे माताश्चपिता निष्पन्नेशु।
अतः श्री एलियन नास्ति प्रवर्ती युगे।
ऋषिस्य विचारोत्थाने सतर्क स्थिति सम्भवामि युगे युगे, प्रगण निश्चित कर्मे।
In 2012 July 15th date a world famous song released. Here by giving Link oc same...must see about Gangnam style song... it's from my friend's cultural language... Korea side of language...I confirmed giving statement on same, the popular dance steps of same song, means with close hand healing the seat and foot steps are miracles...if you are not getting urine, by some disorder and if you doing same style dance... your urine getting smooth pass very fast um faster fastest...
Other details from Wikipedia
...."Gangnam Style" (Korean: 강남스타일, IPA: [kaŋ.nam sɯ.tʰ]) is the 18th K-pop single by the South Korean musician Psy. The song was released on July 15, 2012, as the lead single of his sixth studio album Psy 6 (Six Rules), Part 1, and debuted at number one on South Korea's Gaon Chart. On December 21, 2012, "Gangnam Style" became the first YouTube video to reach one billion views.[6] The song's music video has been viewed over 3.3 billion times on YouTube,[7] and was the most viewed video on YouTube from November 24, 2012, when it surpassed the music video for "Baby" by Justin Bieber featuring Ludacris,[8] to July 10, 2017, when it was surpassed by the music video for "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth.[9]
The phrase "Gangnam Style" is a Korean neologism that refers to a lifestyle associated with the Gangnam District of Seoul. The song and its music video went viral in August 2012 and have influenced popular culture worldwide. "Gangnam Style" received mixed reviews, with praise for its catchy beat and Psy's amusing dancing (which has itself become a phenomenon) in the music video and during live performances in various locations around the world. In September 2012, "Gangnam Style" was recognized by Guinness World Records as the most "liked" video on YouTube. It subsequently won Best Video at the MTV Europe Music Awards held that year. It became a source of parodies and reaction videos by many different individuals, groups and organizations.
By the end of 2012, "Gangnam Style" had topped the music charts of more than 30 countries including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Its dance was attempted by political leaders such as British Prime Minister David Cameron, U.S. President Barack Obama, and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who hailed it as a "force for world peace".[10] On May 7, 2013, at a bilateral meeting with South Korea's President Park Geun-hye at the White House, Obama cited the success of "Gangnam Style" as an example of how people around the world are being "swept up" by the Korean Wave of culture.[11]

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 4 May 2019

GAAYAB's observation for two political leaders

Recently WATCHED mamata Banerjee’s interview on news channel.
She is prefering drinking tea and walking 20 kilometres about so..
Her fitness suspense…. it’s good…
But way of telling truth her sentences are giving surprised Mee about prime Minister working strategy, asking to chief secretary instead of chief minister is big matter for inter State corresponding level of central government…
Eventually seen the great stuff style of wearing wrist watch is also cool and polished phenomenon…
Luck by chance I learned good observation… thanks to both of you…
But please take care of yourself… India needs quadra focus sides growth up…my mean to say … hope Jay gurudev dutt understand better…
Hoping better startup…
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 3 May 2019

પિતાનો ગદ્ય રૂપી પ્રેમ અજાણ્યા કૌતુક

Regarding your personal sentence about caring world's useless facts...
Other way we can say
પિતાનો ગદ્ય રૂપી પુત્રી પ્રેમ
મન મગજ મસ્તિષ્ક ની બાંહેધરી થી પર, માત્ર તને સરળ જોવાની વાતે, મારી આડે આવતી મારા ઓછા રૂપિયાની ધાતુની ગણગણાટ જ તને સંભળાતી નથી?
બીજાના વજનદાર રૂપિયા ન હોવા છતાં માત્ર કાગળ તને ગમે છે????
હું તારા માટે હવે ચૂપચાપ નથી રહી શકતો.કોણ ક્યાં છે તે બોલી પરથી ખબર પડે છે.
સાચે જો તું ના હોત તો સોતન અને અગર તુમ ના હોતે પણ ના બન્યું હોત...
કેરમ માં રાની નો લાલ રંગ ને બાકીની ગોરી નવ કુકરી સ્ટ્રાઈકર ના પીળા રંગથી વિવિધ ચાર રંધ્રમાં સઁગ્રહ થઈ બહાર આવે જ છે... ને તેને કાળી ધોળી ની રમત કહે છે... તોય કેરમ ઘણો વખત થઈ ગયો ન રમે...
પહેલા રૂપિયા ઓછા પણ ઓથ મોટી હતી અને હવે ઓથ નથી પણ માબાપ ના રૂપિયા બહુ છે જેમાં મારા શરીરનું વજન ઓછું છે.
વગર લાફો ખાધે આંધળા વિશ્વાસે ગાલ લાલ રાખી માત્ર રૂપિયો ખર્ચી જાણ્યો તે પણ માત્ર દામ્પત્ય તકે ટકે તે માટે, બાકી ઐરકન્ડિશન માં પણ ઘણા ને પરસેવો વળાવી શકાય તેવી વાતો છે.
નેનો, નાનો, ન્હાનો, નાની ઘણા અપભ્રંષિત શબ્દો ખોળાયા, પણ હું તારા માટે ન કમાઈ શકાય તેવી સ્થિતિમાં કોઈક થકી નિર્માયો.
વાતો ખમતા ભાત પણ અલગ પદ્ધતિ થી ખાધા.
નજાણે કોને સાચવીને હાલ માં લોકો ના અલગ અંદાજથી બોલવાના અહેસાસે દિકરી ની નજરે હૂં બની ગયો છું ગુજરાતી
અજાણ્યા કૌતુક ...Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 2 May 2019

જચ, મળીએ

મળો જ તમે.
શાંત વાતાવરણ
સદેહ રૂપે.

વાતથી ચિત્ત
મગજ મસ્તિષ્ક
મન વ્યાપ્ત.

સઁગાથ ભલે,
તોય અદ ની હદ
હાથ માં હસ્થ.

મૌન પળમાં
એક અગાધ મળે

નથી શોધમાં
નથી ફોનમાં, પણ
મન રમણે.

મણિ નું તેજ
ક્ષપણક થઈને
વિહગ લોકે

પારેવા થકી
પિયરે બેઠેલીને
પ્રેમ સઁદેશ.

જચ, મળીયે
ફેર વીસ વરહ
પહેલાના થૈ.

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

RBI's revenue is biggest question for government

Revenue generated each hour:
Amazon: $28.3 million per hour
Apple: $27.5 million per hour
Google: $17.2 million per hour
Microsoft: $14.5 million per hour
Intel: $7.6 million per hour
Facebook: $7.1 million per hour
Netflix: $2.1 million per hour
India’s Indian are really not aware of own power and still we are trying to using foreign companies material meanwhile our Desi khadi is at poor condition…
but style of each political leaders???
Chandrashekhar prime ministry, used so many reserve fund of RBI for maintain those days economy …
Then after no more suitable steps taken by any government or any employees for better grow up of RBI reserve fund…
Mr urjit Patel RBI Governor resigned from RBI due to governments planning about using reserve fund
Mr raghuram also given such statements then demonitization done…
Present age RBI Governor Mr Das maybe not unknown from such matters…
What would be done Election after???
Whatever revenue generated by the private companies it is a good example for Indian government.
We can manage our reserve fund for better economy level in international standard…
Surgical strike is not only enough for getting vote in 2024. That should be really very much finally confirm sentence.
If all of sudden great things happen somehow, anyhow and if we cannot control our internal market that could be not considered as disaster management for that could be not by polished as disaster management…
Not only Indian government or government employees but we common people need to take interest in this very much lower or we can say poor thing to maintain our internal markets strong ratio for better cheap or cheaper maximum retail price of all things Nationwide or we can say equal rate therapy in all State of India…or need government planning modifications of any MOU…
Source showing economic development but if activities done actually then why India’s currency showing poor results or response against dollars, pounds,euro…
See…. few best results of Indian government and RBI
See here under giving such data

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya