Friday 20 November 2020

US BRICS flying look

Miracle of 2020's second last month's news... 

Brazil has Amazon River but still Corona has not vaccine...

Russian President Putin's Parkinson is not major problem...

India still not having strong opposition main leadership Face...

China traders has problems with world's EXIM policies...

South Africa has still so many Tribes with safe zone... 

USA has two president in Corona Time... and tobe vice president is a lady Kamala Harrison...

England has Boris and Morison named big brand, but second lockdown at London...

It's flying look of us BRICS...

As God is Great... And old is gold...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

Jay Hind

Jigar Mehta/Jaigishya

Extra Dhinchaak Shot...
See the photo story... Or make the photo story of your imagination...
We are one
Finger tips or real DNA tips of God
Leafs steps
Groot of trees
Lamp of flowers

Krushna Pinglam

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