Thursday 26 November 2020

Bhagwad Geeta's 91 joints

In past year 2011 there was such a legal transparency made in Russia country about bhagavad Gita as is it be so true story or true matter what kind of us that thing and legal case merge in that court here I provide the link of that video and then after provide the link of about Russian court decide that bhagavad Gita is worldwide accepted book

Link video shows that ban in Russia for bhagavad Gita

Link news copy shows that Russian court accepted that bhagavad Gita is valid...

See the other link of web newspaper cutting or Web news about same matter

See the case history on Wikipedia link given here...

There are other stories about the only photo of UFO and it's shown in Russia side only and it's image is like giving here by one of my friends painting... And it's showing that the fire are spreaded all over different places of earth...

... 25 दिसंबर, 2020 on the same day  in Hindu religious years calender margshirsh month's mokshadaa ekadashee or agiyaaras available... And as per 5157 yugaabda time year will be cleared of Shri mad bhagvad Gita Which has अविश्वसनीय रहस्य.... Geeta has cleared 5157 years...

भगवत गीता के साथ कई रहस्य सम्मिलित, उनमें से एक गीता में संख्या 9 का importance है। 

महाभारत में कुल 18 त्योहार parva हैं और गीता में भी कुल 18 हैं अध्याय है। इन दोनों का योग 9 है। 

'श्रीमद्द भगवद गीता' में कुल akshar की संख्या भी 9 है। 
गीता में भगवान भगवान कृष्ण के 108 नाम और कुल 108 सुवाक्य हैं।
"योग" शब्द गीता में ९९ बार और कुल ’801’ विषयों का वर्णन है। जिसका टोटल 9 है।
गीता में योग के लिए 54 श्लोक है। सरवाला 9
भगवद गीता में 234 विभूतियों का वर्णन है। सरवाला 9
गीता में राम, प्रहलाद, भृगु, ओर कृष्ण अर्जुन के विविध नाम को देखे तो कुल मिलाके 90 लोग के विविध नाम है।

Any difficulty please do Google or else translate captions thanks...

Ved has unique two factors.. Navagvo and Dashagvo... Means 901 or 910... Means new starting...

Today I learned that there are total 90+1=91 words are using as joint alphabets in the said book... That is a miracle point of view for Sankhya yog related Matters if understand better on the focused points...

Here I considered only two different alphabets jointly shows as like....

I will considering briefly put all alphabet details but sanskrut is unique and hard to compile by me as being Human sanskrut was not my main subject in graduation... But I did it with chamestry...

But trying hard to understand thunder energetic alphabets spiritual power of individual energy...

The unique significance and remarkable energy field attached with numbers, which were spoken in ancient Arya samaj as Shree Ank...

Or K Ka shastri notes are beautiful on same...

Photo of using joint alphabets of Geeta's adhyaay ie. Alphabet in according ways...
If we consider the first of all only that's
Dhrut Rashtra Uvach than that DHRU is 91 numbers joint cor connected alphabets ...
Thus the alphabet and words itself telling us time travel...

90 means NAVAGVO and 91 means the process would be started of decided by lord or god on specific man or woman or animal or bird or insects...

Human body has nine means Nava and gvo means hole or human body has nine holes...

Bhagavad Geeta is unique details
Lord krushna's total 40 names taken in different shloka as 76 times...

Only 11 chapter has 26 name of lord krushna...

Arjun's 20 different names taken in different shloka as 147 times...

Total Geeta has five grammar's chhand and those are
Anushtup chhand 645
Indra vajra chhand 10
Upendra vajra chhand 4
Upjati chhand 37
Viprit purva chhand 4
Total 700

Geeta has totally 29 questions...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

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