Wednesday 17 July 2019

A Boss and The Leader

Not according to the photo but my opinion is that as after experience, boss better at once for saving budget expenses and that is not on regular basis.... Somany company doing this style... excluding any state or nation government...
Planning only comes by thought and experience and if you are not working, how could it be possible, is good question and the boss is doing if so.... We can make proud on him or her who ever is THE either he has full experience of such criteria's work henceforth he gives only instructions or he want to sort out his team as on such specific task level for making himself as a other side leader...
This is very odd writing but I admired as since long facing few incident in life than after writing sample...of experience...
Present days so many consultation available in market for same but I am on different path thinking level...
I usually observed such things as in few company only few are doing work while others are only doing gossip... Maybe they have work load but completed prior...
Maybe that department has not much work load or man power is better then other departments...
The utilities of actual working hours are indeed need to study by the management for saving budget of well as energy of man power and it's utilities of capabilities of each person either male or female...
The said subject is related to unemployment too... which is world's biggest question as per population amount...
I am not talking about any private company but think for India's Gujarat government's Road and Building department, sited at L D engineer collage campus for only Ahmedabad CITY ONLY....where my mother worked giving few samples

There are so many people in office and three person individually tackle only one table... duly named RECEPTION...
One is for outward post
Second is for inward post
Third is for BSNL telephone

Now a days computer available and are free to see account activities online.... previously not same capacity but situation is like
One for salary
Second for banking
Third for routine cash transaction
Fourth, fifth and sixth for GST, CST, exise all individually hance the the manpower going to six person
Seventh eight for tracer, plan supervisor, and other...
Ninth plumber
Tenth electrician
Eleventh head clerk
Twelveth chief executive engineer
Thirteen minister himself
There are other departments too but we counting only 13....
Here we avoiding other departments...for easy understand...
Now see they have not that much work individually but now a days I seen special so many people are waiting at crossroads for doing plumbing and electrician work...but government giving big salary to individual... criteria of employees...
In private company reception has only one person for three work ... inward outward and phone all job done by one person...
So only one for reception
In private company in account department only three person
One for HR Admin,
Second for GST CST exise which is not needed as only Single tax formula available nation wide.... Fourth one is for like Manager or bill making person...account utilities...
Total three person....
Then over only managing director or properitor only....
Henceforth in only five persons running a big company online way to market and it's strategy.... with or without profit is different things...
And other utilities of maintenance they are not occupying staff but on work charge based theory or daily cash based theory they spending money...
My each body cell is necessary for saving India's expenses budget henceforth think twice on same situation and write these alphabets words sentences with fullstop, coma, do line....
If smaller scale industrial company making benifits by these way and making smaller jobs even then why not Indian government?????
I didn't explain more about jobs but see few facts....
Since long post department not maintain proper new jobs for pist man even...
Still BSNL has no funds for their employees... for even paying salary...
DoorDarshan doing average business....
Government paying higher salary to their director or oldest board executive and even after Jon means retirement paying pension to ex MLA too from common man's or our pocket...but that is not sufficient if compared with the department"s working hours or work or business volume...
If the boss Know these and making direct order to lower employees.... Maybe not wrong... because he needs business.... And if other side up coming leader doing his own work and after getting experience if he or she started ordered to other than...
... that is not wrong for ONLY ONE TIME PROCESS... even then after company may change his boss employee too...
what's your opinion on same process and about it's time?????
Because after such age in life every person need relaxation in life and if having children then More Money.... that is different on which way he earning....but
Yes but
Either boss or leader .... Without finance main base company can not move any further profit level....
And both understand better... My mean A Boss and The Leader... After such time we can understand about the important of Branding...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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