Thursday 12 November 2020

Hybreed Viruses and India

There were every moment on earth special places has on so called time various compititon made by nature in all different stages or factor...

Few examples

Mughal's has only policies on rulling, they did but while so many Rajputana or rajwada had music compititon and mostly baiju bawra and tansen...while Europe has science and other activities during 300 hundred years... ie 1600 to 1900... years centuries...

And not stoped by that only but making patern of products by name was also rised from that time... As name of proud of country ...

The same are giving few odds during these Corona pandemic... How, is question but few observed points...

My concern with the hybread viruses of cold and cough... There are not any pattern trademarks but nature did it very sadly and rudely... World is suffering from bird flue since 1921... and Now from 2020 as Corona effects... After a century time...

What necessary of expanding the virus in same group as more dangerous highbreeed is a question in my mind... May be other have same but I wrote it...

Indian Ayurvedic medicine has the key and capacity to remove any virus or bacteria from body from it's last unit.. or cell ...

But the limited or bounded education sources focus only on medicine facilities which comes from fishes, artificial chamicle etcetera...

See the best example...

Previously in India mostly did neem's daatan, means the liquid of the wooden stick move forward all over in mouth till the digestive system back gate and people were healthy...

Than Colgate came with carbonet bubble and broken the Idea ... now again the same Colgate company came with neem Shakti... Where we are stands??? As Indian...!!!

See the WhatsApp reference notes... language Gujarati...

દક્ષિણ આફ્રિકાની એક યુનિવર્સીટીના દરવાજા પર નીચે મુજબનો અદભૂત સંદેશ લખેલો છે. 

" જો તમે કોઇપણ રાષ્ટ્રનું અસ્તિત્વ ખતમ કરી દેવા માંગતા હોય તો અણૂબોંબ કે મીસાઇલ ફેંકવાની જરૂર નથી, પણ એ દેશના શિક્ષણની ગુણવત્તાને ખતમ કરી દો અને વિદ્યાર્થીઓને પાસ થવા માટેના ટૂંકા અને અનૈતિક રસ્તાઓનો ઉપયોગ કરતા કરી દો એટલે એ દેશ આપો આપ ખતમ થઇ જશે કારણ કે...

આવા ડોકટરોના હાથથી અનેક દર્દીઓ મોતને ભેટશે,

આવા ઇજનેરોના હાથથી બનેલા અનેક મકાનો અને પૂલો જમીનદોસ્ત થઇ જશે,

આવા અર્થશાસ્ત્રીઓ અને હીસાબનીશોના હાથથી દેશનું અર્થતંત્ર ખોખલું થઇ જશે અને નાણા વ્યવસ્થા ખોરવાઇ જશે. 

આવા ધર્મગુરુઓના હાથથી માનવતા ઉજાગર થવાને બદલે મરી પરવરશે,

આવા જજ અને વકીલોના હાથથી ન્યાયનું ગળું ટૂંપાય જશે,

"શિક્ષણનું પતન એ દેશનું પતન છે."

"Downgrading education means downgrading Nation.."

Other simple example..

Reservations was that old time matter means about 1950.. As very poor education Ratio when we got freedom... Now means at 2020 the Indian Ratio is higher in education but still reservations available...

Jay Gurudev Dattatreya

JAY Hind

Jigar Mehta / Jaigishya

See the whole hibru language covered in star...

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