Wednesday 25 September 2019

Global Goal Keeper round colours momentous

Global Goal keeper award's matter for everyone on such way performing duties for humanity...

Whatever colour you have in your hands or hold by safely but after few time the biggest sun star showing its in dark and light shades. Than you have just only good memories for clean your mind, and that small memory only needs for doing great things forever on Earth wherever you are ...and that is Trishashti shalaakaa purush charitra... 

Even more that's depends on your own mind and it's memory power as how much sharp maintaining by your self along with your own aura...see even camera eyes has also different sharpen focus lenses... 

Little odd but true sentence read carefully...

"When the situation is impossible, change the state of mind. Everything in life will change automatically..."

Sometimes I did it but still somehow getting anger on piruz arizbhai khambhata...
Happy moments

Jay Hind

Jay shree rang avadhoot
Jay gurudev dattatreya
Jay gurudev duttatreya

Jigar Mehta  /Jaigishya

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