Monday 28 October 2019

२०७६ पूर्वानुभवित संख्या

युगज्योतिर्मानित आदित्य पिंगलाम वर्ण: च मुख्य क्वांटम क्षेत्रे लोहित रंग धारयति नीलाकाश क्षेत्रे। प्रभाते अवनि केसरी रंगस्य च वृक्षस्य सम्पति हरा रँगे दर्शयामि। अस्य मन: मुग्ध अवस्था प्राप्ति स्थान जम्बूद्विपे। मूल रँगस्य द्वितीय अवस्था त्रिरंग प्राप्यति पृथ्विस्य सप्तखंडे अविरत। विक्रमादित्य प्रारम्भित सम्वत एतद दिवसे २०७६ वर्षाए भानु उदय सहित द्रश्यामि मामका चक्षुए।

नूतन वर्ष शुभकामनाएं।
जय गुरुदेव दत्त
जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य

Saturday 26 October 2019

दाम्पत्य दशा और देश

किसीभी देश की उन्नति का स्त्रोत नए हकरात्मक विचार का प्रादुर्भावित चलाय मान स्थिति का परम स्वरूप का सचोट निष्कर्षका फल होता है।
विचार नावीन्य का उत्पन्न होना पढ़ाई से, किसी भी नई बात को नए सिरे से सोचने के बाद लिखने पर किसी ओर के पढ़ने से होता है।
उसमे अगर नए जोड़े के लग्न के विस्तार स्वरूप में हकरात्मक सोच आये तो अच्छे विचारों से उन्नत होती नई पीढ़ी की तासीर बखूबी सुंदर होगी ही होगी।
दाम्पत्य जितना खुश होगा, देश उतना सुदृढ़ हॉगा। क्योकि पढ़ी हुई हेतुलक्षी प्रजा का कार्यभार सुनिश्चित रूप से व्यवस्थित अपनी व्यवस्था अपना लेने की स्थितिमे तैयार होगा।
दाम्पत्य में महत्तम अलग सोच यातो बेडरूम से या फिर स्वाभिमान से होती है। बेडरूम में शारीरिक संतोष का कम होना या तो स्वभिमान में मगरूरी से किसीको अक्कल होते हुए भी नीचा दिखाने से होने वाली गलत बात को प्रेम से जोड़ने की चेष्टा करने वाले मेरे दिमाग ने कई तरह के गम झेले है, फिर मैं यह लिखने से समाज के नए दाम्पत्य युग्म द्वारा देशोन्नति की बात सोच रहा हु।
जो कतई गलत नही है।
अगर थोड़ा मन मोटाव हो पर बिछड़ने की बात सोचे बिना आगे की सोच अच्छी रखोगे तो नई पीढिभी शायद मातापिता के बारे में अच्छा  जानकर अभिमान न रखकर अपने बच्चों को एकजुट रहने की हीदायत दे सके।
जहा तक रुपये पेसो का सवाल है, भले ही एक रोटी हो, पर प्रेम है तो 10 के बरोबर रहेगी। महेनत करना अच्छा है पर संविधानिक तौर पर शरीर पांच महाभूत अवस्था मे होना चाहिए। जुड़ा हुआ मन यद्यपि चाहे तो कई लोगों का अच्छा कर सकता है।
सुखी सफल दाम्पत्य जीवन देशोत्कर्ष शत प्रतिशत कर सकता है।
जिगर महेता / जैगीष्य
जय गुरुदेव दत्तात्रेय

Sunday 20 October 2019

Feelings on daughter's birthdate

So many wishes came from friends and relatives but being a father I can put only my efforts like as photo.
Dwija is my daughter and today her birthday.
So many gifts came to her, so many people are mate her, so many cousins gathering at party places...
I can't do anything, just used brain and made best out of waste...
I really appreciate her mind power and concerned, consent, concept level as she certainly heared or feel words effects as father is not earning.
Few years back one person selfish nature bound me to few Orthodox culturebut it is all our ancient history culture but not with society status.
I paid lot against that.
Anyway ... Birthday celebration style must be unique and I tried level best to do so for my daughter.
One useless embossed words of Happy Birthday and warm fofa's peanut are giving royal touch of my poverty kind history in plates.
Feelings are different but situation are on same moments very odd. I got glaucoma in my eyes several times when thinking on these words.

Without death of self how could you earned swarg means heaven? is not question but on or after death of father, without earning money, earning lot of good karma by father's property is big question.Yesterday my mother in law said me that BPL. I agreed with her spoken  words on my special event
Jay Gurudev Dutt
Nothing to do with words but evening effects are really odds from all unknown friends...
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya
Jay Hind

Dwija... Daddy really loves you...
Thinking on the word SANSKAAR!!

Friday 11 October 2019

Pegoda and gol Gumbaj and 14 lokas

11th October 2019

Learn to say "HOW"

Chinese pagoda and temple or mosque gumbaj are most not equivalent to other but coins both sides in different ways spiritual senses....

Pegoda means tall tower with several levels, each of which has its own roof having curve from corner reversely.

Hear me considered the photograph of pagoda but the main main part of our hinduism's seven lokas theory is also should be mentioned here but I refuse to write here as such that should not be verify in written but somehow you should get curiosity about to know after reading this blog how it is possible??? 

We Indian people mostly what we can say about temple or mosque or religious place is mostly covered by the gol gumbaz outer circles on the top of temple or mosque but when you go inside you can see that heavy big inner curve

Hinduism people know that as garbh gruh...

We know gumbaj mostly and certainly but we forget the main architecture of temple making sense of old original sentences of Veda

I certainly right on such my belief but I already written few blogs on garba, garbh dip dance of Gujarat, Assamese dance ,hands culture of Buddhist and culture of panoti set upon at Hanuman leg at cetera...

In human kind nature mostly we're always preferable self for savings new child or sajeev which will get the human body and and as the good theory of mind satvik mastishk...

My father was certainly said for good kind of nature and good  social work  and words are

Phool Nahi ne phool ne pankhdi
Not the whole flower but only a leaf of flower

The exact meaning of that sentence is ... as per my condition and strength, I put my efforts in good social work, which is related to human kind for the world or universe...

Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya
Jay gurudev Dattatreya
Jay hind

Wednesday 9 October 2019

pH of medicines with expiry date and prices

pH of medicine ingredients and expiry date of medicine product batch is good subject.

But consideration of far difference of  costing of same products with different brands are need to understand better or having knowledge of that little things are important...

Recent days in India, generics products and branded products of medicines are very uncommon issues, if related to costing and saling factors. As now including medicine shopes there are online saling also available in India...

Issues on percentage discount is also heavier if we see depths base of case...

Branded products which has long expiry and the ingredients are if on quality based material, has very teencher price hike if compared with other generics products.

Generic products which has short expiry with different grade material are having lower cost of products.

These all things happening in several medicine based pharmaceutical companies... As and if only eyes watching on such issues, you can feel or see that as when so many goods return with short expiry date by wholesalers or dealers, the ownership management decisions should be focusing on profit based things. Henceforththey mixed-up the return goods with little new material and get little heavier volume by new batches... and making new compititive running pH for drug inspection checking purpose and sales done again by that mixture ...

Little example... 
ABC ltd company making branded product OOO, with new material and freshly ingredients the pH of products is best and expiry fixed by quality control department for five Years of period...

Due to heavier sale, product dump at wholesalers godown, somehow sales not done but expiry come near .... Just pending 9 or 12 months for expiry... 


The company making servey and collect all products from market... Making mixture of all products and add with little newer products ... So volume done again for saling products... 


Now the action taken by quality control department and adjust the pH factors for food and drug inspection ...

With short expiry ...

Means previously  the produts which has five years expiry, now getting only three years and sales possible with generic market...with different name of brand... 

This is probably in Ideal situation writing here...

pH Means

measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a fluid or drugs... 

The pH may range from 0 to 14, 

Where 0 is most acid, 

14 most basic, 

and 7 is neutral. 

Mathematically, the pH is the logarithm (to the base 10) of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration, [H ].

We never decided the expiry on bases of batch number of products...

For every disease there are such specific pH control mode in tablet or capsules or injection or intravenous fluids for reducing diseases effect... that is either acidic or basic or neutral mode...

Pharma company doing great jobs for human culture but somehow the costing factor and related profits should be e not underestimate by them Somehow ...

Sometimes if the new mixture content with old and new getting not proper pH on alkaline bases and it's availability in in market and the the patient taken the same ..... maybe there are different kind of symptoms achieved by the hospitals or doctor... And sometimes when hard to decorate on proper way for doctors...

The costing factor either lower or higher is most auspicious and appreciate thing but company definitely getting their benefit they are not reducing the cost of products which pH remaintained by them... 

It's a bad truth of any up coming company... We can see retail shops value is quite different from the online sale products or or other generic products costing....

See here I produce the photo of paracetamol same companies products with different range of price
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya
Jay gurudev dattatreya
Jay Hind

Monday 7 October 2019

NATH sampraday and Saabari Vidya

NATH sampraday and Shabri Vidya, must see Link video for more focus knowledge for said or written matter...

Only few content not as blog

Nath means 

न अथ

We are not saying here अथ श्री _mahabharat_ कथा

As per sanskrut ekakshar kosh it's meaning is 

Our own a (singl one) with steady true sense of till time.

Or we can say for such Truth the Buddhist are gethering self and say sngham but from the sangh if one of them getting ATI kram and if getting other new spiritual knowledge just like as yagyavalkya rushi, he can establishing shaklayan new branch means face's new as or With new knowledge...

In rough sense of humor we can say the new begining of RAWANA's ten Head... And from one of our surroundings, who can get the matrix film part one climex style entry know as RAM...

Little odd but Truth is this ...

महाााा dattatreya, please accept my pranaam...
Jay Hind

रहने को घर नहीं, सारा झाकिरी जहां हमारा

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Saturday 5 October 2019

Audit and Auditor

Personal experience...

We mostly know about the working function of CA and CS... But today see the job function of company's auditor, who is not from CA's office...

Mostly for account department charter accountant has auditor but for maintaining the whole work of department of company's need one common auditor..

When I was worked for private company they're a huge but little table and chair for auditor post. Though he was not CA but each department's work and employees was checked by himself without notice, probably as per experience level... 

That we can say in sentence as 
"Jack of all Master in non"
There are no need for any specialized experience task force for saving companies money. Just need to obey established rules and regulations after experience...

If employer and employee refused to maintain register required by government's norms, he can tell the new staff for same and saving panulty of company from sales tax, excise department, labour department and many more to related with corporate office unit's legalized department...

Mostly company making appointments new personnel for saving salary and budget after specific time period, as and if the need of sale volume not touched the required things. Or we can say that if sales ratio is not reached at needed percentage of the expenses. 

That moment if newly joined personnel are not in aware of company's traditional criteria or not knowing what needs established by old employees for smooth running for and from governments documents and documentation...or legalized and if person are new, who is appointed are experienced but unknown from present companies senario ... That time the local auditor needed for giving better functional criteria of office work..

As per my wife mostly corporate sector need employees in March or April or May as the same is increment period and if old company not giving increase salary, person need to change job...

Well same time is also financial return period too... if the Auditor want to help new employee, he can but if want to make impeachment the new higher level of employees can do too... By his audit authority... If the appointment is not suitable... These discussions are on ideal model...

Auditor can make inner audit better way for smooth function of the organization. I observed that due to the heavy working load if employees are not cleared his task than the audit person making strictly hard steps for compiling and achieving work as per needed but if employer need to remove the employees, he also can get help of audit section... 

Audit and Auditor is the most helpful to the organization and maintain narrow expensive mode for branch office too...

Example of US impeachment of president!!!???

See, he (turrr ram Pam Pam ) worked as per businessman and give his nation strong building wall, but avoided weapon business, oppose other nations nuclear task work, maintain hard visa policies for outer person, making heavy tax duties for maintaining inner market, maintain charcoal industries factories avoid or remove his nation from EU committee, Maintaining job ratio of his USA people by hard visa policies...

These all done but the audit and Auditor may making better report of his work and producing front of parliament, impeachment can avoid by nation in house... 

A country which has good economic power can avoid impeachment is good for there people. Other nations are ready to make news by deactivate agencies, but national pride id is making or put faith in their leader for saving national secret details.

Still I remembering my senior auditor name and his instructions once given me...
Not to do as per directed, but straight way...
Sometimes I cried, as since long, self is not in any office related work criteria. But still obeying his words... For my country India by writing things several times in either blog or note or tweet or Facebook...

JAY Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Thursday 3 October 2019

If businessman make himself a leader of nation

Few days back I read news that one Indian company making debt free company within few years... it's name is Reliance LTD

My concern is that about such personality who is running nation as leader but before that he is a businessman...

Businessman taking spot decision on top priority base mode if necessary but while running nation, person can not taking few decision on spot so many opposition parties are there for asking or arising question on such little matter... either there are sarmukhatyarshai or lokshahi....

Even private company can stop it's non profit sector by at a time decision... But any government can't do that so... isn't it???

Sometimes government employees and ministry personnel himself unknown from its own project work or what progress making project should be tuned in run way or how making profit on dumbed project as the guide line of such legislation avoid to make hard decision on said matter on spot time...

Here I can producing sample of authority, how they act on such few odd condition...if private company making or facing these types of competition, they are definitely taking hard steps instant way on spot time, but any Nation's government if doing, somany consiquncies done automatically...

USA has big volume of economic power but heavy sense with many countries cultural and market stuff...

At such moments if other up coming country put or making devalution of its currency in international market and if other big economic country denying or refused to focus on that but if making wait and watch situation, than benefit should be taken by the country for little while long term which is devalution is granted by for little time that makes other market ratio Hugh and higher and same happened in between USA and China... 

See or read the Link and it's graph...

2015 devalution of Chinese Yuan approves internationally but after few years when only Chinese products are looking in range of price with very economic mode and other countries market products sales ratio are going down ... Same time national economic gernalist people awakening national leader, henceforth making hardcore decision on tax duties part for coverage of losses of store department as heavy products dumped in godown with no price change or heavy price as per present terms and conditions of market strategy...

Private company are denying the debt matter is not common thing, when it has heavy market share at many nations... and it's own profit loss level direct touched the national economic power...

Leader has speeches but the powerful command on financial saving is more important, at such level not only businessman but finance person if forgot to noted down important back off of other companies, which is creating a Dom factor or a water in desert is harmful and need to recognize that is essential....

In India so many nationalised bank facing very much controversy on Debt part but will recompile again...I have faith...

Well my concern is only that, my country should be got lower debt for its own new generation or whatever new child born in my country, should be debt free...

India is my country and I am proud on my country...

Jay Hind

Jay gurudev duttatreya

Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya

Khadi, an Indian thought

With spact or without spact but we can watching Still mistakes for khadee promotional activities by government.

The white top or kurta Chinese color which was available in 340/- RS before 15 days with 10 to 15% discount there means kamdhenu khadi bhandar, panjarapole, near sahajanand collage, polytechnic road, Ahmedabad...

... but ...

now on 2nd October Gandhi jayanti and Lal bahadur shastree janmadin jayanti, special discount 25% giving to us on cost is 400/- RS. For same material !!!!????

Basically I confirmed on my confusion at same moments, wether I have to put question mark or surprise symbol

... I have proof of same...and made a blog previously, but same time Think on good heavy material but today discussed only on starting range of khadee...if suitable please read the Link given below

What benefits of common people?

Who will inspire by khadee?

we should say JAY Hind, but it's definitely different from Vande Mataram...

in Hindi language

"देश के प्रति निष्ठा सभी निष्ठाओं से पहले आती है।और यह पूर्ण निष्ठा है क्योंकि इस में कोई प्रतीक्षा नहीं कर सकता की बदले मे उसे क्या मिलता है ।"
श्री लाल बहादुर शास्त्री

belongs to veda's theory...
Jay gurudev duttatreya
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

Tuesday 1 October 2019

હે દ્વિજ

કોઈ એક ક્ષણ તમને હતપ્રભ કરી શકે છે
સમાચાર બનાવતા અને બનાવનાર કરતા બતાવતા લોકોનું મગજ પણ લોક જાગૃતિ માટે સાચવવું રહ્યું.
મહદઅંશે હાલમાં સમાચાર ની પરિભાષા ખાનગી ચેનલવાળા જાહેરાતથી રૂપિયા કમાવામાં ઘણું કરીને માત્ર સમાંતર સમાચાર જ ચલાવતા હોય છે.
સમજ જ સમાજને સમજણ આપે.
ચિત્ર થી સમજો.
મિત્રો જો દૂર હોય તો પણ સૌનું સારું ઈચ્છી જ શકે છે. સ્વાનુભવ છે. મને જાત પર વિશ્વાસ છે, તો ને તો જ, જે તે સમયે ચોક્કસ વ્યક્તિને "મિત્ર" શબ્દથી નવાજ્યા છે. મજબૂતીનો પાયો વિચારથી છે. કોઈ ની એક ગુસ્સાની હરકત થઈ કે પછી અલગ શબ્દોથી ભરમવાની જરૂર નથી.
જ્યાં સુધી વેપાર વાણિજ્ય ની વાત છે માત્ર નીતિનિયમો નું ચુસ્ત પણું સામાજિક ઉત્ક્રાંતિ લાવીજ શકે. માત્ર આપનો નિવેશ સુંદર હોવો જોઈએ.
જય ગુરુદેવ દત્તાત્રેય
જીગર મહેતા / જૈગીષ્ય

Naat to Naad to Naath

What necessary arrived or done for established or arranging NATH sampraday for society?

Hard question but as per veda's theory, rushi doing his karma for Rashtriya Chetna or Jan jagruti for civilian.

Better to say saving them from kind of black magic or aliens or predator by Yagna.

I certainly know the word from mufat oja writer and author of the book "Sharipu"...

It mentioned that king whatever or whoever is doing so kind of frustration on women in his redroom by intercourse by very rough way.

Saving ladies own dignity on such way by man itself or himself need to necessary providing hall for the lusty person.

Uniquely the aghories are always you can see in couple mode why the kumbh Mela bathing kriyavidhi or aGhori if available as shishya of other senior person. Thus the couple of aghori making specific doing or knowing for educating self from such para and apara Vidya that's called as a good aghor Vidya and meanwhile that all kind of indriya or Kundalini accumulating in one person penis.... or kind of other thing as Vrushan...I don't know English name of that thing is exactly down of the penis in couple same size.

This para and apara aur kshar and akshar Vidya giving us very very unique personalities like shrimad rajchandra, swami Vivekananda, samarth swami ramdas, swami sachidanand, pramukh swami, want gnaneshwar, shree rang avadhoot and many more as we knowing but not to write as we can understand the meaning...

What is the meaning of nath
what is the meaning of sampraday

Means someone's steady or stronger beliefs on his or her or children's words or such words or personalities...
Example wise
"My name is jigar and I am an Indian."

In past Mr modi pm India unknown to me.
And still he I unknown to himself.
But I know his neighbor and his neighbor knowing him as Both are from same village. Now when unknown person put such faith on such unknown person words, and his knowing person giving proof of such said words... That time the person who put faith in unknown person is we can say NATH of him...this way the Truth flame is getting pick of his own height... That's called enlightening people... That's the way open for other truth seekers... for giving present days exact right time positive position of Earth's progress... Other way we can consider as saving environment...

Few words are important to me...
Naat mean cast
Naad mean voice
Naath mean specifically true on such things or sentence since long time
Dhan mean the Truth flame's light reaching to your mind for saving humans and Earth's environment...

Jay gurudev duttatreya

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya