Friday, 26 July 2019

કન્યા વિક્રય વાર્તા

કશ્મીર માં, આસામ માં દહેજ નથી હોતો ત્યાં કન્યા વિક્રય હોય છે.

મતલબ બાપની પાસે થી કન્યા દાન નહિ પણ વેચાતી લેવાની..., વહુ આવે તો સસરા ના ખોળે બેસાડવાની, હજી આસામ અરુણાચલ સિક્કિમ કે પછી પર્વતીય પ્રાંતો માં જુના રિવાજો નું છૂટું છવાયું ચલણ છે જ્યાં સાંમ રિવાજ છે ત્યાં કદાચ કે બે પુરુષ એક સ્ત્રી, બે સ્ત્રી એક પુરુષ... જેને દશરથ અથવા દ્રૌપદી જેવો પરિવાર કહી શકાય...

જુના રિતરીવાજમાના લઘુમતી કોમ વાળા માં ઓછી કન્યાઓ ને વધુ છોકરાઓ હોય ત્યાં આવું બને છે...

એકવાર દૂરદર્શન પર એક કહાની માં આવેલું વાર્તા પરથી સહેજ ...


એક બાપને દીકરી પરણાવવી હતી, શરત એવી કે 4 તોલા સોનાની નથણી પહેરાવે દીકરીને તેનેજ દીકરી આપવી. ઘણા વખત પછી દૂરથી એક ભાઈએ શરત સ્વીકારી, ને તે મુજબ એના દીકરાના લગ્ન કરાવ્યા. દીકરા દીકરીના લગ્ન બાદ ધંધો સરસ ચાલ્યો તો સસરા ભાઈ એ દર વર્ષે એક તોલા વધારી નવી નથણી કારી અપાવી. યુગલને છોકરા પણ થયા. વખત જતા નથણી 10 તોલા ની થઈ...

જુના જમાના માં ઘરનું બધું કામકાજ સ્ત્રીજ કરતી, ... જુના જમાનામાં એક તોલા એટલે 11 ગ્રામ આથી

હવે પરિસ્થિતિ એવી થઈ કે 111 ગ્રામ નાના નાક પર વજન કેટલી ખમે અને સાથે કામ કરવાનું...

જ્યારે તમે નાક કાન વીંધવો ને રોજ કૈક પહેરો તો લાંબે ગાળે કાણું મોટું થઈ જાય...

નાક નું કાણું ખૂબ મોટું થઈ ગયું. અને નાકને ચીરી નાખી નથણી પડી ગઈ અને એ પણ એનાજ છોકરા જે તોફાન કરતા હતા એને મારવા જતા... ત્યારે તેણે તેના બાપને ખૂબ સંભળાવ્યું... જો તેણે 4 તોલા સોના ની જીદ ના રાખી હોત તો તે કદાચ વધૂ સુખી હોત....

જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Leaders cartoon and children's debt

Gujarati proverb
ઘેટું ચરવા ગયું ઉન મૂકીને આયુ
We can change our road by making self human.
Saving self from bad is better,
But that's not mean you always avoid truth.
I believe that news paper is good but TV are better when media has limitations on making comedy on top leaders...
No one new born children are knowing what, where, why, when which, .....????? .... How the president making debt on his or her head...
But he or she must knowing that leaders are cartoon and are an object for making mimicry by media news channels and Even more that all leaders are himself Grant that permission for entertainment of national civilien people or making new positive investment and inventions of thoughts for smooth condition of future generations of that Nation.
There past people were mostly done well for self earning and so many samples are there and even one news channel media reports telling confirmed that on political based agenda political person can earn lot things... for his individual seven future generations.... even administrative executive also earning so many in one term of job by corruption...
Let's hope for better...
Better than ever our children should have knowledge about economic development, commercial stream, science power, rather watching cartoons of present national leaders...
Even if smaller scale of promotion activities in misc period of school class, if teacher inform pupils about the present situation of nation after proper reading and reference, may be in future some how the repeat mistake will be removed or not to be done by another person...
I have experience of said on different way about the charming facts...
This is not political article but just an eye opening letter to all readers...
Matter related to the all the world future generations of human mankind trackers knowledge path, whose countries having good debts...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Intel and economy

Started with only three persons as INTEL advertising, the most world's famous after the advertise & Same for the universal law.
Not only two,
One is unknown second And third are either couple of males, or couple of ladies, but ideally better forever are male and female as couple...
अरुण उदय प्रभाते, सम्भूति च असंभुति ज्ञानधन मात्र विग्नप्तये, अपि मन: श्री पद: च श्री मद: मात्र यजन वृत्तये प्राप्ति:।
Take any individual South Asian country's news media channels, they are always saying theirs nation only better prospect things in national sinario but international news media not giving any important back up for related news.
This happened certainly with Pakistan, India, Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Burma ...
Making our country's economic standard better, we needs our internal set up good with related smaller consumer products on based price and education.
Then only if growth maintain the international news media will focus on such case whatever will arise in nation either in my country or your...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya


✅ રામાયણ વિષે અણજાણ્યુ જ્ઞાન ✅

તમારા બાળકને જરુર જણાવો.

✍🏻 રઘુપતિ રાઘવ રાજારામ પતિત પાવન સીતારામ આ ધૂન કોણે બનાવી હતી?
*શ્રી ગુરુ નાનજી*

✍🏻 વાલ્મિકી ઋષિ કોના પુત્ર હતા?
*મુનિશ્રી પ્રચેતાના દસમા પુત્ર*

✍🏻 શ્રી રામના બહેન અને બનેવીનું નામ જણાવો.

✍🏻 એવો કયો ગ્રંથ છે જેમાં રામ શબ્દ ૨૫૩૩ વાર આવે છે?

✍🏻 શ્રવણના માતા-પિતાનું નામ શું હતું?

✍🏻 અનુષ્ઠાન એટલે શું?
*કોઈ પણ મંત્રના સવા લાખ જાપ*

✍🏻 ભગવાન શ્રી રામના ઈષ્ટ દેવતા કોણ હતા?

✍🏻 કૈકયીએ કયા યુદ્ધમાં દશરથ રાજાની ખૂબ મદદ કરી બે વરદાન મેળવ્યા હતા?

✍🏻 શબરીનું સાચું નામ શું હતું?

✍🏻 રામાયણની પંચાયતમાં કોનો કોનો સમાવેશ થાય છે?
*રામ,સીતા,ભરત,લક્ષમણ, હનુમાનજી*

✍🏻 પંચવટીમાં કયા કયા વૃક્ષો મુખ્ય હતા?
*વડ,પીપળો,આંબલી, બિલી, અશોક*

✍🏻 સુંદરકાંડમાં રામ,હનુમાન અને સુંદર શબ્દ કેટલી વખત આવે છે?

✍🏻 બનાવટી સોનાનુ મૃગ બનાવનાર મરિચના માતા-પિતાનું નામ જણાવો?
*તાટકા અને સુંદ*

✍🏻 લંકા નગરીના અધિષ્ઠાત્રી દેવી કોણ હતા?

✍🏻 મંદોદરી કોની પુત્રી હતા?

✍🏻 મૃતસંજીવની માટે હનુમાનજી કયો પર્વત ઊંચકી લાવ્યા હતા?

✍🏻 રામચરિત માનસની રચના તુલસીદાસજીએ કઈ ભાષામાં કરી છે?

✍🏻 સીતાજીનું પૂર્વ જન્મનું નામ જણાવો.

✍🏻 રામચરિત માનસની સૌથી પ્રસિદ્ધ ચોપાઈ કઈ?
*રઘુકુલ રીત સદાચલી આઈ*

✍🏻 ભરત અને શત્રુઘ્નની પત્નીના નામ જણાવો.
*માંડવી અને શ્રુતકીર્તિ*

✍🏻 વેદોમાં રામ અને સીતાનો અર્થ શું થાય?

✍🏻 સૌપ્રથમ રામાયણની કથા કોણે સાંભળી હતી?

✍🏻 સુગ્રીવ અને વાલીના પિતાનું નામ જણાવો.

✍🏻 ગુફામાં વાલીનું કયા રાક્ષસ જોડે યુદ્ધ થયું હતું?

✍🏻 લંકા નગરી કયા પર્વત પર વસાવવામાં આવી હતી?

✍🏻 હનુમાનજીના પુત્રનું નામ જણાવો?

✍🏻 સંત તુલસીદાસ રચિત રામચરિત માનસની કુલ ચોપાઈઓ કેટલી છે?

✍🏻 રામાયણમાં ભગવાન શ્રી રામનું મૃત્યુ કઈ રીતે થાય છે?
*સરયૂ નદીમાં જળસમાધિ*

✍🏻 અશોક વાટિકામાં સીતાજીની દેખરેખ કઈ રાક્ષસી કરતી હતી?

✍🏻 રાવણના માતા-પિતા કોણ હતા?

✍🏻 ભરત અને શત્રુઘ્ન મોસાળ ગયા હતા એ મામાનું નામ જણાવો?

✍🏻 વાલ્મિકી રામાયણમાં શ્લોકોની સંખ્યા કેટલી છે?

✍🏻 સીતાજીના માતાજીનું નામ જણાવો?

✍🏻 સ્વંયવરમાં જે ધનુષભંગ થયો તે ધનુષનું નામ જણાવો?

Sunday, 21 July 2019


पूरा जरूर पड़े अतिमहत्वपूर्ण जानकारी
हिन्दू धर्म में कुछ संख्याओं का विशेष महत्व है -
1 एक ओम्कार् (ॐ)
2  दो लिंग  नर और नारी ।
दो पक्ष  शुक्ल पक्ष और कृष्ण पक्ष।
दो पूजा वैदिकी और तांत्रिकी।
दो अयन उत्तरायन और दक्षिणायन।
3  तीन देव ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शंकर।
तीन देवियाँ  सरस्वती, लक्ष्मी, पार्वती।
तीन लोक  पृथ्वी, आकाश, पाताल।
तीन गुण  सत्वगुण, रजोगुण, तमोगुण।
तीन स्थिति  ठोस, द्रव, गैस।
तीन स्तर  प्रारंभ, मध्य, अंत।
तीन पड़ाव  बचपन, जवानी, बुढ़ापा।
तीन रचनाएँ  देव, दानव, मानव।
तीन अवस्था जागृत, मृत, बेहोशी।
तीन काल भूत, भविष्य, वर्तमान।
तीन नाड़ी  इडा, पिंगला, सुषुम्ना।
तीन संध्या  प्रात:, मध्याह्न, सायं।
तीन शक्ति  इच्छाशक्ति, ज्ञानशक्ति, क्रियाशक्ति।
4 चार धाम  बद्रीनाथ, जगन्नाथ पुरी, रामेश्वरम्, द्वारका।
चार मुनि सनत, सनातन, सनंद, सनत कुमार।
चार वर्ण  ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य, शूद्र।
चार निति  साम, दाम, दंड, भेद।
चार वेद  सामवेद, ॠग्वेद, यजुर्वेद, अथर्ववेद।
चार स्त्री  माता, पत्नी, बहन, पुत्री।
चार युग सतयुग, त्रेतायुग, द्वापर युग, कलयुग।
चार समय सुबह, शाम, दिन, रात।
चार अप्सरा  उर्वशी, रंभा, मेनका, तिलोत्तमा।
चार गुरु माता, पिता, शिक्षक, आध्यात्मिक गुरु।
चार प्राणी  जलचर, थलचर, नभचर, उभयचर।
चार जीव अण्डज, पिंडज, स्वेदज, उद्भिज।
चार वाणी  ओम्कार्, अकार्, उकार, मकार्।
चार आश्रम ब्रह्मचर्य, ग्राहस्थ, वानप्रस्थ, सन्यास।
चार भोज्य प्रकार  खाद्य, पेय, लेह्य, चोष्य।
चार पुरुषार्थ  धर्म, अर्थ, काम, मोक्ष।
चार वाद्य  तत्, सुषिर, अवनद्व, घन।
5 पाँच तत्व  पृथ्वी, आकाश, अग्नि, जल, वायु।
पाँच देवता  गणेश, दुर्गा, विष्णु, शंकर, सुर्य।
पाँच ज्ञानेन्द्रियाँ आँख, नाक, कान, जीभ, त्वचा।
पाँच कर्म रस, रुप, गंध, स्पर्श, ध्वनि।
पाँच - उंगलियां  अँगूठा, तर्जनी, मध्यमा, अनामिका, कनिष्ठा।
पाँच पूजा उपचार गंध, पुष्प, धुप, दीप, नैवेद्य।
पाँच अमृत  दूध, दही, घी, शहद, शक्कर।
पाँच प्रेत  भूत, पिशाच, वैताल, कुष्मांड, ब्रह्मराक्षस।
पाँच स्वाद  मीठा, चर्खा, खट्टा, खारा, कड़वा।
पाँच वायु  प्राण, अपान, व्यान, उदान, समान।
पाँच इन्द्रियाँ  आँख, नाक, कान, जीभ, त्वचा, मन।
पाँच वटवृक्ष  सिद्धवट (उज्जैन), अक्षयवट (इलाहाबाद), बोधिवट (बोधगया), वंशीवट (वृंदावन), साक्षीवट (गया)।
पाँच पत्ते  आम, पीपल, बरगद, गुलर, अशोक।
पाँच कन्या  अहिल्या, तारा, मंदोदरी, कुंती, द्रौपदी।
6  छ: ॠतु  शीत, ग्रीष्म, वर्षा, शरद, बसंत, शिशिर।
छ: ज्ञान के अंग  शिक्षा, कल्प, व्याकरण, निरुक्त, छन्द, ज्योतिष।
छ: कर्म  देवपूजा, गुरु उपासना, स्वाध्याय, संयम, तप, दान।
छ: दोष  काम, क्रोध, मद (घमंड), लोभ (लालच),  मोह, आलस्य।
7  सात छंद  गायत्री, उष्णिक, अनुष्टुप, वृहती, पंक्ति, त्रिष्टुप, जगती।
सात स्वर  सा, रे, ग, म, प, ध, नि।
सात सुर  षडज्, ॠषभ्, गांधार, मध्यम, पंचम, धैवत, निषाद।
सात चक्र सहस्त्रार, आज्ञा, विशुद्ध, अनाहत, मणिपुर, स्वाधिष्ठान, मुलाधार।
सात वार रवि, सोम, मंगल, बुध, गुरु, शुक्र, शनि।
सात मिट्टी गौशाला, घुड़साल, हाथीसाल, राजद्वार, बाम्बी की मिट्टी, नदी संगम, तालाब।
सात महाद्वीप  जम्बुद्वीप (एशिया), प्लक्षद्वीप, शाल्मलीद्वीप, कुशद्वीप, क्रौंचद्वीप, शाकद्वीप, पुष्करद्वीप।
सात ॠषि वशिष्ठ, विश्वामित्र, कण्व, भारद्वाज, अत्रि, वामदेव, शौनक।
सात ॠषि 2  वशिष्ठ, कश्यप, अत्रि, जमदग्नि, गौतम, विश्वामित्र, भारद्वाज।
सात धातु (शारीरिक)  रस, रक्त, मांस, मेद, अस्थि, मज्जा, वीर्य।
सात रंग  बैंगनी, जामुनी, नीला, हरा, पीला, नारंगी, लाल।
सात पाताल  अतल, वितल, सुतल, तलातल, महातल, रसातल, पाताल।
सात पुरी मथुरा, हरिद्वार, काशी, अयोध्या, उज्जैन, द्वारका, काञ्ची।
सात धान्य  उड़द, गेहूँ, चना, चांवल, जौ, मूँग, बाजरा।
8 आठ मातृका ब्राह्मी, वैष्णवी, माहेश्वरी, कौमारी, ऐन्द्री, वाराही, नारसिंही, चामुंडा।
आठ लक्ष्मी  आदिलक्ष्मी, धनलक्ष्मी, धान्यलक्ष्मी, गजलक्ष्मी, संतानलक्ष्मी, वीरलक्ष्मी, विजयलक्ष्मी, विद्यालक्ष्मी।
आठ वसु अप (अह:/अयज), ध्रुव, सोम, धर, अनिल, अनल, प्रत्युष, प्रभास।
आठ सिद्धि  अणिमा, महिमा, गरिमा, लघिमा, प्राप्ति, प्राकाम्य, ईशित्व, वशित्व।
आठ धातु  सोना, चांदी, ताम्बा, सीसा जस्ता, टिन, लोहा, पारा।
9 नवदुर्गा शैलपुत्री, ब्रह्मचारिणी, चन्द्रघंटा, कुष्मांडा, स्कन्दमाता, कात्यायनी, कालरात्रि, महागौरी, सिद्धिदात्री।
नवग्रह सुर्य, चन्द्रमा, मंगल, बुध, गुरु, शुक्र, शनि, राहु, केतु।
नवरत्न हीरा, पन्ना, मोती, माणिक, मूंगा, पुखराज, नीलम, गोमेद, लहसुनिया।
नवनिधि पद्मनिधि, महापद्मनिधि, नीलनिधि, मुकुंदनिधि, नंदनिधि, मकरनिधि, कच्छपनिधि, शंखनिधि, खर्व/मिश्र निधि।
10 दस महाविद्या काली, तारा, षोडशी, भुवनेश्वरी, भैरवी, छिन्नमस्तिका, धूमावती, बगलामुखी, मातंगी, कमला।
दस दिशाएँ पूर्व, पश्चिम, उत्तर, दक्षिण, आग्नेय, नैॠत्य, वायव्य, ईशान, ऊपर, नीचे।
दस दिक्पाल  इन्द्र, अग्नि, यमराज, नैॠिति, वरुण, वायुदेव, कुबेर, ईशान, ब्रह्मा, अनंत।
दस अवतार (विष्णुजी) मत्स्य, कच्छप, वाराह, नृसिंह, वामन, परशुराम, राम, कृष्ण, बुद्ध, कल्कि।
दस सति सावित्री, अनुसुइया, मंदोदरी, तुलसी, द्रौपदी, गांधारी, सीता, दमयन्ती, सुलक्षणा, अरुंधती।।
ॐ नमो नमः।।
उक्त जानकारी वेदों के आधार पर
हर हर महादेव

Buddha’s mudra and coin’s metal

Buddha’s mudra and coin’s metal

Little odd to understand but good…if read at once…
This called as city is bigger than the state…
See the photo…of pound and pence…
But saving the full one need previous half one… spiritual level heavy maybe to understand matter…
In India new one ruppee is having same size to fifty paisa size and smaller size one rupees is saving bigger size two rupees???
Where we are moving???
Even RBI presented 14 types of ten rupees coin…!!!
I like the ZERO theam…
મમ્મીની એક વખતની વાત હતી એક જોયે ઓળખીતા કાકા માટે…
ચોખા કરતા કણકી મોટી છે…
And yes in my life too it’s related…my self is… yes my self is seven months younger than my wife…
Sometime phase of face is not important, when we are hearing truth, it is survival and acceptable…
Few facts of face are worldwide accepted and accepting still in life…
Like laughing Buddha, tathagat buddh, other yog mudra of Lord’s hands….
Mostly all are without weapon.
Even without single Metal part
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday, 18 July 2019

The door of kitchen

History... Jigar G Mehta...
Important is kitchen's door...
Don't make hole in kitchen's wall...
Make kitchen safe for people...
This is arvaachin knowledge of my self...
If it is safe nobody can defeat you...
If kitchen has no door, any one can take anything from that premises from where you saving your earning for eating...
Previously in Arya samaaj rushi earned and saved food for three to four days only which is accordingly change and we stored food for a year... In routine life... basically...
I lost my kitchen door at old place than new place and now my father in law making new door in a new home where a new wall home is good at all level and hence he purchased but why put door for Terese... from inner side home???
Einstein is is not fool... He made two doors for two cat big for big cat small for small cat or it's kitten...
Thus these way the proverb is still on going
There are no changes and no chance of news for new one ...
I said certainly that my father in law facing problem from such odd life but mostly denied by all and I am jobless since long and my elder sister in-law has problem with her husband and ....
I believe that for only my mouth or my sentence making wrong few things happening and happened in my own life along with my wife and my daughter too.... Jay gurudev dutt...
Jigar Mehta  /Jaigishya

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

It's about the phase

It's about the same but nothing...
It's about the letters...
It's about the features of shave...
It's about the colour of clothes...
It's about the shaking hand...
It's about the new thoughts...
It's about the wooden wall...
It's about the wrist watch...
It's about the pen...
It's about the spacts design and style...
It's about the Chinese color shirts...
It's about the hands cufflinks...
It's about the out of window fresh air..
It's about the green loan path...
It's about the new information...
It's about the orange book...
It's about the better administration...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

"द" से हिन्दू

ब्रह्मा ने जब "" मुलक्षर दिया उसके कई सालों बाद आर्य में से हिन्दू का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ होगा।
"" वैसे तो "उदर" का मूल स्रोत है जैसे कि दया, दान, देव, दानव इत्यादि पर हिन्दू शब्द कुछ उल्टा करोगे तो
दू हीन / हीम
दू हिन / हिम
"दु" मतलब "उद" जहां "र" बगैर का कुछ आवृत मतलब सजीव, पर जिसे जान नही सकते या पहचान नही पाते वह।
वह हिम् मतलब ठंडा।
वह "हीम" मतलब खुदका कुछ छुपा हुआ तेज, गर्भमें रखा हुआ छोटा सा वंश का इच्छुक तेजपुंज।
अगर संधि दिखे तो "ह +ईम" संस्कृत के हिसाबसे।
वह "हिन" मतलब अपने अंदर का बाहरी इच्छा वाला तेज वह अच्छा या तो गलत मतलब बुरा भी हो सकता है।
वह "हीन" मतलब अपने शरीर के बहारका बड़ा तेज स्वरूप दृष्टि में आने वाला कुछ गलत
धर्म बहोत है पर हिन्दू शब्द का अर्थ समझने वाले बहोत कम है।
आसाम बोडो लोग में "स" को "ह" कहते है।
उस हिसाब से तो हिंदुस्तान को सिन्धुस्तान भी कहा जा सकता है। क्योंकि सिंधु शब्द से ही हिन्दू शब्द आया हुआ है।
जब गुरु गोविंदसिंघजी आसाम गए उसके बाद कुछ अच्छा विचार से ही पाव मक्का, गुरुद्वारा वगैरा की स्थापना हुई।
वहाँ ऐसी मान्यता थी कि वहाँ की स्त्रियां पुरषों को पालतू पशु बना देती थी। मैने एक पुस्तक पढ़ी थी "ब्रह्मपुत्र के किनारे" उसमे कामाख्या देवी के मंदिर के उल्लेखनीय रूपसे विस्तृतिकरन से विवरित किया हुआ लेखन है। चाय की बात भी थी।
पारसी, ईसाइ, सीख, मुस्लिम, यहूदी, ज्यूइश, सभी माननीय है, पर जो व्याख्या "हिन्दू" की बनती है वह या उसके कारण ही भारत सर्वधर्म संस्कृति का मुख्य स्रोत बन चुका है। जिसे कुछ लालची राजकारणी या जिसका कोई धर्म रुपयो के अलावा नही है, उसने बदलने का काम किया है।
कुछ धर्म के नाम के साथ हिन्दू का अर्थ मैं कुछ इस प्रकार करना चाहूंगा।
मनुष्य के "ह" का इंद "उ"।
यह बात योगी ऋषि मुनि तपस्वी जोगी की है। जानना चाहे तो अग्निपुराण एकाक्षर कोष पढ़े।
I am telling you one thing in comment base as according...
India lost match in 2019 world cup against Newzealand and England but beat Pakistan and Pakistan win his both matches against Newzealand and England...
Even the over throw run contravarcy also running... So much odd in 2019 cricket world cup...
Maybe this time the news about the getting land is not proper for England and hence, equal run done by both of them but winner are the captain Mr Morgan... Today I seen photo of Mr Raygan who standing with Mrs Elizabeth...
This is SINDHU or HINDU sanskruty...
Jigar Mehta/ Jaigishya

A Boss and The Leader

Not according to the photo but my opinion is that as after experience, boss better at once for saving budget expenses and that is not on regular basis.... Somany company doing this style... excluding any state or nation government...
Planning only comes by thought and experience and if you are not working, how could it be possible, is good question and the boss is doing if so.... We can make proud on him or her who ever is THE either he has full experience of such criteria's work henceforth he gives only instructions or he want to sort out his team as on such specific task level for making himself as a other side leader...
This is very odd writing but I admired as since long facing few incident in life than after writing sample...of experience...
Present days so many consultation available in market for same but I am on different path thinking level...
I usually observed such things as in few company only few are doing work while others are only doing gossip... Maybe they have work load but completed prior...
Maybe that department has not much work load or man power is better then other departments...
The utilities of actual working hours are indeed need to study by the management for saving budget of well as energy of man power and it's utilities of capabilities of each person either male or female...
The said subject is related to unemployment too... which is world's biggest question as per population amount...
I am not talking about any private company but think for India's Gujarat government's Road and Building department, sited at L D engineer collage campus for only Ahmedabad CITY ONLY....where my mother worked giving few samples

There are so many people in office and three person individually tackle only one table... duly named RECEPTION...
One is for outward post
Second is for inward post
Third is for BSNL telephone

Now a days computer available and are free to see account activities online.... previously not same capacity but situation is like
One for salary
Second for banking
Third for routine cash transaction
Fourth, fifth and sixth for GST, CST, exise all individually hance the the manpower going to six person
Seventh eight for tracer, plan supervisor, and other...
Ninth plumber
Tenth electrician
Eleventh head clerk
Twelveth chief executive engineer
Thirteen minister himself
There are other departments too but we counting only 13....
Here we avoiding other departments...for easy understand...
Now see they have not that much work individually but now a days I seen special so many people are waiting at crossroads for doing plumbing and electrician work...but government giving big salary to individual... criteria of employees...
In private company reception has only one person for three work ... inward outward and phone all job done by one person...
So only one for reception
In private company in account department only three person
One for HR Admin,
Second for GST CST exise which is not needed as only Single tax formula available nation wide.... Fourth one is for like Manager or bill making person...account utilities...
Total three person....
Then over only managing director or properitor only....
Henceforth in only five persons running a big company online way to market and it's strategy.... with or without profit is different things...
And other utilities of maintenance they are not occupying staff but on work charge based theory or daily cash based theory they spending money...
My each body cell is necessary for saving India's expenses budget henceforth think twice on same situation and write these alphabets words sentences with fullstop, coma, do line....
If smaller scale industrial company making benifits by these way and making smaller jobs even then why not Indian government?????
I didn't explain more about jobs but see few facts....
Since long post department not maintain proper new jobs for pist man even...
Still BSNL has no funds for their employees... for even paying salary...
DoorDarshan doing average business....
Government paying higher salary to their director or oldest board executive and even after Jon means retirement paying pension to ex MLA too from common man's or our pocket...but that is not sufficient if compared with the department"s working hours or work or business volume...
If the boss Know these and making direct order to lower employees.... Maybe not wrong... because he needs business.... And if other side up coming leader doing his own work and after getting experience if he or she started ordered to other than...
... that is not wrong for ONLY ONE TIME PROCESS... even then after company may change his boss employee too...
what's your opinion on same process and about it's time?????
Because after such age in life every person need relaxation in life and if having children then More Money.... that is different on which way he earning....but
Yes but
Either boss or leader .... Without finance main base company can not move any further profit level....
And both understand better... My mean A Boss and The Leader... After such time we can understand about the important of Branding...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday, 14 July 2019

2.0 is not only a Bollywood film but a good message

Think everyone who are reading these words…I Am Not A Robot…
After born and know any language in this world, the most ODD word is,
इस दुनिया मे जन्म और भाषा जानने के बाद सबसे विचित्र शब्द है,
આ દુનિયામાં જન્મ પછી ભાષા જાણ્યા બાદ નો સૌથી વિચિત્ર શબ્દ છે,
जन्म पश्चात भाषा ज्ञाने पृथ्विस्य अत्याधिक बत शब्द,
Need on earth right now good thoughts about the mobile tower and frequency…
So many nano technology giving us much radiation to our minds…and vibes…
Previously only BSNL has few tower, not radiation but now why mobile so much company has these much optimal fiber wireless rights?????
Big Question against government policies … isn’t it true???
Previously and even today, in Veda or puranas we can read the words as TAMRA VARNA PEOPLE whose skins colour is red or Cooper based colour… but that is not the affrican or red Indian people… It is in actual meaning base sentences… think on same…
We are present days ready to used the Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba, big basket, and many other hotels food related application in hand via mobile… and remove going out side home…
World’s major population exclusive accepting such smart mobile utilities without objection…
A big thought is unique… For future generations children…and can say Chiranjiv too…
We know that a big radio active blast done and mohen jo daro abolished from world map… Latest conclusion said one of probably fact from so many….
Right now the Bollywood film 2.0 showing good concept on BIRDS and it’s mind concern flying therapy and style… In short and Sweet time duration… Benifits and disadvantage of mobile tower affected to birds mind on which way…
All if sudden I write on same while watching said same movie… 2.0….
Good film… Hoping better and best for animals and birds… and asee the most important things writing and reading by your self mostly from nano technology of our world's smartphone for which radiation, read these much alphabets...
Jay gurudev dutt
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Meaning of Jar and Akshohini

I have such confusion in past moment, which is removed by shaunak uncle’s today’s post photos about numeric knowledge… which is in this blogs photo…
It is numeric countable figure with name… As ten, hundred, thousand…. etcetera… But it’s in sanskrut and it’s up to we can say …
1 x 10 rest to 24…!!!!!
Real surprised for me…then I came to write blog about said subject….
We know that in Mahabharata King JARASANGH was made battle 17 times with black God Lord krushna… On eighteen time came with Kal yavan king… And that time krushna getting new energy from that time ancient king shree muchukund… very auspicious… And as according krushna married eight queen…
Jar जर
Means covered so many things in one which has undefined by Truth, but it’s truth without leaders.
In actual Mahabharata at the main battle ground when krushna was sarthi mean drive of Arjuna there are were total 18 akshohini people were together for battle of TRUTH…
Akshohini अक्षोहिणी
Means uncovered so many true things togather at one spot with so many leaders.
Truth has it’s own sharpness but survival truth on earth is only body’s five eleminet…
See the other link of athashree and shreemad given below
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday, 8 July 2019

My present days feelings

Solomon mines are very helpful for making self wealthiness...
But the need of reach as per condition are very odd... even after reached maintain without mind is most difficult...
... I am tired on such things whatever listening, watching, reading... The whole thing about non availability of self and feelings comes to me by my own weight section and sector...
My own smaller family suffering somany from such zero period...
Dutt path is better for all but not for those whose inner sensible ego on top level and even always top on mind... My wife hurting me at memnagar home, my daughter hurting my wife at my in-laws home at sheelaj, my mother shouting on me for very common mistakes...
I don't know in which time period myself facing things for what reason and why the people who are actually friends but when personally meets, behaving odds with different eyes or mind thoughts on earth...
If you are not inviting by father in law and his daughter Force to appear your self at her mother's home, may be difficult to analyze matter after or on the timeof lunch and dinner time...
Since last long time myself crying whesperly ... No one watching my inner's child mind... Who always thinking better and best for all and the bigger one my self hear so much bad words from all...
I really facing my mouth is drying several times and even it is very hard to maintain even with speak to any else so many other alphabets sets in sentence unknown way... reason are what... I don't know but my family is suffering so many from those whose names are not writing here but spoken by me at house front of family members...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday, 7 July 2019


જે છે તે નથી...
જે નથી તે છે...
માંથી માત્ર
જે છે તેને માન આપીને, હિતાવહ રસ્તો શોધવો સારો...
જીજીવિષા થઈ કે હું મંજુષાથી ઈચ્છા જાહેર કરૂ...

મરતી વખતે કરેલી ઈચ્છા

સારા આશ્રયથી કરેલી સૌના ફાયદા માટે ની ઈચ્છા

જેના થકી જોડાઈને ચોખ્ખા રહી આશા પુરી કરવી શકાય તેવી વાત

[] :- ]

સપના ક્યારેક પોતાના પણ હોઈ શકે છે...
"ર" મન સ્પન્દનીય અહેસાસ માં દેખાતા સપના આખરે તો કાળી રાત્રિ ના ઝગમગતા ઝગારા જ છે...
જે મનુષ્યના સુષુપ્ત મન પર મહોર લગાવી શાતા ની વાત વિચારે તેને ક્યારેક સંયમ થી મહેકવાની ક્ષમતા પ્રેરણા આપી શકે છે...
જેને દેવ સ્ફુરણા કહેવાય છે...

મારા અંગત અવિસ્મરણીય સ્વપ્નિલ અહેસાસ માંથી ...

આજની તારીખ અગત્યની છે
જય ગુરૂદેવ દત્ત
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Gujarati Garba and Aum Mani Padme Hum

When in young age I did garba the design style of figure is like the boundaries of lotus in Gujarat ... Pattern about three clap Garba...

And in Buddhism the meaning of Aum Mani Padme Hum is likely same...

Along with the neucleas is European Bale dance making by a couple... Man and woman...

For my regional language Gujarati, One sentence is there for all children...or Chiranjiv...          ...
દરેક જગ્યાએ ઊગતું વાત્સલ્ય પુષ્પ વાસના ની કડીથી જ ખીલે છે, ચ્હેકે મહેકે છે...

My father certainly said... 
ફૂલ નહિ ને ફૂલની પાંખડી સારા કર્મ બાબતે... 
Not whole flower but only a one slide from the whole flowers... dedicated to society's good work...

Our previous blog mentioned so many things for saving children...on spiritual based things...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

2009 CIN 69 to 2019 GJJ 1626

Nothing to discuss more on Bajaj but the figure is unique...
Personal experience of  using credit cards having printed photo on same card of named person and used by other person on petrol pump...
Credit card company made facility to removed misused of own credit card by other person... Made photographs on credit card...
The card was named on Piruz Arizbhai Khambhatta... Used by me when given by himself to me for his company's four wheeler car...

The card was not mine but utilities of same card used by me for his own car's petroleum product ....

Once was question and still now

Petrol pump person has not right to interfere with the guy who was using another person credit card with another person photo???
What is important for making photograph based credit card and company charged more facility expenses by owner...

Well I heard number
6162 from Piruz Arizbhai Khambhatta at office at once
Then seen car number of 6162 at Shardulbhai's real one of sister, Nitaben's daughter's marriage at Baroda...
Now today put another photo having reverse of same figure 1626...!!!!!

I think little difference between two fingers... Yes... As same the figure...
Total of 1626 is 6
Even RASNA company had a maruti fronty car which number was
CIN 69... Probably was used by Ruzanben
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Monday, 1 July 2019

साँसो से "उ" का प्रयाण

कुछ सांसे जगतमें मिलति है,
उद्यानकी, उधारकी, उद्धारकी, उडानकी, उद्यमकी
उन्मादकी, उत्सवकी, अंग उभारकी, उत्तरकी,
चमकेगी नाक सिर्फ प्राणवायु से ही।
आप को तो सिर्फ अच्छे शब्दों से ही
किसीकी हिम्मत को नजाकत से बढाना है।
यहाँ कही परभी उर्जाको छोडनेसे
"र" मन विस्तृतिकरन होता है।
यह वही जगत है जहां हर नार नर से
जहाँ एक और एक तीन हो ही जाते है।
समय के प्रभुत्वशाली पदार्पण को
कोई नही भूलता,
पर याद सिर्फ बात होती है,
नही की ऊर्जा।
जितना हो सके अच्छे सुविचार करे।
ऊर्जा तो कोई धर्म नही देखती।
धर्म से क्षेत्रक्षेत्रग्न का प्रयाण नहीं होता।
प्रयाण होता है, प्रणाम और बहेतर उद्यमी सांसो से...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya