Wednesday 9 October 2019

pH of medicines with expiry date and prices

pH of medicine ingredients and expiry date of medicine product batch is good subject.

But consideration of far difference of  costing of same products with different brands are need to understand better or having knowledge of that little things are important...

Recent days in India, generics products and branded products of medicines are very uncommon issues, if related to costing and saling factors. As now including medicine shopes there are online saling also available in India...

Issues on percentage discount is also heavier if we see depths base of case...

Branded products which has long expiry and the ingredients are if on quality based material, has very teencher price hike if compared with other generics products.

Generic products which has short expiry with different grade material are having lower cost of products.

These all things happening in several medicine based pharmaceutical companies... As and if only eyes watching on such issues, you can feel or see that as when so many goods return with short expiry date by wholesalers or dealers, the ownership management decisions should be focusing on profit based things. Henceforththey mixed-up the return goods with little new material and get little heavier volume by new batches... and making new compititive running pH for drug inspection checking purpose and sales done again by that mixture ...

Little example... 
ABC ltd company making branded product OOO, with new material and freshly ingredients the pH of products is best and expiry fixed by quality control department for five Years of period...

Due to heavier sale, product dump at wholesalers godown, somehow sales not done but expiry come near .... Just pending 9 or 12 months for expiry... 


The company making servey and collect all products from market... Making mixture of all products and add with little newer products ... So volume done again for saling products... 


Now the action taken by quality control department and adjust the pH factors for food and drug inspection ...

With short expiry ...

Means previously  the produts which has five years expiry, now getting only three years and sales possible with generic market...with different name of brand... 

This is probably in Ideal situation writing here...

pH Means

measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a fluid or drugs... 

The pH may range from 0 to 14, 

Where 0 is most acid, 

14 most basic, 

and 7 is neutral. 

Mathematically, the pH is the logarithm (to the base 10) of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration, [H ].

We never decided the expiry on bases of batch number of products...

For every disease there are such specific pH control mode in tablet or capsules or injection or intravenous fluids for reducing diseases effect... that is either acidic or basic or neutral mode...

Pharma company doing great jobs for human culture but somehow the costing factor and related profits should be e not underestimate by them Somehow ...

Sometimes if the new mixture content with old and new getting not proper pH on alkaline bases and it's availability in in market and the the patient taken the same ..... maybe there are different kind of symptoms achieved by the hospitals or doctor... And sometimes when hard to decorate on proper way for doctors...

The costing factor either lower or higher is most auspicious and appreciate thing but company definitely getting their benefit they are not reducing the cost of products which pH remaintained by them... 

It's a bad truth of any up coming company... We can see retail shops value is quite different from the online sale products or or other generic products costing....

See here I produce the photo of paracetamol same companies products with different range of price
Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya
Jay gurudev dattatreya
Jay Hind

1 comment:

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