Saturday 5 October 2019

Audit and Auditor

Personal experience...

We mostly know about the working function of CA and CS... But today see the job function of company's auditor, who is not from CA's office...

Mostly for account department charter accountant has auditor but for maintaining the whole work of department of company's need one common auditor..

When I was worked for private company they're a huge but little table and chair for auditor post. Though he was not CA but each department's work and employees was checked by himself without notice, probably as per experience level... 

That we can say in sentence as 
"Jack of all Master in non"
There are no need for any specialized experience task force for saving companies money. Just need to obey established rules and regulations after experience...

If employer and employee refused to maintain register required by government's norms, he can tell the new staff for same and saving panulty of company from sales tax, excise department, labour department and many more to related with corporate office unit's legalized department...

Mostly company making appointments new personnel for saving salary and budget after specific time period, as and if the need of sale volume not touched the required things. Or we can say that if sales ratio is not reached at needed percentage of the expenses. 

That moment if newly joined personnel are not in aware of company's traditional criteria or not knowing what needs established by old employees for smooth running for and from governments documents and documentation...or legalized and if person are new, who is appointed are experienced but unknown from present companies senario ... That time the local auditor needed for giving better functional criteria of office work..

As per my wife mostly corporate sector need employees in March or April or May as the same is increment period and if old company not giving increase salary, person need to change job...

Well same time is also financial return period too... if the Auditor want to help new employee, he can but if want to make impeachment the new higher level of employees can do too... By his audit authority... If the appointment is not suitable... These discussions are on ideal model...

Auditor can make inner audit better way for smooth function of the organization. I observed that due to the heavy working load if employees are not cleared his task than the audit person making strictly hard steps for compiling and achieving work as per needed but if employer need to remove the employees, he also can get help of audit section... 

Audit and Auditor is the most helpful to the organization and maintain narrow expensive mode for branch office too...

Example of US impeachment of president!!!???

See, he (turrr ram Pam Pam ) worked as per businessman and give his nation strong building wall, but avoided weapon business, oppose other nations nuclear task work, maintain hard visa policies for outer person, making heavy tax duties for maintaining inner market, maintain charcoal industries factories avoid or remove his nation from EU committee, Maintaining job ratio of his USA people by hard visa policies...

These all done but the audit and Auditor may making better report of his work and producing front of parliament, impeachment can avoid by nation in house... 

A country which has good economic power can avoid impeachment is good for there people. Other nations are ready to make news by deactivate agencies, but national pride id is making or put faith in their leader for saving national secret details.

Still I remembering my senior auditor name and his instructions once given me...
Not to do as per directed, but straight way...
Sometimes I cried, as since long, self is not in any office related work criteria. But still obeying his words... For my country India by writing things several times in either blog or note or tweet or Facebook...

JAY Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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