Monday 30 September 2019

Circle of life

Starting from different is after some time taking rest on Grutsmad Shaunhal name is really good...
Than after restarting with rest by starting name of Vishwamitra Gadhi is better
Than three names are important in spiritual life for understanding whole thing with fine condition along with rest activities factor and that are
Than again rest and getting better position with Vasishtha Mitravarun along with Arundhati is a position of getting self as first cell with knowledge universe...
Than start with rest and position of kanva and Bal Khilya is the structure who has the body's five elements...
Than som pavamaan and different end along with rest are giving life theory which is mentioned in Bhagwad Geeta...
These all status or picture could be considered with trishashti shalaka purush charitra... Jainism mentioned that Lord Krishna and Lord NamiNath both are paralal in so called time...
If need more understanding, read Jain Mahabharata and Jain ramayan...
Jigar Mehta /  Jaigishya
ऋग्वेद 10 मण्डलों में विभाजित है जिसमें 2 से ले कर 8 तक विशिष्ट ऋषिकुलों के मुख्यतया अपने सूक्त हैं, नवाँ सोम पवमान को समर्पित है एवं पहले तथा अंतिम दसवें मण्डलों में विविध ऋषि मंत्र हैं।
- अध्ययन गोत्र अनुसार करें। जो नाम दिये हैं वे मुख्य हैं। आप को आश्चर्य नहीं होना चाहिये कि दो से ले कर आठ तक सात ऋषि हो जाते हैं - सप्तर्षि। यह प्राचीनतम बीज रहा होगा ।
- ऋग्वेद में प्रयुक्त मुख्य छंद भी सात ही हैं - गायत्री, उष्णिक्, अनुष्‍टुभ, बृहती, पङ्क्ति, त्रिष्टुभ, जगती जिनमें 4 की समान्तर श्रेणी से क्रमश: 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44 एवं 48 पूर्ण वर्ण होते हैं।
देखें तो इन्हें 4 x (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) की भाँति भी लिखा जा सकता है। मात्रा तो आप सब जानते ही होंगे, छ्न्दों को अंग्रेजी में meter कहा जाता है। आप को आश्चर्य होगा कि इन का प्रयोग मापन हेतु भी होता था । छ: ऋतुयें हों या बारह मास, चार के गुणक से संवत्सर मापन की दो सीमायें निर्धारित हैं। दिनों की गणना हो या चंद्र आधारित तिथियों की, उनकी संख्या को छन्दों की वर्ण संख्या से भी अभिव्यक्त किया जाता था।
छन्‍द वह छाजन थे जिनमें देवता शरण पाते थे। यह प्राचीन पद्धति एवं भाषा आधुनिक जन को कूटमय इस कारण लगते हैं कि अब प्रयोग में नहीं रहे।
- सप्तसिन्धु या सात नदियाँ जानते ही हैं।
मेरा अनुमान है कि त्रि षप्ता: का - सम्बंध सात ऋषियों, सात छंदों एवं सात नदियों से अवश्य रहा होगा।
आगे जो कहने जा रहा हूँ उसका कोई शास्त्रीय आधार नहीं है, अनुमान मात्र है। मण्डल का एक अर्थ वृत्त होता है एवं यह शब्द भारतीय विद्याओं का एक बहुत ही प्रिय शब्द रहा है।
दिये गये चित्र में वृत्त की परिधि पर दस मण्डलों में से सात के ऋषिकुलों के नाम हैं। ऋग्वेद पढ़ते समय आरम्भ नवें से करें (सोम पवमान)।
नौ का अङ्क सबसे बड़ी एकल संख्या होने के साथ साथ गुणा का एक अद्भुत गुण लिये हुये है कि परिणाम के अंकों का योग भी 9 ही होता है।
सोम पवमान से अपने गोत्र (जिनके नहीं मिलते हों वे भी इन मूल गोत्रों से अपने गोत्र के सम्बंध जान सकते हैं) वाले मण्डल पर पहुँचें तथा दक्षिणावर्त दिशा में पढ़ते हुये आगे बढ़ें। अपने गोत्र से पूर्व वाले गोत्र के पश्चात पुन: वृत्त के केन्द्र से होते हुये उस मण्डल तक पहुँचें जो सबसे बायें हो वहाँ से दक्षिणावर्त घूमते हुये इस प्रकार अन्त करें कि अन्तिम दसवाँ मण्डल सबसे अंत में पढ़ा जाय एवं उससे ठीक पहले पहला।
उदाहरण हेतु यदि आप का गोत्र वसिष्ठ (सातवाँ मण्डल) या उनसे उद्भूत कोई अन्य गोत्र है तो आप का क्रम होगा :
7, 8
2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1, 10
यदि आप का गोत्र वामदेव गौतम (चौथा मण्डल) या उनसे उद्भूत कोई अन्य गोत्र है है तो क्रम होगा :
4, 5, 6, 7, 8
2, 3
1, 10
[दुहरा दूँ कि इसका शास्त्रीय आधार नहीं है, मुझे तो नहीं मिला, यदि है तो इसे सुखद संयोग मानूँगा। हाँ, सम्‍भवत: परम्परा में सोम पवमान से ही अध्ययन आरम्भ का विधान है जिसकी पुष्टि कोई ऋग्वेदीय आचार्य ही कर पायेंगे।
ऋग्वेद की गढ़न मुझे चमत्कृत करती रही है, अनेक परिकल्पनायें मेरे मन में हैं, चलती रहती हैं, जिनमें से एक यह है।......
*It is from Facebook reference note

Saturday 28 September 2019

Quality of leader and availabilities

Little surplus words I have to write for peaceful and happy holidays...
Fro the knowledgeof photo of cockpit...gps map view photo... And feel better inspiration that we can see the straight way of flight traveling route...
But Just same way behaving is mostly odd for all to accepting truth... But mostly straight way has not any invisible boarder ...
Small children are that's why only mostly favorite for elder people wether they are not parents sometimes. Things are as it is as they received or having
Whatever government spoke person telling decision but civilian need food & water, if availabilities are easy, can get JAY HO

Sharpen things are always in front raw, but that's not mean at all, that other are dumb or useless... they all are good and love to move ahead but need waiting proper time... As they are waiting quality report of first of the batch slot results, if I am not wrong,  responsibilities have such major role in every top person human's common publicly and private life...
When clean green colours find at other countries by Google map, that time I need to Think, my own country's economic rises.
Naturally, if compared with other, my countries need better growth on finance part as essentially for now days people of India & having that dare is good..
Jay gurudev duttatreya

Jigar Mehta/ Jaigishya

Friday 27 September 2019

आर्य च उदर्य

द्य स्य द्यो च द्यु लोका व्यापनोति शरीरस्य त्वक स्तरे।

तत्वमसि च सद्योजातस्य विधान मम मन: मस्तिष्क आयम द्वारे प्रश्न उपस्थित क्रियते।

त्वं किमेकम द्वारे?

ईंम ही नित्यमेव सचराचर व्यापनोति यद्यपि, यदा कदा नरकस्य द्वार मात्र नारी?

पशूनां रूप मन्नस्य कीर्तिश्च मणिना सह, कस्य लब्ध इत?

अष्टावक्र ऋषिस्य जन्मकथा सम्भवामि युगे युगे?

ईति शम।

जय गुरदेव दत्तात्रेय

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

Smallest guidance for making resume

You Have to maintain your introduction detail in short and sweet is most important  for proper way is necessary about your biodata or resume. 

All the paper from which can the employer or the manager makes himself very sharpen image about yourself from the documents, called as resume. 

You needs to focus on such small things on huge level for biodata, which are essentially needed after many companies experience. 

If you have many companies experience then how to complete compiling it is, are more important things.

This is my personal opinion whether it would be right or wrong, but the pattern mostly same about for all, at all level or kind of department or kind of experienced stages or whatever

Little small example of bio data/resume


Date of birth



Phone and email

We are not considering hear about hobbies but if you like to mention must than write

Last Education details in one line only

Experience fields

Not only required departmental knowledge but for saving your own money for printing expense, it is needed to mentioned all details proper way in queue or number vise....

Here producing my personal experience details for your ready reference, take it as example way...

I have ........ Years Experience of administration and human resource department in various companies

Administration section

  1. Listening and correspondence work of all kind governments departments
  2. Maintaining all kind of insurance level of corporate office sector as well as production units and factories
  3. Maintain production unit and corporate office unit's security including fire, electrical, safety
  4. Facility management of tickets & traveling by fixing agents
  5. Facility for new coming staff's accomodations, food, traveling in fields for visiting special purpose etc
  6. Listening work for Trademark and patent registration for company's products as well as maintaining its period time and inform management about expiry of brand name through illegal consultant...
  7. Maintaining all store dpartments activities, as according policies and Food and drug control department rules...
Human Resources Section

  1. Maintaining personal departments all activities including provident fund and ESIC monthly challans as well as annual return of challan 3A and 6A, maintaining employees welfare department and promotional activities
  2. Maintain required register of driver log book, labour department's register including atendance register as per needed and it is necessary for producing front of government labour department's inspector while visiting
  3. Maintaining policies for field staff related marketing and sales department for the expense level on and as per sales ratio
  4. Maintaining policies on all kind rent and loan for related employees.
  5. Maintaining government listening certificates as required it pprocess of standard certification of ISI, ISO standard level, shope establishment of corporate units and producion units time to time as per government's new rules and regulations...
  6. Maintaining policy for new recruitment as well as making decision on few employees mis behaviour.
  7. Making space for new employees in office short premises...
These all should be mentioned on first page as needed for smarter focus of employers or manager or management.... for specific his eye sight for getting direct special ranking  for self.
Now mention how much companies experience you have as according

First company...

Worked as Administrative Executive in Ms parth parental Pvt LTD, kalol North Gujarat pharma company for ........ Years.... Phone 02764 221046 227890/91

In same company, got promotion and make self position as Marketing Executive for.............years

Get another promotion and make self as regional marketing head for Punjab, Haryana, Himachal states and served company till resignation as got better chance in bigger corporate office at my own city based premises...

Second company

Worked as Administrative and Human resource Executive in Ms Rasna Pvt LTD, Ahmedabad Gujarat fruits juice company for ........ years phone number 079 26449603 / 04

Served same company till resignation and relieving from services, as without promotion sent me dehradun for managing director's personal work...
Experience certificate of both companies with Last salary and per annum package
Reason for application
Making Application in your company for maintaining my family needs and assuring you for looking long term professional development


Here mentioned all details are true and all are in my sense.

Sign and date (must)

Now mentioned only tick mark in your resume as requested for suitable post in advertisment cutting in media source.. As we have mentioned full description notes ...

This is only for office based work interview preparation...these all after your meeting and your inner skills will helping us for getting benefits from companies

Sales and marketing regarding I will mention later on

Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Zing Thing

Zing Thing
When person understand that, what exactly he is, on the same moment whatever his own self photo looks like, either big or small, it should be automatically small & called as his own image...
It comes from Ajay Devgan movie Halls I producing it's trailer link
Wikipedia knowledge for said film as per Link giving here
Who is it, that made me so bigger than my original self in photo of my own image?
Be the people
By the people
For the people
How the person make himself important for other?
Not for such those person who have always blasting items for boarder's or interior places of States, or even inside of home...
Nature's needs it so much only that even the curves get to the tree...
Jay gurudev duttatreya
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Global Goal Keeper round colours momentous

Global Goal keeper award's matter for everyone on such way performing duties for humanity...

Whatever colour you have in your hands or hold by safely but after few time the biggest sun star showing its in dark and light shades. Than you have just only good memories for clean your mind, and that small memory only needs for doing great things forever on Earth wherever you are ...and that is Trishashti shalaakaa purush charitra... 

Even more that's depends on your own mind and it's memory power as how much sharp maintaining by your self along with your own aura...see even camera eyes has also different sharpen focus lenses... 

Little odd but true sentence read carefully...

"When the situation is impossible, change the state of mind. Everything in life will change automatically..."

Sometimes I did it but still somehow getting anger on piruz arizbhai khambhata...
Happy moments

Jay Hind

Jay shree rang avadhoot
Jay gurudev dattatreya
Jay gurudev duttatreya

Jigar Mehta  /Jaigishya

Tuesday 24 September 2019

विकलन से संकलन

विकलन से संकलन

...समाजमें अगर मनुष्यों में वर्गीकरण करना हो तो क्षेत्रक्षेत्रग्न में उम्र के लिहाजे को याद रखके कर सकते है। पशुपक्षी जीव जंतु में कभी भी उम्र का लिहाज़ नही होता। तभी वह एक दूसरे को काटते है। 

पर मनुष्य जातिमे छोटा भी बड़ा हो सकता है जब किसीका जीव बचे। पर वह समय सत प्रकृति का विचार बड़ा होता है। 

जहाँ तक जवाबदारी की बात है, बड़ा मनुष्य यदि शारीरिक वजन में ना रहे, पर किसी छोटे का ध्यान बैठे बिठाये रख सके, और निर्णय सुनाये, पर आज समाज निर्माण में उसे बगैर काम काज का जान कर कुछ अलग शब्द से नवाजा जाता है। 

यहाँ तज की माँ, बीवी, रिश्तेदार भी बच्चे को बहुत सुनाते है, जब बच्चा याद न रख कर उन्ही की अच्छी बात बोले तो उसे बच्चा ही कहते है। भले ही वह एक बच्चे का बाप ही क्यों न हो। 

संकलन और विकलन गणितके विषय है, जिसमें ज्ञान की दूरी को इस तरह बनाए रखने का कौशल है कि मूल रूप से मनुष्यों को कैसे बनाए रखा जाए ... वह भी सोच समझकर आवश्यक है, यहां तक कि सभी पशु पक्षियों और जीवजंतुके लिए भी जब कोई व्यक्ति लंबे समय से लगातार चोट करता हो या चोट खाता हो।

जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय।

जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

Friday 20 September 2019

Missing birds report's little evaluation

Today I hear odd news for missing birds, about 2.9 billion!!!!
Here I producing the news Link
Previously few months back a bollywood movie staring Akshay Kumar, Rajnikant and many more are in all are mentioned this subject very decently... And film name is "2.0" ...
Better to mentioned Few points of that film, read it from Wikipedia Link as my subject is little different from there... Film 2.0 Wikipedia Link...
See subject is in film is about if mentioned by me in a line than so as the mind's of birds are refusing to decide where to move due to the mobile waves of special and specifically megnetick kind force, birds are dying due to that as without the side knowledge how could they reached at home?
As per veda's knowledge, birds have the urja, which is coming from sky based things. Animals have the urja from the earth side what ever comes from even part within human...
The waves are very odd for a routine life seeker like all birds... Waves of mobile are damaging their mind parts  cells or can say in Gujarati cheta kosh...or nerve cells by mobile waves and are destroying their mind cells for recollect the side knowledge what ever comes from North or South Pole waves of Earth's...
... Henceforth Example...
If the north pole side field not get back by them as per routine as previously they can not decide where to go with directions of the sides or wind as they are moving far and far journey for per my personal knowledge birds have better knowledge about side directions if compared with human and animal ...
Special Note
If you remember the Fukushima nuclear blast in ocean inner side of portion, somany tortoises or turtles and ocean's animals were refused to move their own way and reached at those places where they're Never reached before... I have once news about same... presently not got link from Google but matter is 100% right...
Here i produce the link how the turtles are reaching their home from several different places...
Today we are going to know about the pole changing theory as well India facing big losses of Chandrayaan's south pole landing...
Per year 55km speed up the pole is coming to Siberia side...
Little things is missing but more importantis focus on saving Earth as well as animals, birds insects and than last human who are wise thinking on said subject...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 19 September 2019

Modi hey to mumkin hey but what?

Deserving strong opposition party is not only a sentence matter while TV news channel interview but the hardest core Truth to satisfy self decision... If failure than only other can speak rather so many are smart with latest to talk...

Decision came from situation and situation arises by people but policies came from wrong decision too...

...henceforth take care while making penalty for any kind materialistic matter...

Thinking for minimum wages act than decide about one figure of small penalty...

Latest version... Talk of small people ar traffic rules penalty...

Big question on pressurised person...
What to do with recently of traffic penalty structure mode?

As the ministry made penalty structure on the based of government salary structure and common man has only rupees 300 per day income!!!!!

We welcoming all polished decision but need to increase our rupee value at top of the world level firstly... Still India and it's currency at strange level... Not need to focus on IMF or else points of view but making safe inner consumer and durable items cost lower level is necessary exclusive for managing better and serve people political politely way... isn't so???

We aren't facing is not possible but people are welcoming such great leadership decision hence he needs to maintain transportation cost of value whatever are increasing by always or without petroleum products hikes...

Excluding population few price hikes still not acceptable...mind it well...

Sometimes without opposition party local people can also making big or better movement in changing national criteria policies... And present-day MOBILE with INTERNET is master blaster electrical gazette...

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Political logo

I see the style of Kundalini yantra photo but when Indian woman making tavaa roti or puree or chopda or bhakhree, she made or put it that in same style cluster in kathrot or steel plate to furnish people food... and Indian PM and his party's BJP logo is same...lotus... Think Wise about the bad or good thoughts coming to micro interior home of India...

While blessings our hand mostly going up side or put on other head which is Congress logo...

Same aadmi party logo is zadu as used by people for Cleaning home...

Making India always better is already decided by paraa tatwa...

Jigar Mehta / jaigishya

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Osho's Raman

The true sentence is written in photo but the way of understand is mostly different as per my concern... See at only in one life you can't manage your thoughts as per your surroundings I must focus personally on two greatest personalities one is agree Raman maharshi and other one is agree Osho...

Simple way thinking of mine are

Shree Raman got the awastha like dead person several times while his spiritual life ... I am not sure but about three or four times he got that awastha and not for few times but few days and maximum was about three days or four days in a cave... His body was like object or can say JAD tatva like ... and Atma was in brahmans or can say jointed with the universal urja tatwa... Or with cosmic relativity and without pran tatwa he felt the biggest things whatever, he gave us his knowledge several times as his without pran tatwa body was for our day calculation only three days but in spiritual way it was about More than so many years...

The same episode fine with said baba also...
The other way thinking Gayatri's founder shree Ram Prasad Sharma also given the book or written so many books having knowledge of 750 yeas I read at once in book or his own life...

But when these all matters we think must have knowledge about the word UM several times right now English speaking person telling while speaking news, report, etcetera...

The Osho was given message that about singing and dancing Lord of parsee's shree jar thushtra bhgwan... But that days people of some Media, or news makers counted them as different personalities kind person and even made so many rough tough comment...

Basically Osho's intend are still clear as move out your inner urja by suitable person... Not was said as make your self nudes... Because if you come out with that urja by suitable person will give you more new different paths of thinking paths way by thoughts transaction.. I specifically said for ideally man and woman couple and long married life...for singularity code but the way of podre podre people made them selves as play boy or prostitute which is wrong...

When shree Raman maharshi kind person leave his body and Atma ,same moments his own that time all surrounding vibes whatever he has different ways got journey in the universe not in the world, hence if that kind small vibes even touched you, you can make miracle in not only your but the all people who related to the your self physically and mind they read you without your concern that I know personally...

Here I few things avoiding to write as needed earning since long but can't get proper .......

Any way...
Jay gurudev duttatreya

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 14 September 2019

I as friend of KHAN

I believe this person is telling Truth. My question is ... When these all happened, he was the leader of opposition party, he never asked about raising his voice against the same at the earliest moments. Now he is bluntly saying about mujahideen, training, USA... My point of view is clear, whatever office's people are saying, always not Truth. Believe in your self. Search few things by own way. is Russia's world's best as like BBC, NHK, CNN... But the thought need to producing front of his own country's people too... Necessary is making and getting confidence in our own state or nation or native...if not or failure, need to maintain our home safe from any financial crisis by reserve money...
I have an example of my changed higher secondary standard school... After 10th standard results, due to non availability of higher education classes need to change school and Ahmedabad based Ms A G High School is my 11th and 12th standard school.. those days very fugitive news shared by other for the school as it is very bad culture, teacher's are not proper, pupils are crazy, not sure about study culture for getting board's rank... etcetera... Though these all opposite side of way, I got admission by my father's personally reference to direct principal approach. Then I got two short term long big friends one is Rasul and other one is Pranav...
Then I got successful life and mind set up after few years.
Need to maintain and manage our self is hard when no other talking with you...or most of way hearing bad words about self...
Do not make noise pollution in other ears.
Worries are acceptable but words are precious at such moments, used them as desert's water..
Specially when you are at top of the leader of such country. Even need to stop self act like cartoon character...
These discussions writen for the Pakistani pm interview to news channel Link given below and his words ...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 12 September 2019


If 56 million Indians having internet smart phone facilities than other has money for country’s own clothes products like KHADI…

Government not taking proposal for smooth price factor in same KHADI markets…as so many variables and variously variation available in there even with medical, readymade clothes, only clothes with range of products in cotton, blanket and other house hold material.

There are not only KHADI but kathee too for several home made products…

Recently the price for few KHADI clothes are

Half sliv shirt about 500/- RS

Full sliv shirt about 625/- RS

Zabbha with range start 600/-

Blanket start range from 380/-

Shetranji start range from 400/-

Moreover I came to know that discount method too…

Example vise if you at staying in Gujarat and the KHADI made in Gujarat available in store than you will get more than 20% discount on any material…

As 2nd October is very precious day for special discount day…


Government need to make rules for wearing KHADI as school uniform…

In Gujarat previously sheth shri C N Vidyalaya school has the same rules… recently I have not information about same…

Topic is good….

Jay gurudev duttatreya

कुछ तो भगवान से बढ़कर है।
ऐसेही जवान जान नही गंवाते किसीभी देशके।
जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय।
छात्र देवो भव:।

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Wednesday 11 September 2019

ONAM ओणम

मिले सुर मेरा तुम्हारा,
हर वनस्पति खिले अवनिका हमारा।
शुभकामनाएं ओणम की...

The ONAM festival are for trees and it's ark of fruits mixing in sambhar and rasam...for getting strength for body's immune system by the slogan of sanskrut...

वनस्पतियै वृक्षोथ बिल्व:, रसौ वै स: अर्क क्षेत्रे।

Familiar and famous for elephants and trikakra temple of mahabali asura...

ONAM is festival of ten days and each days has special name



Chodi for clothes


Anihram or Anirham, boats game famous, know as halakali






Maybe my wording are wrong...if you want to make my self perfect, please help me for making enlightening other too by replying...I must change for focus on right things...

Here given photo of food of festival

Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Children and Zen or Sufi or brahmi sthiti

Consider the Zen spot on different way,which is alphabet of Gujarati language Ji and the thinking on second portion of inner self... Sushupt Mann if activate than how we getting Buddhism's dwitiya shunya (second zero) ancient history mostly human live more than 100 years... And the film plot Mr nobody.. along with inception are good
Well morning...each and everyone, who are SAJEEV, they can make positive changes in their own thoughts several times.. and as per Agni puran ekakshar Josh "Ji" means there are must wish ...
Atikraman seen in all children after few she
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Sunday 8 September 2019

Why failure of India's Vikram's Pragyan, Chandrayaan

Why failure of India's Vikram's Pragyan, Chandrayaan?
Why not getting successful landing is big question but I have an idea about same which is mostly orthodox, but my concern think on way it's right...
Scientist are saying about engine or machine failure but I dining that and give opinion different way as under...
We all know moon has only sixth part of Earth's  gravity force...
Till today mostly three countries done landing on other side of the moon but not south pole or north pole of moon, it is bigger matter than other way...
Maybe south pole has it's own magnetic field and henceforth the Vikram lander getting different field attracting mode though the engine and machine giving supporting the Lander ...
And the distance is only on 2.1 kilometers from sky the same robot getting imbalanced mode... and got break down...
This thing is need to understand different way of Earth's different places different gravity structure of few odd places and the latest news of pole is constantly changing of our Earth's to Russia sides with 55 km per year way...
Here is producing the link to refer the news about pole changing... help better way to get understanding...
Here I producing reference article of pole changing of Earth...
Now the few places of Earth's are having different gravity force Link are here under for understanding of oter kind Field attraction of moon's south pole...
Five place of Earth's where gravity are different... though it is not even pole matter...see the above link video...
According to the scientist points of view are Why landing is focus on Moon's South Pole?

The South Pole of the Moon remains shrouded in mystery. According to the scientists there is a possibility of the presence of water in the permanently shadowed areas around it. It is also said that the surface area at the South Pole of the Moon remains in shadow which is much larger than that of its North Pole and so the presence of water and minerals is expected.
According to ISRO, the South Pole region of Moon has craters that are cold traps and contain a fossil record of the early Solar System. Since billions of years, the craters of the moon's South Pole have been untouched by sunlight which has a record of undisturbed solar system's origin. It is estimated that the shadowed craters may hold nearly 100 million tons of water. In fact its regolith has traces of hydrogen, ammonia, methane, sodium, mercury and silver which make it an untapped source of essential resources. According to ISRO, its elemental and positional advantages make it suitable pit stop for future space exploration.
further details read under Link
These details must read at once is needed to all upcoming scientist
This I mentioned my points of view of why need common plot for landing space craft fair way...

This I mentioned my points of view of why need common plot for landing space craft fair way...
When spiritual sense is on your head, no kind machine accepting your body's vibes...
The moon is one of important thing of the ocean's water's based tsunami...
India need to choose different location in next mission ofoon.
Better electing center portion of moon instead of any pole of moon...
Pragyan Maybe heat of gas & the gravity mode do not control the speed of Vikram. But internal component would be needed few times more for restart the system. We have to wait till morning as instructions.
It's needed for all.
Hoping better and the Best.
Let us ready "Rebooting" ...
Moon is the universally earth related sub planet moving surrounding to the main planet.
It's main work is accepting all negativities & saving Earth from asteroid too.
I learned from school.
Still the other side of moon is mysterious for all world.
Now Vikram will help Earth too...
Here I must put sincerest word... I respect Islam and beej mantra of Hinduism.

I personally hope my Param sat tatva is not hesitate by any way, if we put robot on moon

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Friday 6 September 2019

Vikram of moon

Moon is the universally earth related sub planet moving surrounding to the main planet.
I learned from school.
Still the other side of moon is mysterious for all world.
Now Vikram will help Earth too,
Moon's main work is accepting all negativities & saving Earth from asteroid too.
I respect Islam and beej mantra of Hinduism.
Param sat tatva is not hesitate by any way, if we put robot on moon.
Hopping better Than Best
Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya

लिपिड टेस्ट

आदमी कब अच्छा और कब बुरा?

जब समजकर बोले और सामने वाले के फायदेमें तो अच्छा वरना बुरा।

पशु पक्षी कई तरहसे अच्छे ही है।

अगर बोली को समजाओगे तो तुम्हारी ही बोली लगेगी।

कलम को पकड़ने वाली उंगली सुदर्शन भी फिरा सकती थी।

तराशा हुआ पत्थर भगवान कहलाता है, फिलहाल कई रफ & टफ पत्थर, पर्वत की चोटी से, भूस्खलन और बारिश की वजहसे भारतीय जमीन पर आये है।

उनको सादर प्रणाम।

मर्केलजी को भी शुक्रिया की उन्होंने पुराने जमानेकी चोरी गई भगवान की मूर्तियां भारत को सौंपी।

भारत का नया लिपिड टेस्ट कुछ हकारात्मकही है।

पुस्तकालय अच्छा है, लेकिन गुजरात में मैंने जिला स्तर के पुस्तकालय में देखा कि केवल पुरानी पुस्तकें शेल्फ में हैं।

पुरानी किताबों की पुनर्खरीद के बजाय, नए लेखकों की नई किताबें खरीदने की जरूरत है क्योंकि बहुत सारे नए विचार पुराने, आध्यात्मिक नोंध के साथ-साथ कागज पर भी आए हैं।

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 5 September 2019

Indian currency coin for cycle wheel air

Don't you think so about coin matter?
If government not producing steel coin with special non corrupt material, than how the students, who are using cycle for school or else, will pay to the garage man???
After all one rupee coin for one wheel air pressure... so at least two rupees coin needed..
Though Indian facing manipulation of coin matter heavy...
Well we must think positive on said subject is necessary
Since long only steel (iron maximum) we are using coin in India at various places without hesitation... isn't so true???
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Why trade war done

China devaluated it's Yuan in 2015 for maintain future pricing for good quality products.

Hence till end of 2019, not getting product Price hikes.

Maintaining ratio in balance, present days reducing pressure of currency like strong dollars, needs to make Hugh tax duty on China by USA for balance market needs but people consider same as trade war...

Few people always avoid promotion, as Changed office places is so far from home or maybe avoid few more expensive accomodations of rent, food, transportation...etc...

China made the same for maintain inner set-up of infrastructure....

Hope is always good for India and Indian as straight way policies...ban merging is really good move but need to focus attracting people by increase fixed deposit rate which are still very lower due to few corrupted people... Now thinking better than merging made big capital volume of reserve fund...of national bank....

Jay gurudev duttatreya

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya


Pronounced as spanish/French
સંસ્કૃત માતૃકા મુજબ અક્ષર કોષ વિસ્તરણ સંધિ
ત ઈ ચ ર
છૂટો પડેલ ઈચ્છા વાળો (તો પણ) ક્યાંક જોડાયેલો કે જેની પાસે "ર" આયામ નું અવસ્થા શરીર હોય
animal or bird or human
But human is the pick point level which comes after so many year

આવું જ "શિક્ષક" માટે
શ ઈ ક્(ખોડો) અશ ક

ઈચ્છા વાળો, વાળી, વાળુ કંઈ પણ કે જેને કોઈનો ...
અંશ નહિ અશ (તેના પર કોઈ સવાર નથી તેવો કહી શકાય) એવો અડધો "ક"
કોઈના માંથી છૂટો પડેલ કોઈ અર્ક ના અનુસંધાન માં
પણ તો પણ કોઈ ચોક્કસ યજન થકી સારપ શોધતો મનુષ્ય


જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય