Friday 20 September 2019

Missing birds report's little evaluation

Today I hear odd news for missing birds, about 2.9 billion!!!!
Here I producing the news Link
Previously few months back a bollywood movie staring Akshay Kumar, Rajnikant and many more are in all are mentioned this subject very decently... And film name is "2.0" ...
Better to mentioned Few points of that film, read it from Wikipedia Link as my subject is little different from there... Film 2.0 Wikipedia Link...
See subject is in film is about if mentioned by me in a line than so as the mind's of birds are refusing to decide where to move due to the mobile waves of special and specifically megnetick kind force, birds are dying due to that as without the side knowledge how could they reached at home?
As per veda's knowledge, birds have the urja, which is coming from sky based things. Animals have the urja from the earth side what ever comes from even part within human...
The waves are very odd for a routine life seeker like all birds... Waves of mobile are damaging their mind parts  cells or can say in Gujarati cheta kosh...or nerve cells by mobile waves and are destroying their mind cells for recollect the side knowledge what ever comes from North or South Pole waves of Earth's...
... Henceforth Example...
If the north pole side field not get back by them as per routine as previously they can not decide where to go with directions of the sides or wind as they are moving far and far journey for per my personal knowledge birds have better knowledge about side directions if compared with human and animal ...
Special Note
If you remember the Fukushima nuclear blast in ocean inner side of portion, somany tortoises or turtles and ocean's animals were refused to move their own way and reached at those places where they're Never reached before... I have once news about same... presently not got link from Google but matter is 100% right...
Here i produce the link how the turtles are reaching their home from several different places...
Today we are going to know about the pole changing theory as well India facing big losses of Chandrayaan's south pole landing...
Per year 55km speed up the pole is coming to Siberia side...
Little things is missing but more importantis focus on saving Earth as well as animals, birds insects and than last human who are wise thinking on said subject...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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